Why There Aren’t More Millionaires And Astronauts

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When you wake up in the morning, you choose whether or not you’re going to get close to your dreams.  There’s no standing still.  You either get closer or further away and the only person who decides is you.  It’s as simple as that right?  Wrong.  If it was simple, everyone would be millionaires or astronauts.

The truth is you don’t choose.  Your circumstances choose for you.  You can wake up in the morning and say you’re going to earn a fortune that day or do whatever you need to do to follow your dreams but when your Wi-Fi is spotty or your parents call and say they need you to stop by, all that goes out of the window because life doesn’t care about your plans and it will throw your whole day off track in a few moments.

This is why you can’t just wake up and decide that you’re going to follow your dreams no matter what.  You need a plan that works with life.  A system that will both make progress towards your financial dreams every day while also being flexible enough to deal with everything life throws at you.  A plan that’s so effective that when you wake up in the morning, you’ll actually be able to decide whether you want to chase your dreams or just want to keep dreaming about them.

This is exactly what Click Funnels is.  Simple, effective and flexible.  There’s no commute, no hourly wage or vacation time.  Just the freedom to decide when and where you work.

Click here if you want to wake up tomorrow and actually be able to chase your dreams.

Could You Imagine What People 20 Years Ago Would Do With Your Computer?

Views: 2

People all over the world were forced to evacuate cities that were filled with infected dead bodies.  Regulators set up quarantine zones.  People avoided other people but the disease still spread and killed thousands.  This isn’t a movie or a book.  This actually happened in 2005 and it was a worldwide pandemic.  A worldwide World of Warcraft pandemic.

In 2006, the makers of the global computer game, World Of Warcraft accidentally introduced a bug that spread from player to player and slowly drained their health until they dropped dead just like a real disease.  It got to bad that the game makers had to reset their servers to end it but that wasn’t the end of what came to be called the corrupted blood incident because researchers from everywhere from Tufts University in Massachusetts to the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel have studied the incident and the response from the people who lived through it.

Yes, influential thinkers actually studied a disease breakout in World of Warcraft because the game has created an accurate enough representation of civilisation that it’s a semi accurate model of what would happen if there was a real life pandemic.  Technology is evolving beyond our wildest dreams these days from driver-less cars to video games that are so accurate that researchers study them and what used to be science fiction is becoming reality.

If your job doesn’t take advantage of modern technology then you’re missing out on opportunities that people 10 or 20 years ago wouldn’t believe were possible like earning a 6 figure income form your own computer.  It’s possible within a year from today thanks to a system called Click Funnels.

Click here to see how it works.

2 Billion Lines Of Code And You Still Haven’t Put It To Use?

Views: 2

You have the most powerful tool ever created waiting for you to use it and you don’t even realise it.  Here’s a little perspective for you using computer code.  Computer code is instructions that humans give computers to run.  For e.g. Your average IPhone app runs 40,000 lines of code that tell it what to do when operating but that’s nothing compared to the first space shuttle.

Space Shuttle Columbia ran 400,000 lines of code when it launched and that was in 1981.  The most technologically advanced fighter jet in the world today runs 24,700,000 lines of code when it’s flying but that’s nowhere near how much code you use every day.  For e.g. Facebook runs 61,000,000 lines of code.  We aren’t done yet because that’s nowhere near the program that runs the most code.  Google runs 2,000,000,000 lines of code.  That’s a billion with a b for those who lost count.  It’s also 5,000 times more computer code than the average space shuttle used.

So, what does all this mean for you?  Every day, you use 5,000 times more computer code than was needed to travel space and you aren’t earning a single dime with it.  The good news is that you can put that powerful code to use with a simple moneymaking system called Click Funnels.  Click Funnels gives affiliates ads and teaches them how to place them.  The affiliates get sales commissions worth as much as $5,000 per month without ever closing a sale or dealing with long payment processing.  They can do it all from their own computer.

This is the power of the modern internet for you.  Quit missing out and take advantage of the most powerful tool we’ve ever known by joining Click Funnels.

Click here to learn more.

An Exceedingly Rare Commodity You Should Be Investing In

Views: 3

No matter if you’re a republican, Democrat or even a person from another country, statistically it’s likely that you’re unhappy with both candidates but that doesn’t matter because one of them is going to win.  This is out of your control.  What they do when they’re in the White House is pretty much out of your control too.

So, are you completely powerless?  Basically yes and that’s why it’s time for you to take control of what you can like your job.  Most people work for a company where the only control they have is when they take their vacation.  They don’t even decide how much vacation they get.  They’re just stuck waiting for someone to leave or get fired so they can move up the chain.  Then they repeat for 30 or 40 years and retire.  It’s not exactly what you would imagine in the land of the free.

This is why you need to take advantage of Click Funnels.  Click Funnels is an online system where affiliates place ads online from their own computers and receive the sales commissions.  They work where they want and how much they work decides how much money they make.  Click Funnels affiliates are completely in control of their future.  That’s becoming a rare thing.

Click here to learn more about Click Funnels.

Get Rich Before They Make It Illegal

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Apple patented their white paper bags.  What’s so special about them?  They’re made of recycled material and held together by recycled materials.  A huge innovation worthy of a patent right?  Nope but now nobody else can make bags the way Apple does unless they pay Apple a fee.  Even the design for a paper bag isn’t safe from being patented.

This is why Click Funnels is so unique.  Click Funnels is a tried and true online business system that anyone can master and use to earn sales commissions worth $1,000 – $5,000 every month from their own computer without ever even making an ad.

Click Funnels works so well that when Russel Brunson created it, he earned oer $100 million over just 3 years but he isn’t keeping Click Funnels a secret or “patenting” it or forcing anyone who wants to use it to invest thousands before they earn a dime.  All it takes to make money with Click Funnels is the free training from the link below.

Click here to take advantage.