The Secret Ingredient You’ve Been Missing

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Take a second and think about what makes McDonald’s the king of the fast food industry.  It’s not just cheap food made quickly.  There are millions of other restaurants that make cheap foods fast.

So, why has McDonald’s spread all over the world?  It’s because their system is so easy to master that anyone can open a McDonald’s restaurant and be successful.  The franchise system has allowed McDonalds to spread across the globe because just about anyone with any business sense can run one if they have a couple hundred thousand dollars lying around.

Don’t have 200 grand handy?  No problem.  How about free?  You can plug into a system that is as simple and effective and as lucrative as the McDonald’s franchise system.

Click here to see how it works.

How Facebook Lies To You

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Think your ads were doing well on Facebook?  Think again.  Last week Facebook announced that the metric that showed the average time a viewer watched a video was inflated.  Not even by a few percentage points.  One ad buying agency said that Facebook overestimated how long someone watched a video by 60-80%.

So, what actually happened?  When Facebook calculated the average time someone watched a video, they only divided the number of views over 3 seconds by the number of viewers instead of the total number of views by the number of viewers.

So, if you’re advertising on Facebook, things might not be going as well as you thought they were.  Facebook, Google Ad-Words, YouTube and other traffic sources are constantly playing “Hide the Salami” with advertisers.

This is why you better be darn sure the rest of your sales funnel is rock solid.  That’s where Click Funnels comes in.  You send traffic and they take care of the rest:

  • High converting sales funnels
  • All customer service taken care of
  • All shipping and admin handled for you

Does it sound too good to be true?

The only way you’ll find out for sure is by clicking here.

How To Get Rich On Your Couch

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There’s a famous poem called Invictus.  The final lines say: “It matters how strait the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.”  Is that really true?  Are we actually in control of our life or are we being tossed around wherever life takes?

A new trend in Japan will make the answer clearer.  In most countries, palm readers and psychics aren’t taken seriously but in Japan, Palm readers are taken so seriously that people are actually having cosmetic surgery on their palms to change themselves.

Did you see the irony?  The believe in what the lines of their palms say about them so much that they’re willing to take action and have surgery so their palms will say what they want instead.  Instead of adjusting their work schedule to fit in more adventures, a person will change a line on their hand so it says they’re adventurous.  Instead of adjusting their diet to have more energy, a person will change a line on their hand to say they have more energy.

We really are the masters of our fate and captain of our soul but only if we take action that will make a real difference in our lives.  When it comes to building a fortune online, most people read a lot of information on the industry but never actually do what they read about.  Reading is not doing.

This is doing.

Why Most Online Systems Crash And Burn

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If you could do something that usually took 7 hours in only 3, would you do it?  Of course, right?  That was exactly the option people had with the Concorde jet.  The Concorde jet was the first supersonic jet to carry commercial passengers.  It was so fast that it could travel from London to New York in only 3 hours while a regular jet took 7.  No one has seen a Concorde in the sky for over a decade.  Even when they were flying, few people ever bought a ticket to fly one.

So, what happened?  The Concorde’s speed couldn’t overcome all the complications that came with it.  For one thing, tickets were expensive.  This is the jet of the future and time is money after all.  It also burned 3 times the amount of fuel a regular passenger jet would which made it difficult to break even for the airlines.  Lastly, it created supersonic booms when it broke the sound barrier and was extremely loud at take off.  This means it was loud and annoying to anyone who was nearby when it was flying.  This is why the Concorde failed.  Despite how fast it was, all of it’s complications made it unpopular and unprofitable.

There’s a lot of Concorde’s out there when it comes to online business systems.  They’ll tell you that you can work from home and make a fortune online doing it but they don’t tell you that you have to invest your life savings and work more than you would at a 9-5 before you can earn a buck.

That’s what makes Click Funnels unique.  Click Funnels is an online business system that is so effective that the sky is the limit on your earnings.

Click Funnel’s simple system may not be the flashiest program online but you can make money using it.  So, will you be the next Concorde?

Click here to say no.

This Is Ridiculous

Views: 2

This really is a ridiculous offer.  It’s ridiculous in a good way.  For free, this company is offering to give you access to their training program.  The same training that lots of  students have been through and teach you:

  • How to start generating commissions of $1,000 – $5,000 online per month
  • How to advertise
  • What the 7 and 8 figure income earners do differently than the rest so you can model their thinking and their daily method of operation

All this for free. 

The part I find is the most ridiculous is that they’re providing you with step by step training on what you need to do to get results.  They will guide you through the training and they have a vested financial interest in seeing you do well.

Go here now and get access before they start charging for this. 

Most programs offering traning like this cost thousands so the fact they’re offering this for free is ridiculously good.  If you’re wondering why it’s free, it’s because this company makes a small % of your sales once they get you up and running and producing results.  Instead of charging you thousands of dollars upfront to train you, they make their money back in the long run once they’re successful.

Access the system here.