The Ad Master Who Can’t Be Fooled

Views: 3

In my earlier blog post, I told you about: The “Bible” of modern advertising, Claude Hopkin’s 1923 classic, Scientific Advertising which is perhaps the greatest 100 pages of marketing wisdom ever written.  Every serious student of direct marketing has read this little book at least 3 times.  Some even read it every year.

One of the “gospel truths” Uncle Claude teaches in this amazing book is the value of testing advertisements in direct mail.  It’s because back in Claude’s day, direct mail was the ultimate task master for a marketer.  It could not be fooled.  If you knew two offers and tracked the results, you knew for sure which was better.

Hopkins gives the example of a firm selling a $5 item.  One of their ad writers created an ad where the responses cost the company 85 cents.  In other words, for every sales letter they mailed, they earned $4.15.  Another writer in the firm submitted an ad which he thought would perform better.  The responses to that ad cost $14.20.  In other words, they paid $19.20 to the one order for $5.  What would happen if they hadn’t tested and tracked the second ad?  What if they just mailed it out again and again?  They’d be bankrupt.

So, what does this have to do with your online business?  Well, in an age where:

  • Every ad
  • Every subject line
  • Every email
  • Every sales letter
  • Every click
  • Every purchase

Can be tracked hundreds of different ways online, some marketers still don’t test and track as Uncle Claude recommended.  This is why they go bankrupt.  Even worse is that they’re trying and failing at things that other marketers have already figured out through their own testing.

Russel Brunson has paid out over $50,000,000 in commissions through Click Funnels.  You don’t pay out that much money without testing and tracking until you know exactly what works.  Click Funnels is a system which is proven through hundreds of thousands of tests to pay out $1000s of commissions.

The “Bible” of modern advertising

What Einstein Taught Me About Success?

Views: 5

Did you know that Albert Einstein who basically figured out how the universe worked tried to take up Golf but gave it up because it was too complicated for him?  You might think this is a joke.  It’s not.  I’m serious here.

The story is that later in his life a colleague convinced Albert to give Golf a try.  On his first golf lesson the instructor gave him tip after tip as Albert was practising golf.  Topping off one, completely missing the next and then slicing the one after that.  His instructor, Gigi Carnivale kept hurling tips Einstein’s way: “Keep your head down, keep your back straight, bend your knees” and so on.  However, Einstein couldn’t make solid contact.  Then the scientist had more than he could take and picked up several balls and flung them at his instructor.  His instructor swatted at the balls, ducking and dodging to avoid being pummelled.

Carnivale asks: “What did you do that for?”

“Young man” Einstein began sternly, “when I throw you one ball, you catch it.  However, when I throw you four balls, you catch nothing.  So when you teach, make only one point at a time.”

Do you feel like Einstein?  If you’ve tried to achieve financial freedom by starting your own online business, you may have felt just as bewildered as Einstein by all the advice being tossed around and by all the skills you need in order to succeed including:
  • SEO
  • PPC
  • Landing Pages
  • Copywriting
  • Email Marketing
  • Ecommerce

On and on it goes.  The good news is that Russel Brunson believes in Einstein’s theory of simplicity.  “Any intelligent fool can make things more complex.”  It takes a touch of genius and a lot of courage to go the other direction.

“If you cant explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”

Russel had made it his mission to make an running an online business much simpler for the average person and not more complex.

Click Funnels is hands down the most step-by-step simple way to achieve success.

Notice, I never said it would be easy.  If you’re looking for an easy way, nobody’s going to be able to help you.  You’re dreaming.  You must have drive and ambition.  You don’t have to make it complex and confusing.  Russel and the team are proving that every day.

I think Einstein would approve of this system.

Three Simple Steps To Wealth

Views: 4

To be successful, a business must accomplish three things:

  1. Get customers to show up
  2. Sell products or services to those customers
  3. Make enough money on step #2 to afford to more of step #1

It really is that simple.  Online marketing genius, Perry Marshall calls these steps Traffic, Conversion and Economics.

  • Traffic – Obviously if you can’t get your products or services in front of people who want to buy, you’ll never get off the ground.  You must have a steady stream of qualified prospects.
  • Conversion – Obviously, you must have an offer, a “proposition”, that’s attractive enough to get those customers to pull out their credit card and buy.
  • Economics – Obviously, the price of your product must be high enough to generate enough profit to spend on generating more traffic.

