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Could this be holding you back from $4k/months? If you’d like to fill up your bank accounts with more cash up to $4k per month with about 30 to 60 minutes per day of solid focus. If you’re willing to do that, then this may help. We would likely all do well these days to peek back at a few of Stephen Covey’s principles he taught in his “7 Habits” book.
A recent stat that showed that most folks spend 17 hours or more per week inside their inbox. This makes them as Covey says: “Reactive” to their days. They feel like they’re on other people’s agendas and to-dos, rather than their own. That’s how an entire day disappears and nothing we intended to gets done but here’s the tip, when we flip the script here and focus on first things first as Covey goes on tell us. Then we can stop putting out fires and reacting all day every day.
We can start getting the results we want with out sacrificing our families or our health. Not sure if you’d like more time for what’s most important in our lives, too? In Covey’s four quadrants, he calls this focus area, Important and not urgent. That’s the magic area to circle in with your yellow highlighter to make a top priority. For e.g. It may not be urgent that you spend 30 to 60 minutes per day to build up your side biz:
With a proven plan to $4k/months like this.
Maybe that’s something very important for yourself and your family. To set up a nice lifestyle friendly business for yourselves. When making more important on the side becomes a flaming fire then usually that means it’s too late. The best time is in that important and not urgent window. With that small window of reactive time, spending 30 to 60 minutes per day on you and your business, well, it makes all the difference in the world.