A Simple Way To Get Rich That No One Is Taking Advantage Of

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You may not believe that an ancient Roman trick can help you earn a living from home but you’d be wrong.  This trick won’t just let you to earn a living from your own computer, it will earn you a fortune.  Here’s how, Archaeologists were recently working at a Roman battle sight found in Scotland when they found something strange.  Rocks about the size of an acorn with holes drilled through them.  Other rocks like these have been found and historians always thought that the rocks were fired of hand held slings and the holes were for poison.

These rocks wouldn’t break skin and the holes were too small to hold poison.  The archaeologists were stumped.  Then they got the answer from somewhere they were never expected.  John Reid who was one of the archaeologists had a brother who was a fisherman.  After telling him about the mystery, his brother told him that some of his fishing weights have holes in them that whistle when they’re in the air.

Reid had the answer.  The Romans didn’t use the stones to physically harm their enemies.  They used them to scare them.  Soldiers would fling the stones just above the heads of the soldiers.  The stones whistled and the enemy soldiers naturally kept their heads down not only scarring them by limiting their vision.  They used the simple tolls that everyone had in a unique way to get incredible results.

Now you can do the exact same thing to earn yourself a fortune from your own computer.  Click Funnels is an online system that earns it’s affiliates thousands every month by placing ads on the most popular websites on earth.  Everyone can do it but no one else does it as well as Click Funnels.  Click Funnels has already earned it’s affiliates over $25 million in commissions.  Click below to start making thousands every month from your own computer.

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Why Grandmas And Basketball Can Make You Rich

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It’s the end of a close basketball game.  One team is down by only a few points but they are running out of time.  What do they do to stop the clock?  The foul one of the big men and send them to the free line of course.  In Basketball, players who play close to rim are usually extremely tall and strong so they can jump over defenders and score or get rounds but their strength makes them terrible free throw shooters.

Look at Wilt Chamberlain.  He was one of the greatest players of all time.  He dominated the game and even scored 100 points in a single game.  He was unstoppable except for when he went to the free throw line.  It was easier for Chamberlain to dunk the ball from the free throw line instead of shoot it.  The reason why basketball centres can’t shoot free throws is because the common method is designed for your average basketball player.  Not 7 foot tall players who can dunk with three people hanging off their back.  They are simply too strong to shoot the ball like a normal player.

There is a simple answer to this problem.  You shoot the ball underhanded which is known as “Granny style”.  Shooting granny style lets big players roll the ball perfectly up to the rim without putting too much power on it.  It’s the perfect answer to the big man’s shooting problem.

So, why aren’t people doing it?  It’s because people are afraid to try something different even though shooting underhand has been proven to be better, basketball players won’t do it because it is different that what they know.

Click Funnels is the same.  It is a proven way to make a fortune from your own computer but people are afraid to try it since it’s not your typical desk job.  If you want to make more money than anyone else, you’re going to have to try something different.  People are afraid to try it because it’s not your typical desk job.

If you want to make more money than anyone else you’re going to have to try something different.  If you’re not afraid to try a new way to make a fortune, click below to learn more about Click Funnels.

Do you remember that 100 point game Chamberlain had?  It was the only game in his career where he shot underhand making 28 of 32 free throws.

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You Don’t Have To Break Any Chains To Get Rich

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We’ve all seen people like Tony Robbins.  There’re charismatic and energetic speakers who inspire their audiences to their best selves and break chains that are holding them back from success.  Some of the stuff they say may make sense.  We could all use a self-confidence boost and someone to help us focus on what we want and how we can get it.  Some of what they say and do is purely to get people’s attention and money.

Just a few weeks ago, Tony Robbins was holding one of his seminars called: “Unleash the Power Within”.  It sounds too corny to be true but this seminar was meant to, “Help you unlock and unleash the forces inside that can help you to break through any limit and create the quality of life that you desire.”  That sounds great and maybe the seminar did that.

