How To Make Money Online With Ezine Solo Ads?

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Ezine Solo Ads are a great way to start making money online.  Solo Ads are one of the quickest ways to get targeted traffic at a reasonable cost.  You can build a big list quite quickly with Solo Ads.  The advantages of Solo Ads is that you can:

  • Get geo targeted traffic
  • Get clicks delivered quickly
  • Get targeted traffic
  • Get responsive traffic
  • Target buyers

Solo Ads have a lot of advantages but a lot of people do Solo Ads the wrong way.  I see people sending traffic to company web pages when they should be sending traffic to their own squeeze page to build their own list.  It’s about building relationships through the follow up that people get to know, like and trust you.  Then they buy.  This is very important.

With Solo Ads there is a lot of testing involved.  You will have to make squeeze pages and keep tweaking them to get more leads.  You will need an offer that you send your leads on your thank you page.  You will need an auto responder like AWeber or GetResponse where you send your leads to and the auto responders sends emails automatically.  You will need to have emails in your follow up when someone types in their email address into your capture page so you can follow up.

Start with testing 100 clicks to your sales funnel.  If you get good results you can scale up.  If you don’t then you will need to tweak your sales funnel.  There are lots and lots of Solo Ad Vendors and there’s sites like Directory of Ezines where you can buy Solo Ads.  Once you get good with Solo Ads, you can more or less get money on demand.  That is the power of Email Marketing.

If you need help setting any of this up, I’ll be glad to help you.

Aweber are currently offering a free guide on what to write in your emails.  You’re also getting fill in the blank templates to make getting started even easier.

Click here to get the free guide.

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  1. Pingback: Make Money Online Ezine Solo Ads - Work Exposed Blog

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