Why One Mistake Can Save You A Lifetime Of Misery?

Views: 2

A little known novel called The Tenth Man has a moral that can change your life.  The story is about a man that trades away his fortune so another man will take his spot in a death squad.  It’s a short and to the point novel but the lesson it teaches is invaluable.

The main character is the rich man who offers all of his property and money so that someone will take his spot.  After he does, he regrets his choice because he lured a man to his death with money and wealth.  Then he goes back to his old home that he traded away and becomes a servant under a new name.  Naturally, the man’s family that inherited his home hates him because he is responsible for the death of their brother.  The main character sets out on a quest to redeem himself.

You might be wondering what any of this has to do with you?  It seems obvious that trading a life away to for money is a poor trade.  Even if it means your family will never have to worry about anything.  You’d be surprised how many people waste away behind desks for that exact reason.  People get so caught up in providing comfort that they forget the best comfort you can give someone is your presence.  To do so, you have to not be at work, not be working from your phone and not be thinking about work.  It’s a tall order.

Now you have a chance to fill it because this blog post is your access to a tried and true system called Click Funnels.  Click Funnels will take away your commute and long hours spent behind a desk and open up your time by allowing you to work from your own computer.

You can make thousands every month giving you time to truly be with the people you work so hard to provide for.  Don’t be the tenth man.

Learn from his mistake and click here to learn more about Click Funnels.

How The War Of Words Can Make You Rich?

Views: 1

There’s a war going on that you are probably blind to which is The Copyright War.  It’s being waged with arguments of intellectual property and fair use in courtrooms across the country.  Don’t worry, this won’t be a legal document explaining between the lines of copyrights.  This blog post is purely about making you money.  It’s what you can learn from copyrighting that can make you money though because you wouldn’t believe the lengths people go through to protect their ideas.

The basic idea is that if you create something and copyright it, other people cannot use it for their own profit.  You may know that the happy birthday song has been a disputed copyright but did you know that Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I have a dream” speech is copyrighted?  What about Anne Frank’s diary?  Not surprised?  Just wait.  There’s a whole slew of common words and phrases like “Yup” and “Get ready to rumble” that legally belong to someone.  The NFL owns the phrase “Super Bowl” and discourages anyone but people advertising during the Super Bowl from using it.  Police forces like the Canadian Mounties copyrighted their uniforms to prevent them from showing up somewhere they didn’t want.  Some DNA is copyrighted.  Yep, some companies put a copyright on DNA once it is removed from a body so that they are the only ones that can research it.

So, what’s the point of all this?  When someone has a good idea or product, they protect it.  Making money is competitive no matter what you do.  Everyone wants to be the best so when they come up with an idea, they’re going to protect it and keep it to themselves.

That’s what makes Click Funnels so special.  It’s a system based on a fantastic idea that is open to everyone.  You don’t have to pay royalties to make thousands every month while working from home.  All you need to do to have your own stake in Click Funnels is click below.

If you want to put in your own copyright on a proven money maker then click here to learn more about Click Funnels.

This Little Machine Might Save The World

Views: 4

The world is running out of water.  That may sound extreme and I’m no scientist but from what I understand, it’s true.  Much of the world gets it’s fresh water from underground reservoirs and recent measurements show that those reservoirs are being depleted at an alarming rate.

It doesn’t help that many places across the world are experiencing major droughts for e.g. California and Syria.  The droughts are pushing us to use water more quickly from the underground reservoirs which depletes them even quicker.  If we keep using water at this rate, those underground reservoirs will start disappearing.  This is going to be a big problem.

So, is anyone doing anything about this problem?  Thankfully at least one person is.  Multi-Billionaire Manoj Bhargava designed a little machine that’s designed to address this problem in a big way.  It’s called the “Rainmaker”.  It’s a machine about the size of a 5 passenger car and it can turn salt water into drinkable water at amazing speeds.  It can purify 1,000 gallons of water every hour.  So, 24,000 gallons every day.

