What They Don’t Tell You About Lucky Breaks

Views: 2

Sorry to tell you this but if you’re waiting for a lucky break to change your life, you need to stop because there’s no such thing as luck.  There’s a common misconception that if you’re a lucky person then things like connections and money just fall into your lap.  People love stories where an entrepreneur happens to get in a cab with an investor and scores a deal that will launch their company because they make them believe that anything could happen.  What people forget about is that is that the ‘Lucky’ coincidence is really just a small part of a much larger story.

When the entrepreneur meets the investor, they have to have every detail about their company memorised and be ready to give the best pitch of their life.  If they don’t then no one will hear about the ‘Lucky’ meetings because nothing will come from it.  No matter how lucky someone is, if they want something they’re going to have to work hard long before and after their lucky break.  No exceptions.

Some people might say that today is your lucky day because this blog post is your chance to join Click Funnels which is an online affiliate system where people earn sales commissions from their own computer but no one at Click Funnels will tell you that because even though the Click Funnels system has paid out a lot of money to it’s affiliates in just two years, that money doesn’t just land in their lap.

They have to work for it but when they do, they can earn commissions worth $1,000 – $5,000 every month.  Now you get to choose if today is your lucky day.  If you have what it takes, you could be earning 6 figures from your own computer in just a year from today.

Click here to get started.

A 25 Cent Guide To Making Money Online

Views: 3

Are you looking for a better job but don’t know if you can leave behind your old one?  It’s understandable.  Your old job has previously given you a steady income for a while but sometimes paychecks become too steady and if you want more than your paycheck delivers, then you’ve thought about a different job.

So, how do you know if you should leave behind your old job in the hopes of finding something better?  It’s easy as all you need is a coin.  Call one end for leaving your job and one for staying.  Flip the coin in the air.  You can look at what the coin lands on but you don’t have to.  In that moment that the coin was flying in the air, you had to have felt a little hope for what side would land up.  That’s how you know if you should leave your job for a new one.

If you hoped that the coin would tell you to leave behind your job then you know that you really want to leave your job behind no matter how afraid you are to do it.  So, go do the coin flip and come back to this blog post as there’s good news waiting for you.

If the coin told you to leave your job then here’s the good news.  There is a simple and proven online system that’ll allow you to earn thousands every month while working from anywhere in the world with a laptop and Wi-Fi.

It’s called Click Funnels and it’s your best bet to leaving behind your old job for something better.

What did the coin tell you?  If it told you to leave, then click below to learn more about Click Funnels.

Click here to find out more.

Read This If You’re Earning Under $100K Per Year Online

Views: 1

Feeling like everyone’s making the big bucks but you?  Here’s how to take control.  Little Frankie had always dreamed of riding a bike.  He’d seen “Other” kids pedalling around the block.  The wind blowing through their hair.  Watching them laughing and playing all day every day, right outside his window.  Anticipation of the thrill of riding in his heart, he knew it was now his time to learn to ride.  So, what do you think Frankie boy did?

He hopped on over to the library.  He found a book on how to ride a bike.  He dusted the book off and devoured it like a castaway that just stumbled upon a steak dinner yet he still couldn’t ride.  So, he got another book, read it and still couldn’t ride.  Frustrated, he heads back home, observing everyone else playing while he is still stuck inside playing with his little sister’s Barbie dolls.  Poor Frankie.
Now, follow me for a second here.  Is this a common story that plays out with little boys and girls around the world?  Of course not because little boys and girls know one fundamental truth: You can’t learn to ride a bike from a book or by watching others doing it.  You learn by hopping on the bike.  You’re always a little wobbly at first but Mom or Dad is there by your side, helping you balance yourself.  If and when you do fall, they are there to support you, wiping the dirt off your back and helping you get back up and riding again.  Before you know it, you’re zooming around the town with all the other kiddos.  Vrrrooom.

Now, here’s what I’m getting at.  You can own fifty different e-books and online courses on how to start building up a solid income stream for yourself.  You can watch all the “Other kids” pedalling around the Internet, popping cool wheelies and showing off their profits they’re riding on.  Yet, here’s the thing.  You can’t learn to build a stable and steady Internet business from just an e-book, course or by watching others doing it.  You have to start pedalling.  Now, money loves speed.  So, the sooner and faster you start pedalling, the sooner and faster the sales come rolling in.

