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Internet marketing expert, Perry Marshall, once sent an April Fools message to his list offering access to his shower. He said for a hefty price that entrepreneurs could come and use his shower and tap into his amazing idea-generating powers.
Since all his best ideas come when he’s in the shower, his shower must have magical qualities, right? Like most jokes, it was half-farce, half-truth.
For some, their best ideas do come in the shower. Maybe yours do as well. It could be when you’re aimlessly walking around your neighbourhood. Archimedes’ “Eureka!” moment came in the bathtub as they didn’t have showers back then. Historians tell us that Archie’s observation of his own body displacing water in the tub gave him his great insight into how to measure the volume of irregular objects.
I think it was the act of bathing itself. I think his great discovery was as much due to the fact that he was relaxing and taking a load off than it was due to his observation of the changing water level.
I have a hard truth for you. Your best observations, your killer business insights or your life transforming “Eureka!” moments will not come while you’re working 60 hours a week in a 9-5 cubicle job. They will not come while you’re pushing paper around a desk. They will not come while you’re wasting time on Facebook. They won’t come while you’re clearing out your email inbox.
They will flee from your inhospitable head. They will land on other more receptive brains unless you carve out time to relax, work on the box instead of in it and give your mind something bigger and better.