What’s Stopping Your From Earning A Fortune

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Summertime is movie time which means the next couple of months multi-million dollar films will roll out a studio system specifically designed to make money for the studios and mediocre films.  That means there’s a ton of talented people being held back at the film industry.

You’re probably thinking, “I’m not in the film industry, so why should I care?”  You should care because you could be one of those people even if you work in a cubicle 9-5.  Take a look at the film An Alan Smithee Film: Burn Hollywood Burn.  The film is about a director who wants to make a movie that shows Hollywood for what it really is.  A bunch of greedy executives cutting up great films so they can make the most money possible.

So, in the film, the main character makes him film and it trashes Hollywood.  Of course, the studio executives see the film and revise it so it’s more Hollywood friendly.  Here’s the crazy part, while they were making this movie, the studio was doing exactly the same thing.  Of course, the people who put millions of dollars into the film wanted it to make as much money as possible.  An angry film about Hollywood wasn’t going to do it.  So, they re-cut the film so much that the director wouldn’t even put his real name on it by the time it was released.  Even the lead actors were saying it was terrible.

You might be wondering what this has to do with average Joe and his cubicle?  When the people at the top of the ladder rely on the people below them to fill their wallets, they’ll take serious action to make sure it happens.  In the film industry that means executives taking control of films.  In the real world, it could mean your boss telling you exactly what to do and when to do it or even being fired.

You can leave all that behind and make money for yourself now.  Click below to learn more about Click Funnels and how you can earn your own fortune from your own computer.

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This Copywriter Wrote Murder Stories

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Dorothy Sayers took writing to a whole ‘nother level’.  Not only did she write powerful sales letters in the early twentieth century, she also wrote plays, murder mysteries and a ton of other fiction and non-fiction.  Throughout her writing career, she deals with the interplay of themes of gender, work, romance and calling.

In one of her more autobiographical novels, she summed up her philosophy of work best in one image: “I’m not a meek accompanist.”  Her insights about work are not confined to the early twentieth century and they’re not confined to conversations about gender and work.

The fact is people are different.  Some are content to be ‘Meek accompanists.’  Others aren’t but they also aren’t bold enough to do the work they were made for.  A very slim minority do have the boldness and they get to be actual musicians like Sayers.  I know you’re not content to be a ‘Meek accompanist’ but I’m not sure whether you’ll take the opportunity to develop into an ‘Actual musician.’

Will you?  Click Funnels is the perfect, low-risk place to find out.  Of course, it will take more investment the further you build like anything but you’re free to test the waters today.

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How To Avoid This CEO’s Most Embarrassing Mistake

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Oscar Munoz, CEO of United Airlines is probably a highly qualified business strategist but must have an important day of first grade: The day everyone else learned to say, “I’m sorry. ”  His first attempt at an apology wasn’t an apology at all.  It was him complaining about the inconvenience of the situation: “I’m sorry for having to re-accommodate these customers.”  In his second attempt which was admittedly an improvement, he still justified himself by describing the passenger as: “Disruptive and belligerent.”

Eventually, probably after asking Professor Google for a real apology, he came up with a real apology: “We will take full responsibility and we work to make it right.”  The third time may be the charm but no one felt ‘Charmed’ by this failure of an apology.  As a professional communicator, Munoz should have known that an angered public never accepts anything less than full admission of guilt and that a company like United Airlines loses nothing by making such an admission.

Learn to write convincing web copy through Click Funnels.  Not only will you become an effective and compelling online communicator and not only will you receive a launching pad into the field of communication, you’ll be better at making and keeping friends.

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What Would It Take To Convince Salina That She Can Do It

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Salina is a live firecracker of Ecuadorian pride with immaculate self-control.  She works at a bakery the next town over with the most obnoxious young supervisor.  He’s less than half her age and has less than half of her integrity.

According to Salina, he:

  • Doesn’t allow his employees bathroom breaks
  • Flirts with the younger girls and virtually ignores the older employees
  • Talks disparagingly about the older employees as if their quietness was a sign of an indifference

The store’s franchise structure prevents her from registering a complaint that could be enforced against him.  She doesn’t feel she’s in a position to find a new job.  She says: “I can’t find anything that works with my schedule to drive my boy to school in the mornings and I don’t have the experience to get anything that pays better than a service job, so I think I’m stuck here.”

What do you think it takes to convince someone full of such fire and integrity that they have what it takes to make a better life for themselves?  That would be a better conversation, let’s talk about Click Funnels.

Click here.

How To escape The Rat Race

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Are you tired of the term: “Rat Race”?  It’s rather outdated and leaves people with the feeling of dread, anxiousness and is far from original.  While this term may be overused and shoved down our throats, it has sustained the test of time.  Having first entered our English language system in the late nineteen thirties, it is a concept still in place today and that is why it is still used.

When you hear the term: “Rat race”, do you feel like you belong?  Do you think that this describes you but you have a deep yearning to jump out of the maze?  Many a rat will continue to follow the rat in front of them hoping that the direction most rats find popular will lead them to happiness.

Nothing could be farther from the truth.  You aren’t a rat who is content to follow the leader to fight with the rest of crumbs of leftover cheese.  No, you are the type of rat that jumps the wall and runs under the table.  You find the place where scientists have hidden a vast amount of cheese to use as future bait for that rats content in the race.  You take an arm and mouthful of cheese so large you nearly fall over.  Running from the side of the room, you sit and eat your delicious treats while watching all of your friends follow the rat in front of them hoping for a silver of cheese.

Click Funnrl’s proven system of earning is the big chunk of cheese you have been waiting for.  All it takes is for you to hop that wall and click on the ink below.  There you will be informed of how the other rats have made their way to earn thousands of pounds of cheese in a single month. Do you want you fair share of cheese?

Click here to learn more about Click Funnels.