I’m going To Teach You A New Game

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I’m going to teach you a new game that I learned last weekend from a 4 year old.  It’s called “Chase the Skunk.”  Think you can learn it?  One person is the Skunk.  They speed around the backyard on all ours trying to catch the skunk but whenever the Chaser gets close, the Skunk sprays you with stinky spray.  For whatever reason, you keep chasing.  I couldn’t help but wonder: What about the Skunk gets people to keep chasing it?

Most small businesses and wanna-preneurs have no idea.  Let our expert sales team turn your leads into a wide eyed and bushy tailed flock of followers while you sit back, crack open a cold one and collect commissions.

Click here.

Which Of These Stories Is Yours?

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There are two kinds of people.  People who honestly pursue the things they want and the people who zip their desires and dreams up in plastic bags, put them in the fridge and only remember them every couple of weeks.

Most of us spend a good amount of time in the second category.  Don’t get me wrong, we start off pursuing what we want but life happens and sometimes it hits like gravity.  The busyness of our twenties doesn’t end, it only gets worse and by the time we hit our thirties, we’re not sure where time went.

Some people think that their problems are unique and want pity.  We know better and so we formed a community of people dedicated to getting our dreams back.  If you tell me what you used to want and why you stopped chasing it, we’ll tell you story after story about people like you who got back on their feet and started chasing again.

Click here to learn more.

What This Lord Of The Rings Character Teach About Business Coaching?

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Have you read through The Lord of the Rings yet?  If not, you should.  Everyone loves it for a different reason but I love it’s piercing insights into human nature.  I think the most fascinating and pitiable character is the shrivelled old hobbit Smeagol who although truly wants to serve Frodo eventually caves to his ravenous lust for power.  He painfully proves the old maxim: “A man cannot serve two masters.”

The Click Funnels team is full of expert students of human nature.  Our coaches and salesmen understand their clients motives better than clients do themselves.

If you’ve read this far, I know you’re not satisfied with the relationship between your work and your life.  Are you interested in working with a business that will treat you like a human person?

See more by clicking here.

Desperate Money Saving Hacks From College Students

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Starving college students will try the craziest things to save a few bucks.  A favourite is the self haircut.  College dorms are full of 20 year olds who look like they got attacked by stray lawnmowers.  I think they should turn some dorms into bad haircut museums.

We all know now that sometimes you’ve got to spend the money and let a pro handle it especially if you’re looking for a job or a hot date.  If college dorms are packed full of young knuckleheads whose heads literally look like knuckleheads, how many coffee shops are full of DIY marketers who never learned their lesson?  In college, there are always those few guys who actually paid attention to their appearances and the chicks flocked.  They didn’t DIY because they knew professionals could make them better.

Don’t be a knucklehead.

Click here and you will not look ridiculous.

This Is The Difference Between Good And Lame Invitations

Views: 2

Do you like getting invitations?  I know, it probably depends on the invitation.  Some invitations are great:

  • Getting invited to join your friend’s fantasy baseball league
  • Going out to brunch with a group of other young moms
  • A LAN party, dinner party or class reunion

Other invitations are instant eye roll triggers:

  • Causes you don’t believe in asking you for money
  • Door to door evangelists coming while you’re busy or busy at home
  • A wedding invite from someone you barely knew in college who’s obviously casting a wide net to check boxes on her registry

So, what’s the difference?  Well, literally speaking, the heart of invitation is the word vita or life.  So, if you’re going to be a snob which you totally should be, if it’s not life giving, it doesn’t count as an in-vita-tion.

That said, here’s an invitation to a life giving work system.  With clear steps that are proven to make you commissions of $1000, $2000, $4000 or more per month, mentorship from our experts and all the administrative burdens lifted from your heavy shoulders, Click Funnels is literally an invitation.

Click here.