The wheel keeps spinning around.  Click Funnels has conversion and economics covered for you.  Firstly, Click Funnels has a proven system for converting your traffic into sales.  All you need to do is deliver the traffic and Click Funnels closes the sales.  You don’t need to do any selling or any converting yourself.  This aspect is all done for you.

Secondly, Economics – Click Funnel’s products are high-ticket.  I’m talking about thousands of dollars.  I’m not talking about $49 e-books here.  I’m not talking about low-priced items that you have to sell thousands of just to break even.  Now, just one sale is enough to provide you with commissions of thousands of dollars.  That’s plenty of profit to pump back into driving more traffic.

Worried that you won’t be able to generate enough traffic?  Click Funnels can help with that too.  Their One Funnel Away challenge is a treasure trove of proven traffic secrets used by Click Funnel’s top producers.

Click Funnels has all the bases covered.  Traffic, Conversion and Economics.

Find out more here.

Reasons You Must Sell High-Priced Products

Views: 3

There’s many obvious reasons that selling high-priced products makes more sense than selling low-priced products including:

  • You need to make fewer sales to make more money
  • You benefit from higher margins and therefore higher profit
  • You process fewer transactions which means lower processing fees
  • You ship fewer products which means lower shipping and labor fees

There’s also a couple of bizarre reasons you may not have considered.

The first bizarre reason is that people who purchase high-priced products are far more likely to actually use those products and benefit from them.  As strange as it may seem, people who pay for a $1,000 coaching sessions are much more likely to implement that advice than they are to implement the very same advice if it comes from a $19 e-book.  People just don’t value or implement cheap advice regardless of how good it is.  The higher implementation rate of high priced products means more success stories which means more glowing testimonials and more sales for you.  It’s a profit machine.

The second bizarre reason is that people who purchase high-priced products complain less than people who purchase low priced products.  I know it sounds strange.  You’d think the more money you spend on a product, the more discerning and picky you’d be but that’s not the case.  As Tim Ferris points out in his bestseller: The 4-Hour Workweek: “Higher pricing attracts lower-maintenance customers with better credit, fewer complaints/questions, fewer returns etc.  It’s less headache.  This is HUGE.”  Price shoppers and penny pinchers are usually a pain in the backside on so many levels.

If you’re not selling high-ticket, high-profit, low-maintenance products in your business then:

Find out how you can make $1,000 – $4,000 commissions here.

Are Hedgehogs Or Rhinos More Successful Online?

Views: 6

Are you a hedgehog or a rhino?  Relationship experts often talk about two personality types.  If you’re a hedgehog, you keep your feelings bottled up.  You dislike comfort.  On the other hand, if you’re a rhino, you wear your heart on your sleeve ad you charge into arguments head down, horn first.

This blog post isn’t about improving your personal relationships.  It’s about online marketing success.  Online marketers come in “hedgehog” and “rhino personalities” too.  They both allow their personalities to get in the way of their success.

Hedgehogs seldom, if ever, take action.  They struggle with procrastination.  They’re students who never graduate.  They’re the ones that spend all their time learning and reading and watching and attending but rarely, if ever, get started.  The Rhinos, on the other hand, charge forward and implement, implement and implement.  They end up losing money and wasting time because they implement the wrong things.

If I had to choose out of these two personalities, I’d choose the rhino because they at least give it a try.  Honestly, neither personality is right.  They both have significant shortcomings.  They need the right system to help overcome these shortcomings.

So, which one are you?  If you’re a hedgehog, you need a low-risk, low-cost, proven system.  One that, with little effort, can help you build up the positive momentum that will keep you going.  You also need a system that won’t overwhelm you and cause you to fall back into the hedgehog hesitation.
Click Funnels offers a low start up fee.  This is why Click Funnels is great for hedgehogs.  If you’re a rhino, you need to be absolutely sure you’re charging in the right direction and implementing the right things.
Click Funnels’s founder, Russel Brunson, says that beginner entrepreneurs need to focus on one thing and just one thing only: getting a proven, converting offer in front of paid traffic.  That’s all Click Funnels asks you to focus on.  Click Funnel’s team focuses on everything else:
  • Creating offers for you
  • Building landing pages for you
  • Building sales pages for you
  • And everything else

That’s why Click Funnels is great for rhinos.

So, whether you’re a hedgehog or a rhino, Click Funnels will allows you to overcome these shortcomings and use your natural personality to succeed.