Do You Believe This Online Myth?

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When you sign up for Click Funnels and follow the system, your income goes up.  One thing leads directly to the other  and one thing causes the other.  That’s not always true when one thing follows the other.

Did you know that scientists used to believe that wounds caused maggots?  They believed that because maggots showed up after someone got wounded.  So, wounds must cause maggots.  It seems silly to us today but we still make the same kind of mistakes those scientists made 200 years ago.

Many of us thing that going outside without a coat on a cold day will cause us to become sick or we believe that a talented baseball player is “due” to get a hit because he has been in a slump.  We believe that his past failure will cause his success.  Both are completely false.  Just because one thing happens after another doesn’t mean the first thing caused the second.

There is one case when it does.  When people sign up for Click Funnels and follow the steps, their income goes up fast.  Period.  If you want to take an action that will cause your income to top, this is it.

This means one way or anther, Click Funnels will cause your income to go up.

Get started for free right here.

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