If You Know What To Do But The Results Aren’t Happening yet

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The few things that ring in the sales.  If you’re wanting to build a lifestyle friendly business that produces a fantastic income with minimal effort, it’s important you focus on the 2-3 things that can bring you the top shelf results you want.  For e.g. If you’d like to hit $4k months, there are really only a few areas to focus on:

  • You can increase daily leadflow so you can get more customers and sales flowing in
  • You can sell those customers more often
  • You can increase your profit margins per customer by increasing the value and pricing of your offers

Now, that’s not rocket science.  You probably already know all this, right?  Where it gets hairy is it’s in the execution.  The founder of Apple knew this, he once said that to him: “Ideas are worth nothing unless executed.  Execution is worth everything.”  That’s why I’m reaching out to you today.  If we’re in this to create “Lifestyle Friendly” incomes together, I’ve found that nothing works better than by focusing on increasing our profits per customer.  Once you go from $40 commissions to $1k up to $4k commissions.  That changes the entire game of what we’re able to do for ourselves and our families even if we can only do this on a very part time basis.  If we’re open to it:

Start with this proven plan, asap.

The True Cost Of Inaction

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There’s a cost, whatever we decide.  They say it takes a lot to win and even more to lose.  It’s from a song by the Grateful Dead.  To win at anything in life, we have to be willing to stretch ourselves a bit.  It can cost us time and investment to get what we want, whether that be a nice home, more income or more time and freedom to do what we want.  Yet, let me tell you.  It usually costs 1,000 times more to lose that it does to win.  When we stretch to create better incomes and lifestyles for ourselves, we’re always moving forward.

Like by following this plan.

Yet, what will our life look like a month, a year, five years from now if we don’t change things?  Will we be stuck in the same job?  Same income or same lifestyle?  Will we get smacked by life and start moving backwards?  Will we have to look our loved ones in the eyes and mutter out that we can’t afford to give them what they want?  Or worse off, what they need?

See, it seems comfortable to stay willing where we’re at, yet life is always changing like the seasons.  Nothing stays willing and stable.  Choosing the path to go after what we want and live the lifestyles we desire for ourselves and the families is a noble journey to start on.  Yet, as the quote we mentioned earlier says, “It takes a lot to win and even more to lose.”  If you’re willing to roll up your sleeves with me and start, we have a proven plan to follow along with.  It’ll take a little time and investment to start, yet our first goal for you is to land your first online commission.  Are you ready to join us?

Yes, I’m in.

Does Your Side Gig Drain You Or Energize You?

Views: 4

Simple steps to a low stress side biz.  It’s no secret that in order to live a life on our terms and to build up a tidy income stream on the side, we need energy to do it.  The problem is if we attack the same task over and over again, it sucks the energy out of us only until we move our first foot forward will the low energy and lack of focus feelings melt away.  Then it’s replaced with fuel and fire that will propel us straight to the lifestyles we want for us and our families.

The key is to not be stagnant like pond water.  Immerse yourself in your biz and imperfectly take action.  Your energy will skyrocket with no red bull needed and you can watch your business and profits finally start to take off.  As the philosopher William James once stated: “Most people never run far enough on their first wind to find out they’ve got a second.  Give your dreams all you’ve got and you’ll be amazed at the energy that comes out of you.”  So, what small step can you take today that will start you walking towards the goals and lifestyle you deserve?  If you’d like a solid, proven plan to help:

Check out this step by step plan to help.

Small daily steps with this system can haul you in a nice side-income, part-time.  Many people have made a healthy 6 figures and yet many others are content with just getting an extra $1k plus commission rolling in a few times each month.  Which would you like?  How soon before you’d like to start?

I’m ready to do this asap.

Do Push Button Profits Actually Exist?

Views: 3

Have you been promised big results?  Your excitement faded away when you saw the actual plan?  There’s no doubt that we live in a microwave push-button society.  Isn’t that the truth?  Most people desire convenience and quick results.  They want it and they want it now.  This mentality for good and bad has also crept into the business space.  If you’ve bought into promises of getting something for nothing, take this to heart.

It is not your fault.  There’s too many people selling: “Sell’em what they want, give ’em what they need.”  So, they sell you on a push button type ruches and then when you access their course, you’re given a complicated fifty-eleven step plan to try to follow.

Here’s the thing.  There is not a push button plan out there.  This alone may save many a lot of heartache moving forward.  Sure, you can push a button and send out an email to 10,000 folks and churn out $10k plus.  Yet, before you can push that button to generate that income, you’d have to build the list, create the offers and write the email to send out.  Just sounds a little shady to me to position that as push button profits don’t you think?

However, here’s the big “But” I’m attaching here.  You can apply leverage to your business and speed up your results, greatly.  Leverage allows you to tap into existing assets that are already in place.  Leverage the right assets and it’s not push button.  Yet, you can put in minimal efforts and pull out maximum profits as a result.  This is just smart business chops.  I hope this helps.  If you’d like a proven plan to try out:

Check out the 411 here.

You’re able to leverage one asset after another with this plan.

Get leverage to $1k sales. 

If you’re ready to start, may I kindly suggest you join us sooner than later?

Ok, I’m ready for this.

If You’re Not Popping Out Of Bed Happy And Free

Views: 3

The first step to getting what we want and deserve on our life is to get clear on what blanket statements mean to us.  Without this clarity, our chance of success gets drowned out in the murky muddy pool of confusion and overwhelm.  For e.g. Financial freedom, what does that mean for you?  Millions in the bank?  A worry free life with zero debt?  Maintaining a certain standard of living?  Getting rich and staying rich?

Again, if we’re not clear about what we personally want, we won’t be able to put together a clear plan to make it happen.  Owning a Lambo may not light us up but being debt free and having $300k sitting in the bank free and clear may?  I don’t know what it is for you.  Yet, here’s what I do know, in nearly every plan, nearly no one will want to be working more and more.  We don’t want to have to work 40, 50, 60, 70+ hour weeks just to get by because time is our most valuable asset.  Income, we can get back but not lost time with family and friends.  We can’t get back years lost on things that weren’t truly important to us.

That’s why I try to focus on my own biz and helping others to earn a great income that still gives them plenty of time to do the things most important to them.  I’ve got a great plan that may help.  Would you like to join us?
You’ll need to be willing to follow the step by step system.  You’ll have a proven plan in hand and big commissions can be headed your way.
Zero experience is needed.