The Definitive Guide To Big Money Online And Great Pancakes

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How do you make great pancakes?  Well, you can try to make it all up.  Put some flour in a bowl, add some baking soda, crack an egg and stir.  Unless you’re already a master chef, 9 times out of 10, you’ll end up with something disgusting.  You could end up with doughy, chewy, thick and gross semi-pancakes.

It’s much better to get on Google and search: “Fluffy pancake recipe”.  Then you can find a highly rated recipe on  Recipes contain someone’s or other people’s wisdom and experience.  When you use them, it’s almost as if a master chef is standing right there next to you telling you what to do each step of the way.  They lead you to pancake Nirvana which you could never have found if you had tried to get there on your own.  You would have gotten lost in the dark woods.

So, why try to make your own thing from scratch when there are proven methods for making fantastic pancakes?  Similarly, why try to start your own business from scratch when you can use a proven method for making fantastic pancakes?  Click Funnels is a recipe for making an income online.  It gives you the ingredients, the tools and the step by step directions you need to start an online business.  When  you sign up to Click Funnels, you get:

  • Done for you products and a lot of them
  • Done for you customer service
  • Done for you selling
  • Done for you order fulfilment

This might make you wonder, what there’s left for me to do?  Your main task is to drive traffic into highly converting sales funnels which Click Funnels teaches you how to do.  Learn to do that consistently and you’ll be well on your way to pancake Nirvana.  It’s a recipe that’s already been tested by others.  Using this recipe, people have generated some pretty amazing results.  Click Funnels members have made over $40,000,000 in commissions.

All that money has been made online using the proven methods taught in Click Funnels.  There’s no prior experience necessary.  If you can make pancakes, you can do Click Funnels.

Here’s your recipe.

How To Win Online With The “Lego Brick” Method

Views: 2

Did you ever play with Lego’s as a kid?  I liked getting new Lego sets.  I enjoyed spending time surrounded by mounds of bricks from past sets building space ships and castles and other things that I thought up on my own.

Lego is now worth $15 billion.  It just recently became the world’s most valuable toy manufacturer.  That shouldn’t be surprising.  Their main product which is the Lego set is just genius from a business perspective.  The company is able to make literally infinite variations of it.  Each time a new movie or video game becomes popular, Lego can ride on it’s success by creating a Lego set to match it.

So, even though the product is 87 years old, all those variations make it feel brand new every time.  Plus, Lego’s are just cool.  They give you an outlet for your creativity while also providing helpful structure.  Think about it.  If someone took you into a big room full of materials with pieces of wood, nails, ropes, paint, tape, buckets and then she told you to be creative, wouldn’t that be a little overwhelming?

Where would you start?  What would you try to do?  Even though all the pieces would be there for building something significant, the lack of direction and structure would be paralyzing.  On the other hand, if you’re given a pile of Lego’s, you can just start putting pieces together.  Before you know it, you have an idea and then a miniature castle.

Click Funnels gives you the ‘Lego pieces’ you need to start building your home business.  When you sign up for it, you’re signing up for:

  • Done for you products
  • Done for you customer service
  • Done for you order fulfilment

It also gives you a set of directions showing you how to put all the pieces together.  You get to experience the freedom of owning your own business but you also receive the guidance and structure that you need to thrive as a home business owner.

A new Lego set could easily cost you $100.  Click Funnels affiliate program is free.  You gain the tools and info you need to start generating an income online.  Your castle awaits you.

Click here to start building.

Do You Want To Be Rich Or Skip This Blog Post?

Views: 2

What do you want to be?  A writer, a stay at home parent, rich or successful?  Why are you wanting to be those things and not wanting to be those things then?  Maybe you’re in a career that you never imagined yourself working or wanting to work in but it pays the bills so for now it will do until you can do what you really want.  Maybe you’re doing something you like but it’s not making you the money that you always told yourself you would.  Maybe you’re working three jobs just to keep the lights on and were sick of it the day you started.

