Making Money Gets Easier But This Never Does

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Legendary direct response copywriter, Gary Halbert, once said, “Writing does get easier.  However starting to write does not.”  What he meant was that as he matured and developed his writing chops, the actual work of writing got easier.  However, what never got easier was the starting.  This is because of:

  • Needing to overcome procrastination
  • Just sitting down at the blank page and beginning
  • Eliminating all the distractions
  • Pushing out all the voices in your head that are telling you: “You can’t do it, You’re not good enough, It’s going to be painful or you’re not ready.”

We all know about that feeling.  For you it may not be writing.  It could be something totally different.  It could be starting your online business.  The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people doesn’t have much to do with preparedness, skill, intelligence or money.  It has everything to do with action.

Successful people begin before they’re ready.  They don’t procrastinate.  They don’t wring their hands over all the things that could go wrong.  They don’t hesitate because they’re not _____ enough.  Fill in the blank:

  • Rich enough
  • Tall enough
  • Strong enough
  • Handsome enough
  • Smart enough
  • Experienced enough

Successful people know that they will never be 100% ready.  In fact, waiting until you’re 100% ready is the best way to insure you’ll never be successful.  Here’s a motto successful people live by: Ready, Fire, Aim.

Do you live by that motto?

If you think it sounds like a foolish motto, stay tuned.  I’ll tell you why “ready, fire, aim” is far more effective method of achieving your goals than “ready, aim, fire” in my next blog post.

Click here if you’re ready and want to start an online business.

Internet Marketing Success Takes Sales Chops, But Not YOURS

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What’s your most deep-seated fear?  If you’re like most human beings, it’s the fear of rejection.  Did you know that most people rank the fear of public speaking as scarier than the fear of death?  Rejection is scarier than death.  This is because way down deep in our genes we equate rejection with death.

Acceptance, belonging and approval has been key to our very survival for ages.  Getting kicked out of the group meant isolation, starvation and death.  Although we no longer forage for food at the edge of survival deep within our prehistoric hearts, we all shudder at the thought of being rejected.

This applies to most of us.  Born sales people seem to have overcome this deep all-too human fear.  We either exalt them or loathe them for it.  It depends on our experience with sales people.  The rest of us retain the primal fear of rejection.  In fact, I think it might be the one primal fear that holds more would-be entrepreneurs back than any other including:

  • “I’m just not a sales person”
  • “I couldn’t sell a cheese burger to a starving man”
  • “I don’t like it when people say no”

One response is to say: “It doesn’t matter that I’m not a born sales person, I’ll just hide behind my computer screen and make tons of cash through Internet Marketing!  It doesn’t require any face-to-face selling!  No smiling and dialling phone sales either!”  That was a good plan about 15 years ago but not any more.

This is because 15 years ago you used to be able to drive inexpensive traffic to an inexpensive website and sell inexpensive items at a fair price and reap some decent profits.  While it was never as easy as it looked, it was doable.  The big advantage was that there wasn’t much competition in a lot of markets.  The competition that there was, often wasn’t very sophisticated.  So, in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man was king.

Today, every niche has been exploited.  Big companies are spending big stupid money on traffic and driving up the cost for everyone else.  Margins have been slashed to razor-thin in most niches.  These days if you’re trying to sell inexpensive products on the web, you’re probably doomed to an “Amazon Dystopia”.  Good luck with that.

The solution is to sell high-priced, high-margin products.  Guess what it takes to sell high-priced, high-margin products?  It takes born sales people.  So, we’re back where we started.  The answer is to find a system where the high-priced, high-margin products are sold by highly-skilled sales people that work for you.  You would concentrate mostly on sending traffic.

That is how Click Funnels works.  They give you a proven system for generating leads for high-priced products.  You don’t need to get on the phone if you don’t want to.  You never have to push or cajole or prod or pressure anyone.

Click here to see the rejection-free method for achieving your internet marketing freedoms.

Without A Vision, It’s Just Work

Views: 3

I’m convinced that people who settle for a middle of the road lifestyle, do so because they do not have a clear vision for what they’d like their lifestyle to be.

