Tip From The 4 Hour Work Week To Work Less And Have More Pay

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Independence and income starts here.  I feel one of the top reasons Tim Ferris book, The 4 Hour Workweek has been such a top hit for years and years is that it opens up the possibility for many people that there are other options outside of the normal 9 to 5, grind it out type of lifestyle that most are stuck in because here’s a powerful truth very few will ever realise much less stop and implement for themselves and their families, we can design our life to exactly how we want it just as a home and our clothing all have designers.

We can either design our life to give us everything we ever wanted out of it or we can stay stuck living within the constraints and designs of others.  It all begins by sitting down with a pad and pen and jotting down exactly how our ideal days and years look like for us and us alone.

Now, I’m not sure where you’re at right now but if you’d like to work less hours and still earn a lucrative income on the side if that fits with your designs, may I suggest you check this out?

Yes, show me how to work less and earn more, part time. 

People from all walks of life, young and old are doing very well with this system that’s bringing them good commissions on the side, consistent as clockwork.

Why Most Fail And What You Can Do Instead?

Views: 3

Prerequisites and requirements inside.  Do you know the stats?  92%+ folks that hop online and want to change their life, never will.  They’ll buy the course, they’ll dream of freedom and they’ll lather, rinse and repeat.  Usually, they won’t even try to get a result they want.

So, here’s a quote to remember: “Life doesn’t transform by consuming insights but by testing them.”  See?  Most people don’t start because they are afraid they’ll make one eeny teeny mistake.  Yet, that is a part of the process.  It must happen like a plane travelling from one spot to another must course correct many times.

Better to take hold of the quote above?  The failure has nothing to do with you or your worth.  Simply view it as an experiment towards getting what you want.  Are you willing to do that?  Again, it’s a prerequisite.  The result of viewing this biz like you are a scientist in the lab, testing what works and learning from what doesn’t?  It can result in a life most only dream of.  I don’t say that lightly.

Try this out (Proven step by step)

It may get you to $4k months, part time.  Don’t forget to check out the trial.

Push Button Tricks Not Required

Views: 2

It’s a process and not a secret.  If you’d like to earn significantly more without working more?  It doesn’t require some push button secret or little known strategy.  All you need is to put out more offers of perceived value (OPV).  Do you need to earn more?  Make more offers of value to others.  Then adjust accordingly to your income goals.  Cash is simply an exchange of value.

Would you pay $1k for an ebook?  Not likely.  Would you invest $1k for a system that can get you $1k back in 30 days with less than 30 minutes per day of work?  Then you can hit $4k months in 100 days or less plus you get help.  That is an OPV which is an offer of perceived value.

Is this making sense?  This stuff doesn’t have to be hard.  Another thing you can do is increase the value and profits of your offers.

This gets you $1k to $4k like clockwork.

You’ll need to be willing to use their step by step plan.

Use This Asap If Distractions Are Holding You Back

Views: 6

Are you overwhelmed by the times?  411 to know…  “Man oh man, where did this day go?”  Ever say this to yourself.  It points out a simple fact, often what holds us back isn’t a great plan of attack.  It’s because we’re in an arms race against distraction.  There’s apps and devices everywhere these days to help us with this, right?

Software that blocks us from getting to certain websites during our work time.  There’s things like a KSafe which lets us lock up our cell phones or other big distractions for a set period of time.  For us to allow more income and time into our lives?  We must say no to distractions or anything else holding us back.  End of story.  You see this too?

We must be able to carve out the time each day to accomplish what we want.  Once you truly get this?  You can do more in 30 minutes with focus than most can get done in an 8 hour work day.  That’s how.

You can try a system like this and hit $4k/months starting with just 30 minutes a day of pure blissful focus.  

Are you up for that?  With this proven plan in hand, goal one will be to hit $1k in the next 30 days but you must be willing to focus and follow each of the steps.

Yes, I’m willing to do that.

Every day, we lose to distractions.  It could be $1k to $4k plus paydays we lose too.  When could you be ready to commit to 30 minutes a day to grab your first $1k commission with us?

I’m in.

Do This If You’re Tired Of Trading Time For Dollars

Views: 4

No more rat race and 9 to 5 grind.  I have a question for you: “Would you choose more income over time?”  I’ll show you how can have both in a sec.  Whatever your answer, note this quote from Seneca: “There is nothing that the busy man is less busy with than living, there is nothing harder to learn.”

Along those lines, there was a recent study on why many older people are happier than the younger generations even though they’re riddled with health issues and are closer to the end of their lives.  One of the insights is that they are focusing more on experiences and relationships over money and possessions which is also known as living a great lifestyle.  They almost never look back at their life and equate working 60+ hour workweeks or “Crushing it” on a work project as their most fulfilling memories.  That’s not what brings us true happiness.

Now, of course, there’s nothing wrong with making great money but only if it doesn’t require we give up our lifestyle or relationships.  We can learn to appreciate this and live by this code at any age.  I hope this helps.  Not sure where you’re at right now?  Yet, if you’d like to run a lucrative micro business that allows you to work less and earn more so you can live your dream on your terms:

Check this plan out asap.

If it’s a fit for you, we’d love to have you join us today.  To help you get started with your lifestyle friendly business and to hit your first commission soon.

Ok, I’m in.