How To Break The Online Glass Ceiling

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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory may be one of the most popular stories of all time.  Why?  It’s because everyone loves an underdog.  Throughout the film, it’s clear that Charlie has no chance of getting a golden ticket.  He doesn’t even have enough money to buy one chocolate bar and other kids all around the world are buying thousands but he gets lucky.  The last thing we see is Charlie riding the elevator through the glass ceiling with his new factory below.

While that’s great for kids, there’s a very serious message hidden within.  Charlie had to fight tooth and nail just to have a chance at making it into the chocolate factory while the other kids sat back and relaxed all so he could break the glass ceiling at the end of the factory.

This same story happens every day in the online marketing world.  There are a few online advertisers who have the resources and knowledge to earn more money in a month than most people do in years.  In fact, only 3% of online marketers earn over 90% of the money made through online advertising.  In the story, Charlie was able to break the glass ceiling and out earn the other kids.

However, real life isn’t a story with a happy ending.  In real life, 97% of online marketers are struggling to earn what they can of the 10% that’s left.  The 3% that don’t intend on helping anyone else break the glass ceiling by sharing their marketing secrets anytime soon.

Here’s a rare chance to cash in on the marketing secrets of the 3%.  Russel Brunson has the system to help you.  How?

Click here to break the online marketing glass ceiling.

The Pet Rock Is The Secret To your Fortune

Views: 3

There’s a lot of dumb products out there.  There’s the pet rock for example.  It started out as a joke but after some creative marketing, it became a real product with instructions on how to reach the rock to sit.

How about  It’s a website that’s full of pictures with cats and the caption: “Can I haz a Cheeburger?”  Those foam balls that go on car antennas, an app that makes fart noises and plastic wishbones.  All dumb ideas.

There’s another thing that these products have in common.  They’re all million dollar ideas.  Yes, not only do these products exist, they’ve all earned millions of dollars for the people who made them.  If the pet rock proves anything, it’s that you don’t need a world-changing idea to be wealthy and successful.  You just need an idea that sells.

Click here to get access to one.

The Most In Depth Training Program On How To Make Money Online Today

Views: 4

If you go to Clickbank or do your own Google search for different online money making programs, be prepared to be overwhelmed.  There’s over 10,000 courses and books on this topic.  Even though I haven’t seen all of them, I’ve seen a lot of them.  Most of them let you down.  Not because their training isn’t good but because in many cases, it’s incomplete.  Instead of giving you clarity, you get confused even more.

This is where most training programs go wrong:

  1. You don’t get to talk to a real person when you take the training – There’s nothing worse than not being able to understand something you paid good money for and having no one to speak to for further clarification.  If you have to go search on Google for answers then you’re right back to where you started.  You get too much information and you will be overwhelmed.
  2. Everything is presented all at once – Think of when you were in school.  Did you immediately get presented with 10 or more years of lessons and textbooks at one time?  Of course not as it would be ridiculous.  You were presented with one lesson at a time.  You had a teacher who made you understood the current lesson before you were shown the next more advanced lesson.  This way, you could understand the current lesson before you were shown the next more advanced lesson.  This way you could understand the foundational concepts before learning the more advanced ones.  The trouble is that most people are not great self learners.  If you present them with too many videos and lessons in one go, they get overwhelmed and confused.  They don’t know where to start.  They get paralyzed and just remain stuck because they are not getting any sense of progress along the way and they give up quickly.  Most online courses work like this.  You pay the money, get some log in details and then you’re left to make sense of all the training.  The online marketing world needs a huge shake.  We need to look at the most advanced learning techniques and apply them to our world so the average person can make sense of all the lessons and actually get results.  Information should not be presented all at once.  It should be presented in stages where the student can make sense of the basic things first and then the more advanced lessons.
  3. They don’t have a proven track record of success (How many people have taken the training and got results with it?) – If you’re seeing the same generic testimonials for whatever course you’re buying, it’s a good clue that their training is outdated.  A good measure of an effective training program is how many success stories they’ve created and how many of them are recent.  When it comes business, universities like Harvard and Stanford are clearly effective training grounds as they are constantly churning out graduates who go on to become titans in business and build enormous companies.  The very best online training programs have also helped created many famous internet marketing gurus and continue to do so.
  4. They want a lot of money before you get to see any of the proper training – The best online training programs are the ones where the creator is able to make money on the success of the clients who implement the training.  That way, they have a vested interest in seeing the clients do well and can charge less money upfront for access to the training.  They earn their profits when the clients also start earning.

