Sharpen Your Axe And Make A Fortune

Views: 6

There’s a saying from Abraham Lincoln: “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”  There’s a debate whether Lincoln even said it or not but damn it says a lot.  The quote captures the kind of thinking that separates the haves from the have-nots.  The successful from the unsuccessful.  The people who just prosper and the people who just get by because it is saying that it’s better to work smarter and not harder.

You can bang away at your desk job for the next 40 years and retire with savings that will get you by.  Maybe you will even be able to take a trip somewhere you always wanted to go but you won’t be able to get those 40 years back where you worked your butt off instead of enjoying your time.  You can work a job that you know will always deliver a paycheck and you will never have to worry about how much you will make.  You will get your raises with that paycheck.  You will also have to deal with getting the same paycheck every month.  A pyacheck that is split and into a hundred pieces and sent off until there is nothing left for you and raises that are few and far between.

What we are talking about here is what Lincoln would’ve avoided.  Mindlessly swinging a blunt axe at a tree and taking what you get from it instead of working smarter and getting results.  The good news is that you can change all that today.  If you keep reading, you will discover a system that will allow you to earn thousands every month while working from your computer.

Russel Brunson’s Click Funnels system is the epitome of working smarter and not harder because the more people get on the Internet, the more you have a chance to make money.

Click here to learn more about how you can make thousands every month while working from anywhere you choose.

Are you Taking Advantage Of The Internet?

Views: 4

Can you imagine your life with out the Internet?  While younger people may not believe it, there was a time when the internet didn’t exist and people had to figure out things on their own instead of Googling it.  Imagine being a writer with out the Internet?  You would have to do all your research out of an actual book and documents that you would have to track down on your own.  You might even have to go to the library.

What about your job?  How would you fare with out the Internet?  Would you notice it was gone or would you be at a loss?  If you wouldn’t notice, you’re one of the few.  Imagine no emails, having to do your research in the field instead of from your desk, having to advertise to customers with pamphlets and going door to door instead of posting something.

This could also affect your life.  Imagine not being able to look up home remedies when your kid is sick or having to go out of your way to an actual ticket office to buy tickets for a movie or event.

The point of all this is that the Internet is a resource unlike any other we have ever known.  Are you using it as such?  Are you taking advantage of all the opportunities that the World Wide Web is offering you?  If you’re working a 9-5 desk job, then the answer is no.

You can use the Internet to escape the cubicle and move your office to the beach or make 10 times what you are making every month.  In this blog post is a system that will show you exactly that.

Russel Brunson founded Click Funnels to take advantage of the opportunities that the Internet offers.  As a member of his Click Funnels system, you can earn thousands every month while working from anywhere there is a computer and Wi-Fi.

Click here to learn more about how you can use the greatest resource man has ever had better than ever before.

Record Money Making Opportunity

Views: 3

Years ago, someone probably had a huge vinyl record collection and thought to themselves: “I’m a dying breed.”  Yes, you don’t see Justin Bieber vinyl records or very many vinyl records from the artists who are dominating the radio today.  It’s hard to imagine a young person for one buying a record or 2 listening to every song on that record in order instead of shuffling the 5,000 songs in their pocket.

However, that doesn’t mean vinyl is dead.  Nope, vinyl is coming back.  In fact, right now it’s the “hip” thing to have lying around.  People are realising that vinyl sounds better than MP3’s or CD’s that suffer from compression.  There is also a “warmth” that people say they can hear when they listen to a vinyl instead of an MP3 or a CD.

So, people can go online and listen to any song they want for free or download it for free but vinyl is making a comeback.  It’s something you would’ve never believed 10 years ago because honestly it’s kind of hard to believe now.  Even though hardcore music fans have known it for years, people are realising that vinyl is actually better than CD’s or MP3’s.

Unless you’re working in the music industry, you’re probably wondering what the hell this has to do with you.  Read carefully as what you’re about to hear can allow you to make thousands every month while working from your laptop.  The point of all this is that vinyl has value that you wouldn’t expect.  If someone told you that they were investing in vinyl, then you would probably laugh in their face but they would be making a smart choice just like if someone told you that the found a way to make a fortune in an email then you would doubt them.

Just as real as the vinyl comeback is so is the opportunity for you to make a fortune.  At the end of this blog post is a link to learn more about a system called Click Funnels.  Click Funnels is an online system that is easy to learn, use and make money with.  Just ask the people who received their slice of the $25 million that Click Funnels has sent out to people who joined.

As a member of Click Funnels, you can make thousands every month and have the time to spend that money too because you will work whenever and wherever you want.  You can kiss the desk job goodbye.

Click here if you’re ready to learn more about Click Funnels.

Why Being An Adult Sucks?

Views: 4

Take a few steps back.  Do you remember when you used to try and save your allowance and pick up extra chores so you could buy a video game or what about when you used to be a little excited to get sick and miss school?  Today though, you have to save up your time to play video games or do what you enjoyed doing as a kid.  Taking sick days was a luxury that you became unable to afford a long time ago.

So, what the hell happened?  Weren’t you looking forward to being an adult and doing what you wanted?  What about seeing R-rated movies or not having to study things you didn’t care about that you were interested in?  Well, you have all those freedoms that you looked forward to as a kid but what you didn’t know was all the responsibilities that came with them.

That job you have to work that eats up your day and leaves time for eating and sleeping alone.  Those responsibilities that take bites out of your pay checks until there is nothing left.  The busy life that doesn’t even leave time to plan a trip much less go on one.

Do you notice anything about all those?  They can all be solved with more income.  If you were making more money, you could walk out of that job that you spend more time at than at home.  More income means more money left over after you dole out what you are responsible for every month.  If you weren’t tied up with that job and everything else you do to stay afloat, you could travel on the drop of a dime.

Money won’t fix all the problems in your life but it will give you the chance to fix them yourself.  Luckily for you at the bottom of this blog post is a link that will tell you more about Click Funnels.

Click Funnels was founded by Russel Brunson who used it to earn pver $100 million over 3 years.  Click Funnels is a money making train.

Click here to jump on it before it leaves the station.

The Difference Between Just Getting By And Living

Views: 4

Last year a book came out called Station Eleven.  The book was hailed as one of the best of the year for it’s unique and detailed approach to apocalyptic writing but the book was also popular for another reason.  In the book, a group of actors travel around from town to town performing with a wagon that has “Survival is insufficient” written on the side.  It’s a line that the author actually got from an episode of Star Trek.  That’s one of the themes of the book.

In a world where survival is not a guarantee this group of people travel around acting out Shakespeare when they could have more practical jobs because, “Survival is insufficient.”  They could farm, they could steal or they could form a community where people benefit from the efforts of everyone else but they choose to go from town to town living off tips because it’s keeping Shakespeare alive.  Keeping acting alive and keeping art alive is more important than just surviving to them.

The actors know that there is a difference between surviving and living.  Do you?  Are you doing something that pays the bills but doesn’t make you happy?  Is your budget so tight that you don’t get to spend on anything but the bare essentials?  Then you are surviving and not living.

Here’s your chance to change that.  It’s called Click Funnels and it can change your life by letting you make thousands every month while working from your computer.  Let’s be clear.  Making thousands every month won’t make you happy but it will give you the time and resources that you can use to make yourself happy.

You can forget about your:

  • Traffic heavy commute
  • Office politics
  • Having to ask to take time off

As a member of Click Funnels, you will be able to work whenever and wherever you want and make a fortune doing it.

Click here to start living instead of just surviving.