How 176 Years Of Losing Can Make You Rich

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If you haven’t heard yet, the Cubs and the Indians are playing each other in the World Series.  If either of these teams reached the World Series, that would be incredible by itself but for both of these teams to meet each other is out of this world insane.  Here’s a little perspective, the combined championship drought between the Cubs and the Indians is 176 years.  This is more than half the existence of the United States.

It’s easy to see that losing is a habit for the Cubs and the Indians. It is for most people too.  Now you might tell yourself that you’re not a loser but the real losers are the ones that can’t tell they’re losing in life.  So, honestly ask yourself these questions: “Are you happy with what you earn at work?”, “Is your time well spent at work?” and “Can you see yourself doing what your boss does”?

Anyone who knows losing the way the Cubs and Indians do will tell you that to start winning, you must ask yourself some tough questions.  If you honestly ask yourself those three, you’re on the way to winning big even if it means you must leave your 9-5 job behind.  How can you do this?

Click here to find out.

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