In all my time searching, I’ve come across one truly great training program which covers all 4 of the above points with this one:

  • You do get to talk to a real person and not just some sales rep but a real person who knows what they’re talking about.
  • The training is presented one module at a time so you’re learning in bite sized chunks of information rather than getting completely overwhelmed the first time you login.
  • The clients who’ve taken the training do have a proven track record of success.  Over the past 3 years alone, they’ve been able to make a combined total of $100 million.
  • You don’t need a lot of money to get started with the training.  In fact, they don’t even ask for your credit card upfront as you can take the training for free.

Take my word for it, the training really does give you everything you need to start earning online.

Click here to get started.

Do You Want To Earn A Fortune Online Or Keep Doing What You’re Doing?

Views: 2

Life is full of distractions especially when it comes to work.  Have you ever noticed that whenever you’re trying to work that your mind naturally finds distractions?  Your mind may think of anything from what happened 5 minutes before to something that happened 5 years ago.  Anything to avoid work.

I had this problem growing up.  When I would wake up, I would tell myself that I’m going to work for hours on end and that I’m going to make some real progress today but no matter how much I motivated myself before working, every time I did, the distractions flooded in and pulled me away.  This went on for a while and caused me to waste more time that I care to count.

Eventually, I told myself that I have to figure out a better way to keep myself from getting distracted.  I couldn’t just block out the distractions.  So, I had to figure out a better way to stop them from getting me off track.  That’s when I came up with the perfect solution.  Whenever a distraction was pulling me away from work, I would ask myself: “Do I want to be a millionaire or do I want to …?”  Whatever it was that was distracting myself if I would trade my wealth and goals for the future to have it to put my choice in perspective.  It’s been incredibly effective.

You can try it out and see for yourself.  Right now, you have an opportunity to join Click Funnels.  Click Funnels is an online business system that can earn your a six figure income within a year of joining but to earn that, you have to put in a lot of hard work and trust the proven Click Funnels system.  There will be plenty of distractions along the way.

So, just ask yourself now: “Do I want to earn a six figure income from my own computer or do I want to keep doing what I’m doing?”

Click here to change your life and take your living online.

The Top 85 People On The Planet And A Few Facts About Wealth Distribution

Views: 1

I found an interesting fact just recently.  There’s 7.2 billion people on the planet today with a combined wealth of about $241 trillion dollars.  If you look at those 7.2 billion people, line them up from the very poorest of the poor on one side to the richest on the other side, the top 85 would have as much as the rest of the population combined.  Isn’t that amazing.  A lot of people think that is unfair and that these few super rich individuals should redistribute some of their wealth back to the rest.

What I would like to know is how these super rich individuals got to be in that position.  Sure, some of them may have inherited large sums of money, there’s not much I want to learn from them.  I would rather learn from the ones who made their billions from scratch who built their empires from the ground up and those are the people I’m interested in studying.

The one thing they all have in common is that they did not create their wealth through trading time for money.  Instead, they created and leveraged scalable systems which bought in their wealth for them even while they were sleeping.

So, there’s a hint for you.  What scalable system are you leveraging right now to create wealth?  If you’re still trading time for money, then you’ve figured out by now, that’s never going to make you rich.

Here’s a scalable system which potentially can.

You’ll learn about a system you can start using to generate online commissions of $1,000 and right up to $10,000 per month.

Click here to see it.