How To Make More, Live Longer And Be Happier

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I noticed an article on Digg which talks about the invent of the Cubicle.  All I can say is that it is quite depressing.  Even just thinking of working like a confined rat in a cage pings my gag reflex into gear.  I remember a while back someone said something very similar to this:

  • Most people wake up to their box (alarm clock)
  • They go to work in their metal box (car)
  • They sit in a box (cubicle) all day long
  • They drive home in their box (car)
  • They have a box dinner
  • Then they stare at a Box T.V. until it’s time to go to bed on their box mattress
  • Every day, it’s a simple rinse and repeat, until years later when they die and are buried in a box

Certainly not the way I want to live.  How about you?  This is one of the greatest things about this business.  Although the money is great, there are many ways to make money.  Even better about this business is the lifestyle it gives you:

  • You wake up whenever you want – No need for alarm clocks
  • You work around your schedule
  • Run your business while traveling, from coffee shops, libraries, at home, in a beautiful garden, pretty much wherever you want.

This is why I like this online business so much.  You get the freedom to do what you want, when you want, on your terms and you can still make a good income.  Of course, you need a certain level of profits to live a life like this.  This is why I recommend you find offers online that give you generous and lucrative commissions like Click Funnels does.

If you’re still making small commissions online, it’s like you’re slaving away at a J-O-B.  However, when you start earning $1,000 – $4,000 per month and even more, this is likely what will give you the freedom you deserve.  This is what Click Funnels shows you how to do.  Even better, is that they give you everything you need in order to quickly get up and running with this type of business as soon as possible.

Click here to have a better lifestyle, if you’re into this sort of thing.

Are You ready To Taste Success Without The Craziness?

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People will do some odd and weird things these days, right?  Even extreme.  There are firewalkers and you can research on some countries that do this.  Some people will do strange and extreme things in order to meet their dream mate.  I’ve heard people that donate blood as often as they possibly can just to get bills and food money.  People seeking an adrenaline rush, so much so that they’ll jump off of a cliff with nothing but a suit on.  There’s folks working 3 shifts at their jobs just in order to keep up with the Joneses.

It only gets sicker and crazier from here.  So, what’s the driver to this type of behaviour.  It’s usually about something that people intensely want.  When you want something that intensely, you’ll do nearly anything for it.  It could be:

  • A million bucks
  • A political stand
  • The adrenaline rush from an extreme sport
  • Getting that dream man or woman and the feeling of love

Whatever it is, people will do mind-blowing things to get what they desire.  A lot of the time, it’s either deadly or it ruins people’s lives and chances of real success and happiness.  It normally takes them further away from their goals rather than closer.

I ain’t about to go all Dr. Phil on you but it got me thinking, a lot of people do this online as well.  They’ll do crazy and stupid things just to get a start in this business or to get their first few sales.  Usually much to their harm.  It could be:

  • Selling quality products for mere dollars – This hurts everyone.  If you don’t see it as valuable, neither will others and they won’t use it.
  • Acting like a guru when they’re not – The real gurus make money by doing rather than teaching.  So start doing.
  • Trying a new system and program nearly every day or week – Would you start a new job everyday of the week and expect to make any money?

I could go an all day with the lunacies I see online every day of the week.  My point is, I hope you’ve picked up some golden nuggets from above that will help you out.  Get this, this online business doesn’t require you to go through extremes.  It’s truly simple.  Simple isn’t always easy, albeit.  You should know exactly what you need to do and be able to do it without going through extremes, selling yourself short or working ungodly hours.  Yes, you really can build a 6+ figure online business working part time.  Most of the time the toughest part is to just get started.  Getting your feet off the ground.  Saying “I’ll do it” and actually getting round to doing it.

That’s what’s so cool about this system.

Almost all of the tough stuff has been completely taken care of for you.  Obstacles, begone.  There’s a reason why this is one of the fastest growing companies in the Internet Marketing Industry.  It works.  It can work for you too if you’re ready for it.

If you can follow easy directions, love the thought of having a real coach to get you from where you are to where you want to be then:

Click here and I highly encourage you to check this out.

Why Most Online Businesses Crash In Spectacular Fashion?

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If you’re a frustrated marketer,  one of your least favourite phrases is probably that: “it’s a numbers game”.  You’ve probably heard the advice before: “just run the numbers, right?”  It’s a tired old cliché.  It’s tossed out by gurus to get their affiliate members to keep plugging traffic through a system that simply does not work.  I’m sorry if that’s harsh but the bald truth is that if you’re grinding it out, putting real effort, sweat and tears into generating traffic and it’s not converting, then your system is broken.

The Orville & Wilbur Approach To Conversion

Did you know that back during the “Race for flight”, there were two philosophies pursued?  First, there’s the prestigious and well-known men of science like Alexander Graham Bell and Stanley Langley who focused all their attention on building powerful engines by pumping as much power into the system as possible.
Then there’s Orville & Wilbur who laboured away in their wind tunnel making their plane which is the system as efficient and aerodynamic as possible.  Before they even strapped an engine to anything and started pumping power, the Wright Brothers made sure the damn thing would stay in the air.
While the other guys strapped more and more powerful engines to a heavy, clumsy, earth bound contraptions.  Rather than learning how to fly, it seemed they were merely trying to figure out how to crash in more and more spectacular ways.
So, what does this have to do with your marketing?  Most network marketing systems are just about the numbers as they focus on just pumping as much power (traffic) through the system as possible.  Who cares if the system itself will never get off the ground.  Let’s just crank up the power and go for it.  Since the system is not aerodynamic as in it doesn’t produce buyers in a consistent, reliable and inexpensive fashion it crashes over and over again.  In more and more spectacular and frustrating ways each time.
If you have a system that converts 20%, 50% or 75% then by all means strap a big engine to that sucker and pump as many people through it as you can.  You can run the numbers all day and all night long.  That system is built to fly.
If on the other hand only a tiny percentage are converting, you need to go back to the wind tunnel and build a new airplane.  Click Funnels is your “aerodynamic” Sales Machine.

Click Funnels is a finely tuned, aerodynamic and automated sales conversion model.

All you need to do is provide the ambition and fly the plane.

Click here if you’re ready.

Are You Leveraging The Traffic Source That Owns Mobile?

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I don’t need to be Nostradamus to predict that smart phones will be around for a very long time.  Every day, the smart phone swallows up more of our lives with:

  • The wrist watch
  • The camera
  • The flash light
  • The wallet
  • The calendar
  • The calculator

Also increasing, our customers.

So, what does this means for The Internet Marketing World.  There’s one traffic source that is poised to leverage and exploit the smart phone future like no other.  Facebook.  Recent statistics show that:

  • Smart phone users check Facebook approximately 14 times per day.
  • Users are connected to Facebook almost 24/7.
  • 80% of Facebook users log in via their smart phone.
  • Facebook now effects Google search engine results.

Facebook now owns the phone and even owns your customers.  So, one of the smartest things you, as an Internet Marketer, can do is get really, really good at driving paid Facebook traffic to your offer.  If Facebook owns the future, figuring out how to leverage Facebook traffic is $1,000 per hour work, if you ask me.

Find out how to get really, really good at Facebook advertising, YouTube advertising and other lucrative traffic channels here.