He Rewrote History And You Can Profit From It

Views: 3

Philip K. Dick is not the most famous author.  Even though his books are still around today despite his passing in 1982, you won’t see his among the greats except in certain circles.  You may have heard of the film Slingblade but you may not have known that it was an adaptation of his book by the same name.  Dick was mostly popular within the science fiction community, publishers print his books sparingly.

Amazon produced one of Dick’s most popular novels into an online series and it’s been a hit.  Anyone who wants to read the book before or after watching the series is out of luck since the publishers are scrambling to catch up with the demand of the book.  The reason for this was that thee books had never sold so well and they were not prepared for the surge in sales that the online series has brought.

So, what changed?  Obviously, the online series brought the story to more people but it was always a great story.  So, why wasn’t it as popular as before?  It’s because it’s so much easier for people to watch a show than to read a book.  Not a shocker but still important because it’s been proven time after time.  People have an easier time watching a film or show versus reading a book because when you are watching something, everything you need is given to you.  All you have to do is observe but with a book you have to pay attention and do the imagining on.  Making film and T.V. a much easier form of entertainment.

So, why should you care about all this?  You should care because film and television are naturally easier to watch than reading a book and have a better chance to be successful.  Just as watching is naturally easier than reading, Russel Brunson’s Click Funnels system naturally makes money.  As long as people are on the Internet and as the Internet grows so does the chances of making money with Click Funnels.

Click here to find out how you can make thousands every month while working from your own computer.

How To Make Money Like Star Wars Does?

Views: 2

Even if you’re not a Star Wars fan, it’s impossible not to know that a new film just came out.  Ever since Disney bought the franchise, it was understood that the new film would be big but Disney has taken marketing and advertising to a whole new level.  They have done reverse product placement.

Normal product placement is when a company pays to have their product mentioned or seen in a film but as you can imagine, it would be pretty noticeable is Han Solo drank Dunkin Doughnuts coffee while flying the Millennium Falcon or Luke Skywalker locked up directions on his iPhone.

So, what did Disney do?  Instead of putting real life products into the film, they have put characters and other elements of the film into real life products.  You’ve seen the Star Wars Mac and Cheese and toys before but Disney went even further.  There is:

  • Start Wars make up
  • Star Wars Crocs
  • Star Wars Coffee Creamer
  • Star Wars Computers

There’s even fruit packaged in Star Wars bags.  There’s so many Star Wars products out there that products that are trying to stand out with Star Wars branding are blending in.  You’ll have to wait and see if it works.

The success of the film is not why you should care.  You should care because Disney is taking a different approach as a result, Star Wars is projected to earn $1.5 Billion.  This movie will probably make more than some countries do in a year.  It’s not just because it’s Star Wars but because Disney took a different approach to marketing.

Now you have the opportunity to do the same and make a shipload of money doing it.  Click Funnels is not your desk job.  You work from your own computer wherever you want and you make more doing it.  As a member of Click Funnels, you can earn thousands every month in a proven system that can not only make you a fortune but can also rescue you from a cubicle and morning traffic.

Click here to learn more about Click Funnels.

The Natural Order Of Making Money

Views: 7

There’s a saying from Homer Jnr. Hickman that goes: “No matter how perfect the thing, the moment it’s created it begins to be destroyed.”  Bummer but he was right.  The moment something is created, it starts down a path that will one day end in the thing’s destruction because nothing lasts forever.  It’s called Entropy.  Entropy is the natural decline of ordered things into disorder.

That also includes you but you already knew that no matter how hard it is to accept it.  We don’t get to choose when or how our destruction comes along.  All we know is that we are heading for it but what we can do is choose how we spend the time between our creation and our destruction.

Now, before you Carpe Diem, just pause for a moment.  Everyone wants to seize the day but not many people really do.  It’s because it’s hard to change your life.  People make huge plans and goals for their future but they never get very far because they know what they want but don’t know how to get there.

They don’t know what their first step should be and they end up getting bogged down figuring it out.  They don’t have enough order and planning on how they will accomplish their goal so their plan becomes disordered quickly and falls apart.  It’s entropy striking.  That’s why most people have a dream job and then their real job.  The best way to fight entropy is order.

That is exactly what Click Funnels gives you.  Click Funnels is a system that will be taught to you by a mentor in a one on one setting through a program with set steps.  There will be no room for disorder because you will be learning through a tightly ordered system.

Once you have mastered Click Funnels, you can make thousands every month while working from your computer.  If you’re ready to fight entropy then:

Click here to learn more about Click Funnels.

Be Rich And Romantic

Views: 1

The romantic is not just a person who has all the right words and moves but a person who believes.  Believes in what you ask?  They believe that everything works out in the end or that no matter how the odds are stacked against them they will still find a way.  A romantic is a person who despite everything telling them that something is impossible, still believes it is.  It makes sense that most children are romantics even though they don’t know it.  Most adults are not.

So, what happened along the way?  Reality happened.  As a person grows up reality sets in and all those things they used to believe in start fading until you have a full blown cynic.  Each time someone learns that people are not always kind or that being an adult means that they did have more responsibilities than they ever imagined, they are pushed away from their childhood ideas and more towards a harsh but realistic view of the world.

The death of a romantic is a slow but steady one.  Cue the sad music right?  Wrong because you can still be the optimistic person you were before you had to deal with the real life.  Real life is hard and the harder it gets, the more cynical you get.

One thing that definitely makes life easier is money.  It’s not how you will find happiness but it sure can open the door and invite him or her in.  Money provides the stability and the resources that are helpful in doing what you love.

Now you have access to a system that is making more money than you can believe.  It’s called Click Funnels.  Click Funnels is a proven system that makes money as long as people are getting on the Internet’s most popular sites.

As a member of Click Funnels, all you have to do is place ads.  Use your newfound time and money to become the romantic you used to be.

Click here to turn back time and learn more about Click Funnels.

How To Bury Your Giants In Cash?

Views: 2

Do you have any buried giants?  Not skeletons in your closet but buried giants.  A skeleton in your closet is something you did when you didn’t want anyone to know about but a buried giant is a whole other ball game.

Kazuo Ishiguro’s novel The Buried Giant is about a couple that go on a quest to restore memories to their land and along the way, they uncover a few giants from their life that they have tried to bury away.  When they do they must choose to forget about them all over again or confront what happened between them.  That’s when shit hits the fan because no matter how hard you try and forget about something, it still affects you how you deal with it.  Dealing with it can be difficult to say the least.

So, you have a buried giant in your life?  Do you have something that you want to forget about?  Something that bothers you no matter what you do?  Maybe it was not being able to buy a ring your significant other deserved or maybe it’s the fact that you haven’t travelled anywhere other than to work and home since you got out of school even though you swore you would see the world or maybe you are worried about the future and how you will provide for those around you.

Here’s your chance to uncover your giants and deal with them because if you have any buried giants that can be taken care of with money, then Click Funnels is too good to pass up.

Click Funnels is a proven money making system that allows it’s affiliates to make thousands every month while working from their couches or kitchen counters or the beach.  Money can’t fix everything but if you have one buried giant that money can slay:

Then click here to learn more about Click Funnels.