The best thing about these machines is that they’re easy and cheap to manufacture and they require very little upkeep because they’re built out of cheap, accessible and replaceable parts.  We’ve had technology for a while that could purify water.  Up until now, water purification has only happened in huge, complicated and expensive destination plants.

You need big teams of specialists to build just one of these plants and even then it takes 10 years to put one up even then they’re not too efficient.  This is why Manoj’s “Rainmaker” is so revolutionary.  It’s cheap, simple, effective and easily repeatable.

Click Funnels is the “Rainmaker” of online business.  If the future is anything like the past, there are droughts ahead especially financial ones.  Depending on where you live, you might say we’re in one now.  Click Funnels addresses the problem by helping you establish a source of revenue by building a home business in a cheap, simple and effective manner.

It teaches you how to start making big commissions by driving traffic into existing highly converting sales funnels.  Learn how to do that systematically and you have an online business.  It’s really as simple as that.  There’s no need to spend 10 years and 10’s or 100’s of thousands of $$’s building something from scratch which is complex, inefficient and risky.  There’s no desalination plants necessary.

With Click Funnels, you can use a simple, repeatable process that has generated massive results and the members have made over $40,000,000 in commissions.

If you like big commissions and you’re willing to work hard, then chances are you will like what you see.  Prepare for the drought.

Start making your rain here.

Your Journey To Wealth

Views: 2

There’s an outline that fits every movie you have ever seen.  It’s called: “The Hero’s Journey” and it’s present in every story ever told all the way back to the cavemen.

There’s one part that’s incredibly important to you.  It’s called the refusal of the call.  In every story, the hero must go on a journey and in every story, they refuse the journey at first.  Why is this?  There’s a long list of reasons why heroes say no to adventure.  They don’t know if the journey is even necessary.  They have a ten page list of excuses.  They have other journeys they want to go on.

You most likely already knew that because you have refused plenty of calls to adventure.  Not calls to slay a dragon but calls to try a new job.  Calls to invest time and money in something you are not completely sure about.

In the movies, the hero’s refusal of the call results in disaster until they finally accept the call but in real life, something even worse happens.  Nothing.  When you don’t take any chances or explore new opportunities, your life never changes.

If you’re working a 9-5 desk job that overworks you and underpays you, then that’s a tragedy.  Now you have another call to adventure in front of you.  At the end of this blog post is a link to a site for Click Funnels.

Click Funnels is an online system that makes money when people visit the most popular sites on the Internet.  You can accept the call and click the link to find out more on how you could make thousands every month.

Click here to accept the call.

Use The Internet Like This And Be Rich

Views: 2

Someone tells you to come up with two unique products before tomorrow.  Where do you turn?  Probably the Internet, right?  If you are like most people, you would jump on Reddit or Stumbleupon and try to sift through the never ending webs of the internet spending hours getting sidetracked by ads, pictures of cats and that YouTube video you watched a month ago that you kind of want to watch again.  10 minutes before you have to talk about your two new products you’re still trying to think of something or if you’re lucky, second guessing what you did come up with.

These days people turn to the Internet for everything whether it’s news, entertainment, friends or love.  The answer to any question is in the Internet but most of the time you end up staring at a screen for a few hours instead of doing what you set out to do.  You just have to know how to use it.

If you just look beyond your computer screen at your book records and old pictures, there’s a whole collection of things that are personal to you and mean something to you that it does to no one else.  This works much better for coming up with ideas than looking at information that is meant to appeal to everyone.  Then you use the Internet for research and voila, you have a million dollar idea.

So, how does this help you?  It’s because it’s an example of using the Internet in a way that is a little different than you are used to and can make a huge difference.  Now you can do the same thing and join a system that has earned it’s affiliates over $25 million in sales commissions.

Click here to learn how you can profit from the Internet like never before.