I believe most people who do not work hard because they do not believe their work is leading them to anything visionary or special.

I believe people who do work hard at a job that does not get them closer to their dreams do so because they believe it’s what they’re “supposed to do”.  It’s out of a sense of obligation.

I believe the only way out of these negative work habits is to develop a clear vision of what you want your life to look like.

A single mom from Adelaide, Australia had a vision.  After raising her daughters and struggling through some tough times, she set out a clear vision for the next half of her life:

  • She wanted to work just a couple days a week
  • She wanted to travel to exotic lands
  • She wanted to be her own boss
  • She wanted support from the company she worked for like the support of a family

Using her vision as her guide, she found an online business and did really well.

Click here to watch a free video on Click Funnels and see how you can achieve your own vision.

Your Face, Your Voice And Your Online Success?

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Have you ever heard your own voice on a recording and thought: “I don’t sound like that, do I?”  When you ask your friends, they say: “Yep, that’s exactly how you sound”.  Even freakier is if you’ve ever seen yourself in a photograph and thought something wasn’t quite right, thinking: “That’s not how I look, is it?”  Once again your friends say, yep that’s you.

Here’s what’s actually happening.  You don’t hear your own voice as it sounds to others.  You hear it vibrating of the bones in your head and within the spaces of your sinuses and other cavities.  You don’t know how your own voice really sounds until you hear a recording.  You don’t see yourself as others see you.  Everyday, you look in the mirror you see a reverse image of yourself.

Now, because our faces are almost symmetrical, you don’t look that much different but you do look slightly different.  That’s why you get that slight uneasy feeling when you see yourself in photos.  You don’t know what you really look like until you see yourself in a photograph or a video.  It’s weird, right?

So, what does this have to do with your online success?  Well, I’m always amazed at how many people have strong opinions about starting their own business or making money online but have never even tried it.  If you don’t even know what your own face looks like until you’ve seen it from the proper perspective, how can you know what it’s like to run an online business before you’ve seen it from the proper perspective?  You can’t and it’s ridiculous but these know-it-alls deter so many would-be success stories with their backward thinking.

Don’t base your life choices on the advice of someone who has never left the comfortable, cosy, mediocre perspective of their boring life.  Get the real perspective.  Take a risk and try it.  You’ll never know until you do.

Here’s the best place to start.

The Danger Of Waiting Until You’re Ready

Views: 3

There’s a saying from Hugh Laurie: “It’s a terrible thing in life to wait until you’re ready.  I have this feeling now that actually no one is ever ready to do anything.  There’s only now.  And you may as well do it now.”

If you have kids, you’ll get this.  If you don’t have kids, just wait until you do.  You’ll get it then.  Have you ever heard a young couple say: “We’re not quite ready for kids now.”  If you have kids, every time you hear a young couple say that: you probably giggle a little.  You probably nod your head and try not to break out laughing.

It’s because every parent knows that you are never ready for kids.  There’s no such thing as being ready.  Until you have kids, you have no idea what it’s like to have them.  It’s one of those things that you learn as you do.  It’s one of those things that you can’t fully prepare for.

The same is true of most important things in life including marriage and starting your own business.  You’ll never be ready as Hugh Laurie said: “There is no such thing as ready.”  The only way you can know if you’re ready for kids is to ask yourself: “Am I ready to love something more than I love myself?”  If you can truthfully answer yes to that question, then you’re about as ready as you’re ever going to be.

When it comes to starting your own business, if you can truthfully answer “yes”, to this question: “Do I want something more from my life than the usual 9 to 5, cubicle bound, work for 40 years and get a gold watch existence?”  If you truly do want more and if that desire burns in your belly, then you’re as ready as you’ll ever be.

Click Funnels is the easiest, simplest, least expensive, most proven, lowest-risk method to finally stop saying: “I’ll wait until I’m ready” and get started.

It’s a terrible thing to wait until you’re ready.

Click here to get started right now.