Getting Into Business Is Like Joining An Orchestra

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If you wanted to be in a successful orchestra, there are a lot of wrong ways to do it:

  • You could pick up five different instruments and try to learn them all at once.  Before you know it, you’d be plucking a tuba and puckering up to a violin.
  • You could pick up a baton and pretend like you know enough to direct the entire group
  • You could decide that harmonizing with the orchestra was too hard and you’d better just be a soloist.

Or you could do it this way: Sit next to someone who knows what they’re doing and play their part along with them until you can play it for yourself.  No one jumps into ensemble music this way but people do it in business all the time.  (Oh, the know-it-alls…)

The try to run five different parts of a business at once or they hire people and act as they know how to direct them to they try to build the whole thing themselves.  We know better than them.  That’s why we’re extending you an opportunity to ‘Play along’ with us through Click Funnels:

  • You’ll never have to create your own products
  • Never set up your own websites
  • Never go through the inferno of customer service

You’ll just work with the system, play just one part and contribute to the success of the Click Funnels orchestra and reel in commissions by the $1000s, $2000s, $4000s or more monthly.  That’s the way to get into business.

Click here.

Why Job Fit Matters

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In their book, Overcoming the Dark Side Of Leadership, Dr. Gary McIntosh and Dr. Samuel Rima present their research on why leaders burn out.  Fascinatingly, they’ve whittled it down to one main factor: Job integrity.  Not moral failure, not too high a volume of work, not too much travel and not little pay.  They just never fit their job well enough to begin with.

It doesn’t help that lots of jobs have vague, unspecified lists of qualifications.  Companies aren’t quite sure how to put into words just what kind of candidate they’re looking for.  Once they make a hire, the candidate is sometimes under qualified, sometimes over qualified but often not satisfied.

So, how on earth can we tell you, “We think you’d be a good fit for Click Funnels?”  Here’s how, unlike most jobs, we’re not going to stick you at a desk with a list of responsibilities.  We know better than that.  It is our full time job to take you from nervous noob ness to completely confident competence as an online marketer.

We’re going to build your job with you, for you and right alongside you.  We don’t need you so we won’t breathe down your neck but we’d love to share what we have with you.  If you want work that is designed to fit you that will keep you from burning out, we need to talk.

Click here.

‘Friends’ Run The World

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Friendships run the world.  I don’t mean that in a cheesy, sentimental way.  I mean:

  • Donald Trump fills his cabinet with his ‘friends’
  • Catholic popes and cardinals in the Renaissance appoint their relatives to ecclesial office
  • When employers sort through stacks of resumes, they always ask their co-workers, ‘Hey, who do you like in here?’

It does help to have ‘Friends in high places.’  I want to be a ‘friend’ to you today.  Click Funnels is the most straightforward way I know to supplement your income with commissions in the $1000s, $2000s, $4000s and beyond monthly.  In fact, I could see you doing even better than me.  I’m not great at this by any stretch of the imagination.  So, take a look.  They’ve saved me a bunch of trouble and made making things easier.  Well, pretty easy.

Click here.

Why You’ve Never Made The Same Mistakes Twice

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Have you ever done something and afterward thought: “What the hell was I thinking?”  Of course you have and if you haven’t, there’s probably a scar on your body or chunk of money missing from your bank account that would tell you otherwise.  People are flawed and we make mistakes everyday, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

What we don’t do though is make the same mistakes twice.  Yes, you’ve never made the same mistake twice.  How can I tell?  I can tell because, “A mistake repeated more than once is a decision.” – Paulo Coelho.  As hard as it is to accept, if we make a mistake and don’t learn from it then there is no one to blame but ourselves.

Just look at the average person’s job for proof.  We choose a career with most of our experience from a classroom and not the actual job.  Then we find out we didn’t like working at a desk where we were a cog in a wheel that is too big for us to even see what the point of our job is, we’re unhappy.  So, what doe we do?  We use our experience to get a slightly different job and hope for the best but just end up doing the same things over and over again.

If you’re unsatisfied with your job and are ready to admit that you made a wrong decision, here’s you chance to make a good one.  Click Funnels is an online affiliate program that allows people to work from their own computers and earn thousands in sales commissions every month.

Sound too good to be true?  The guy who founded Click Funnels used the system to earn over $100 million.

Click here to find out how.

Turn Your Computer Into A Money Making Machine

Views: 2

Did you see the Kim K and T Swift battle of Twitter?  Kim Kardashian released a video that showed Taylor Swift approving a lyric in a song that she later was outraged over.  You could probably care less what Kim Kardashian and Taylor Swift are doing but there’s a method to the madness.  It could make you a fortune online.

Few people want to hear this junk and even fewer actually care about it but what is that most people use their computers for?  Computers are social media on steroids.  People can scroll through multiple tabs from multiple social media platforms reading every gossip headline imaginable.  They can wage in a war in the comments and argue whatever they want however long they want all from the safety of their keyboard without ever having to actually face the person they’re fighting.

However, computers didn’t start this way.  When they were first created, computers were for the smartest of people in the world.  People who were developing technology that would connect the entire world one day.  People who understood computer code and microchips.  Now computers are for worthless gossip stories, misleading information, scams and wasting time.

Now you can change all that by working for Click Funnels.  Click Funnels is a user friendly system where affiliates place ads on the most popular websites on Earth and receive the commissions for their sales.  So, instead of using your computer to read viral news stories and avoid work at your desk job, you can make money while other people waste time online and leave your desk job behind.

Click here to find out more.