It can be scary to start riding.  You may even start and then fall a few times.  What makes this way easier?  It’s when you have the coach with his hand on your bike balancing you as you learn the ropes and get your first few sales rolling in.  Then, when you’re up to $1k, $5k, $10K and higher months are the norm for you?  You’ll feel the freedom as you’re riding full speed with so much momentum that your coach won’t even need to hold on any longer.  Sounding good?  You’ll sleep well knowing you have a business and skill that will be paying you over and over and over again for years to come.  When you learn to ride a bike or build an Internet business properly, you’ll never forget how to do it again and again whenever you want.

Now, there is where I’m feeling the Click Funnels System I’m using may be useful for you.  You’re getting the step by step training to hold your seat and balance you towards your first lucrative payday.  I can’t promise you how long this will be available for you.  Yet right now if you’re a fit, you’ll be getting highly successful training helping you to get your business up and running ASAP.

Our first goal together will be getting you on the bike and generating consistent $1000+ months.  Once you’ve gained a bit of balance, we’ll start pedalling a bit faster ramping you up to $3k, $5k and $10k months.  Even if you’re just starting out, bringing in an extra $5k a month.You may be thinking that’s not a lot.  It could cover a pretty nice car payment.  Maybe treat the family to Disney World.  Could cover a few days of College for the kids.  Don’t know if these numbers are significant for you?

If they are, I’d hate for you to risk the costs of missing out on another single day of lost profits.  In just a few minutes, you can be logged in and get rolling.

Are you ready to ride?

Yes, show me the details to get started.

Why Your Career Depends On You Watching Baseball

Views: 2

Baseball may not be the most exciting sport to watch but it may be the healthiest.  I am so glad the season just got started.  Here’s why I think more people should watch baseball:

  • The most successful hitters only succeed one out of every three times.  They may see an average of 2,800 pitches a season and only reach base on 200 of them.
  • The most successful fielders aren’t hailed for their flashiness but for their consistency.
  • Including Spring training and the playoffs, a team can play 200 games in about 240 days.
  • Even pitchers go through the exact same motion and only make slight variations.  Starting pitchers will make the same motion an average of 3,500 times a year not counting practices and warm-ups.
If you can survive the mundane repetitiveness of baseball showing up every day, fielding your position, swinging and missing a lot and practicing the same motions, you can succeed in online business.

Starting your own business is one of the most natural, human skills.  It just takes more patience and character that many people are willing to learn.  If you want to become that kind of person, good on you.  Let us help.

Click here.

Will You Be The Next Blockbuster?

Views: 3

What do Blockbuster, AOL and the United States Postal Office all have in common?  They’ve all had major chunks of their business taken away by more advanced and efficient competition.  Both Blockbuster and AOL are distant memories of the late 90s and reminders of how technology can make and then break your company.

That’s also the way the United States Post Service is going the way of Blockbuster and sending paper letters are going the way of the Dodo.  Of course, it’s not just the American Post office that is suffering.  The New Zealand Postal Service saw the number of letters sent through their service cut in half last year but they’re not raising their prices or cutting their services to delay a painful death.  Instead, they’re getting in on the game and experimenting with delivering fast food to customers.  Right now, in the town of Tauranga, there are 30 drivers on staff delivering KFC and if the program goes well, there will be even more soon.

Why should you care about packaged New Zealand Fried Chicken?  You should care because they’re showing that just because your job is outdated doesn’t mean you still can’t change your career and try something new.  Even if you’re just bred with your job, it’s never too late to try something new.  It might be scary but it’s not impossible.  Especially not with Click Funnels.  Russel Brunson’s Click Funnels system is an online affiliate system where affiliates place ads online and receive the sales commissions.  Click Funnels affiliates get all the benefits of working in a tech fuelled industry like working anywhere with a computer and Wi-Fi without all the hassles.The Click Funnels system works so well that anyone with a computer can earn 6 figures within a year from now by simply going through the training process and applying it.

Want to learn more?

Click here.