At the end of his seminar, things got a little ridiculous.  Robbins offered people the chance to walk across a bed of coals with the reasoning that, “Once you start doing what you thought was impossible, you’ll conquer the other fires of your life with ease.”  Several people are going to be set back on conquering fires because five of the people who walked on the coals were taken to the hospital and 30 had their feet checked for serious burns.

While people like Robbins have a place and value but at the end of the day, you don’t need to go on a $2,000 seminar or walk across a bed of hot coals to be successful.  You just have to find something that you’re good at and do it better than other people without gimmicks, seminars and no symbolism.  Just hard work well done.

You’re probably thinking that it’s much easier said than done.  Check what Click Funnels has to offer and see what you think.  You’d be surprised how easily you can make a fortune online.  Click below to learn more.

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These 2 Things Will Help You Earn A Fortune

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The secret to success isn’t really a secret.  You can find it all around you.  Of course, you could watch a successful person’s every move and learn from them but you would learn the same thing if you just looked out your window.  The secret to success is so basic and elemental that it shows up in nature.  You can find it in the trees, the mountains, the valleys and the rivers and all you have to do is look.

So, what is the secret to success?  Pressure and time.  You can accomplish anything in the world with only pressure and time.  The trees that you see outside took decades to grow as tall as they have.  The mountains grinded their way to the sky over thousands of years.  Rivers didn’t just carve the Earth up in a few days, they did it over hundreds of years.  They all did it by applying pressure over time.

Some of the largest and most spectacular things on Earth exist thanks to these 2 things.  You can do the same thing with your life.  If you work (pressure) at something for long enough (time) then you can do anything in the world.  You can earn more money than Bill Gates and Warren Buffet combined with enough time.

Here’s the problem.  We don’t have thousands of years like the rivers and mountains.  We have 100 if we’re lucky.  So, if you want to build a fortune larger than the mountains you’re going to need to find a way to apply a lot of pressure over a short amount of time.  That means making a lot of money when you sit down to work, working smarter and not harder.

Click Funnels is the perfect system to apply a ton of pressure over a short amount of time.  Click Funnels is a user friendly online system that allows people to earn sales commissions worth thousands every month.  Just look at Russel Brunson.  He founded Click Funnels and earned over $100 million over 3 years.  How’s that for pressure and time?  Click below to learn more about Click Funnels.

Click here to find out more.

The Best Way To Make Money Online

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Who do you think is the highest paid TV star in America?  It’s not a Kardashian or a game show host or even an actor.  It’s Judy Sheindlin or as you may know her better as Judge Judy.  If you’re a certain age or not familiar with American T.V. then you might not even know who Judge Judy is.  However that doesn’t stop her from raking in more money than anyone on television by a long shot.

At the end of this years T.V. cycle, Judge Judy’s contract was set to expire not that it would hurt here since she’s been making $47 million a year for the past three years so she needed to renegotiate her contract.  Not only did she manage to keep her $47 million per year salary but she is also guaranteed a first look production guarantee for her Production company with CBS.  That means that CBS is paying he and her production company for the right to have the first chance to buy whatever they produce.

Here’s the crazy part.  They don’t call her Judge Judy for nothing.  She is not known to have an agent or a manager.  Judge Judy uses her very real legal background to negotiate all her own contracts.  That means for every dollar in that contract is going straight to her and no one else.  She’s playing the game like no one else and she is winning big time because of it but you don’t have to be a T.V. star or a legal expert to do the same thing.

All you need to do is sign up for the Click Funnel System.  Click Funnels is an online marketing system that works by guiding the right clients to your product instead of just throwing your product on to the Internet and hoping that the right people see your product.

Using Click Funnels is like using a scoped rifle to hit your target instead of using a shotgun with a scattershot.  It’s that simple.  If you want to master internet marketing, then Click Funnels is an essential tool for you.

The next highest paid T.V. star is only making $13 million a year which is $34 million less than Judge Judy.  All because she’s working smarter and not harder.  Click below to make money like her.

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