How A 5 Minute Convo With The Average Worker Can Change Your Life

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Here’s a quote from Winston Churchill that you might identify with during this election season: “The best argument against democracy is a five – minute conversation with the average voter.”  Look at your social media accounts and you’ll see how right he was.

However, this blog post isn’t about people who believe too much and research too little.  It’s about you and the fortune you’re missing out on.  Look at the quote this way: “The best argument against a 9 – 5 desk job is a five minute conversation with the average worker.”

Just think about the way most people talk about their jobs.  They dread going to them, complain about them when they’re finally off to work and are bored out of their minds while they’re at them.  So, go ahead and ask the average person if they’re happy with their job.  They might say yes at first but all it takes is 5 minutes for them to show you that the average job is exactly what you don’t want.

Ask a Click Funnels affiliate if they’re happy with their job and after 5 minutes you’ll probably be ready to sign up.  Click Funnels affiliates get to work from their own computers and never create ads but can earn commissions worth $3,000 per month.  That’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the benefits of being a Click Funnels affiliate.

Would you like to hear more?

Click here.

How To Survive The Robot Invasion

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Driverless cars are getting close and closer to becoming a mainstream reliability.  For e.g. just this week, Anheuser – Busch made the world’s first commercial delivery with a self driving truck.  Truck drivers should be worried.

Anyone with a job that can be done by robots should be worried.  Are you worried?  Here’s how to survive the coming robot invasion.

Click here to learn more about Click Funnels.

Why A Goldrush Can Bankrupt You

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There was a time in America when an egg cost the equivalent of $25 in modern money.  Not a dozen just one single egg but it gets worse.  At the same time a pound of coffee would cost you $100 and a pair of leather boots would cost you at least $2,500.

So, when and where were prices so high?  It was California in the mid 1800’s.  You see, there was a little thing going on called the California Gold Rush.  When there’s a gold rush, you can bet there’s a lot of money changing hands and right now there’s a gold rush going on that you can have access to and all that money that’s flying around too.

It’s the online advertising gold rush.  Everyday companies like Facebook and Google are making online advertising more accessible and innovative so that anyone can start earning money online.  When there’s a gold rush, prices shoot up for basic things like ad space and well designed ads.

So, what can you do to cash in on the modern day online gold rush without investing a fortune you don’t have yet?  Join Click Funnels.  Click Funnels is an online business system that gives affiliates ads to place online.  That’s why Click Funnels is the perfect system for you. Want to learn more?

Click here to find out.

What Ronald McDonald Has To Do With Your Money

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There’s a lesson you need to learn from clowns.  Over the past couple months, news stories have been popping up about clown scaring people all over the country.  People dressing up as clowns and attacking or stalking other people may not sound crazy or important considering we see this in T.V. and movies all the time but there are some very real consequences.  For e.g. Ronald McDonald, one of the most famous clowns in the world is going to take a vacation from marketing and appearances until the clown craze goes away.

He’s not alone.  Just this week, the AP published a story about how people who earn their livings as clowns aren’t just losing jobs.  They’re afraid to leave their houses in their costumes because people might attack them.  Believe it or not, whether you love or hate clowns, there is a lesson to be learned here.  All it takes is a few out of control impostors to ruin something for people who are trying to earn a living.

Just look at the world of online advertising.  Online ads are just like billboards or labels but because some people can’t control themselves, most people see them as annoying or as pop up ads and do anything they can to skip over them.  Just like clowns, honest online advertisers are losing income because impostors are taking over their reputation.

So, how should you work around it if you’re an online advertiser?  Well, Click Funnels seems to know how.  Click Funnels is an online business system where affiliates place ads from their own computers.

Want to see how?

Click here.

How To Win The Game Of Life

Views: 3

A few nights ago some friends introduced me to a board game called The Game Of Life.  When you start out, you don’t have a spouse, any kids or have a career.  All of that is decided along the way by the spin of the wheel.  The goal is to finish with as much money as you can.  I spun the wheel and got “Artist” as my career but even in this game, I found ways to make money that I never thought were possible.

In real life not everyone makes money with their first career or second or third, sometimes you need to find creative ways to make that extra income you need.

You can’t just sit back and hope the wheel takes you to fortune.

Here’s the most creative and safe way to make extra money I’ve found.