No matter what your reason is for wanting something instead of having it, there’s a simple way you can get it.  Every time you wake up, every time you turn on the T.V. and anytime you do anything ask yourself: “What do I want to be?”  After you answer, you will have to decide if what you are about to do is getting you closer to that or further away because there is no middle ground.  You either advance or take steps backwards.  Everything you do either puts you closer or further away from what you want.  Just to prove it, you have a choice before you now.

At the end of this blog post is a link to a site called Click Funnels.  Click Funnels is an online system that earns people money by placing ads on the most popular sites on the Internet.  If you click, you will have the chance to earn thousands in commissions every month while working from anywhere you can bring a laptop.

Click Funnels won’t make your wishes come true but it will put you in a better place to do so on your own.

Now you have the choice.  Are you going forwards or backwards?

Click here to get started.

Why One Mistake Can Save You A Lifetime Of Misery?

Views: 2

A little known novel called The Tenth Man has a moral that can change your life.  The story is about a man that trades away his fortune so another man will take his spot in a death squad.  It’s a short and to the point novel but the lesson it teaches is invaluable.

The main character is the rich man who offers all of his property and money so that someone will take his spot.  After he does, he regrets his choice because he lured a man to his death with money and wealth.  Then he goes back to his old home that he traded away and becomes a servant under a new name.  Naturally, the man’s family that inherited his home hates him because he is responsible for the death of their brother.  The main character sets out on a quest to redeem himself.

You might be wondering what any of this has to do with you?  It seems obvious that trading a life away to for money is a poor trade.  Even if it means your family will never have to worry about anything.  You’d be surprised how many people waste away behind desks for that exact reason.  People get so caught up in providing comfort that they forget the best comfort you can give someone is your presence.  To do so, you have to not be at work, not be working from your phone and not be thinking about work.  It’s a tall order.

Now you have a chance to fill it because this blog post is your access to a tried and true system called Click Funnels.  Click Funnels will take away your commute and long hours spent behind a desk and open up your time by allowing you to work from your own computer.

You can make thousands every month giving you time to truly be with the people you work so hard to provide for.  Don’t be the tenth man.

Learn from his mistake and click here to learn more about Click Funnels.

How The War Of Words Can Make You Rich?

Views: 1

There’s a war going on that you are probably blind to which is The Copyright War.  It’s being waged with arguments of intellectual property and fair use in courtrooms across the country.  Don’t worry, this won’t be a legal document explaining between the lines of copyrights.  This blog post is purely about making you money.  It’s what you can learn from copyrighting that can make you money though because you wouldn’t believe the lengths people go through to protect their ideas.

The basic idea is that if you create something and copyright it, other people cannot use it for their own profit.  You may know that the happy birthday song has been a disputed copyright but did you know that Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I have a dream” speech is copyrighted?  What about Anne Frank’s diary?  Not surprised?  Just wait.  There’s a whole slew of common words and phrases like “Yup” and “Get ready to rumble” that legally belong to someone.  The NFL owns the phrase “Super Bowl” and discourages anyone but people advertising during the Super Bowl from using it.  Police forces like the Canadian Mounties copyrighted their uniforms to prevent them from showing up somewhere they didn’t want.  Some DNA is copyrighted.  Yep, some companies put a copyright on DNA once it is removed from a body so that they are the only ones that can research it.

So, what’s the point of all this?  When someone has a good idea or product, they protect it.  Making money is competitive no matter what you do.  Everyone wants to be the best so when they come up with an idea, they’re going to protect it and keep it to themselves.

That’s what makes Click Funnels so special.  It’s a system based on a fantastic idea that is open to everyone.  You don’t have to pay royalties to make thousands every month while working from home.  All you need to do to have your own stake in Click Funnels is click below.

If you want to put in your own copyright on a proven money maker then click here to learn more about Click Funnels.