The Harry Potter Secret For Online Success

Views: 2

How is that some books are just as popular with kids as they are with adults?  Take a book like The Giver.  It’s not a complex story.  It was written for young adults but it was written in 1993 and is still a best seller on Amazon.  Then there’s the Harry Potter series.  It’s written for young adults but whole families from grandchild to grandparent read the books and love them too.  You can name a dozen other books or cartoons or films that are just as popular with adults as they are with kids.

The secret is simple.  The stories work on simple concepts that are well executed and apply to people of all ages.  The Giver is about the pain and joy of learning about the real world.  Harry Potter is about standing up to your fear.  They are simple ideas that anyone can relate to.

So, why does this matter to you?  The reason is that there’s a system that is just as simple and works just as well as the best young adults books but instead of entertaining, it makes people money.  Not just a few extra bucks but it’s making people thousands of dollars while they are doing exactly what you are doing right now which is sitting at your computer.

It’s a system created by Russel Brunson called Click Funnels.  Just like the best selling young adults books, Click Funnels makes money because it works on a simple, proven concept.  A concept Russel has taught to thousands of people like you and paid them $25,000,000 in commissions.  It’s growing rapidly every day.

So, what stands between you and your dreams of financial freedom?  It’s finding and executing the right formula for success.

This is your Harry Potter formula for success.

Click here to get started.

Why Most People Will Never Be Good At Sales?

Views: 3

What’s the ultimate mark of a good salesperson?  Research at Harvard identified 2 essential traits:

  1. The ability to empathise
  2. Ego drive

If a person is missing either of these two qualities, they just won’t be able to consistently make sales no matter how hard or often they try.  It’s sad for those of us who don’t have those traits since selling is a critical skill in business.  It’s also sad because it’s really hard to learn those things.  If you’re not good at empathy, good luck trying to get good at it.  You can have much better luck trying to find someone who already has those traits.  You need someone who’s mastered the art of selling.  You need someone to sell for you.

If you need help finding someone like that, Click Funnels pairs you with a master salesperson.  You drive traffic their way, they sell big ticket products for you and then you make big commissions off their expertise.

Through this ‘tag-team’ method, Russel Brunson has already paid out over $30,000,000 in commissions in just a few short years to go-getter entrepreneurs like you who realised they’d be better off teaming with others.

It’s free to get on this tag-team action.  You can help make that $30,000,000 a $100,000,000.

You could try to learn empathy and then try to figure out what “ego drive” is and learn that too.

Or you could team up with someone else who already has those traits by clicking here.

How To Break Out Of The ‘Failed-Goals’ Cycle?

Views: 2

You’ve probably set some goals in your life.  It could’ve been New year’s Resolutions, health goals or work goals and then failed to accomplish them.

You may have noticed that when you do set a goal, it’s best to tell someone.  Telling people about your goals does something magical.  It doesn’t always work since sometimes you tell people about grand, pie-in-the-sky goals that you can never achieve.

Generally there’s magic in talking to people about your goals.  It makes them ‘realer’.  It builds your resolve to achieve them.

Click Funnels builds on this principle and pairs you with real, live and experienced coaching.  A person you can share your goals with and who can help you achieve those goals.

So that you’re not setting goals on your own in your head failing to achieve them, feeling bad, sadly repeating the process and getting nowhere.  It takes a real, live person to get you out of the cycle.

Click here if you’re ready to break out.

Why ‘Just Do It’ Is Mostly Wrong?

Views: 3

You hear: ‘Just do it’, a lot.  If you want to make things happen: ‘Just do it’.  It’s about acting rather than spending so  much time thinking, planning and preparing.  Just go for it and don’t ask questions.  Yet, it’s also said that the successful people are learners.  They’re hungry for new information, always growing and always learning.

So which method is right?  Should we be thinkers or doers?  Here’s the key.  You need to do both but not at the same time.  Our brains to simplify things are wired to be in one of two modes: The thinking mode or the doing mode.  When you try to do both at the same, that’s when you start running into problems.

You could’ve done this before.  It could be:

  • Starting a project
  • Realising you’re not fully sure what you’re trying to accomplish
  • Thinking
  • Getting confused
  • Not making any progress
  • Getting frustrated
  • Checking Facebook

Isn’t that the worst?  When you’re trying to get stuff done but you just can’t seem to?  The solution here isn’t to ‘Just do it’.  You can’t just do it when you don’t know what you’re doing.  The problem is that you mixed up thinking and doing.  You started doing before you thought through what you were trying to do.  Then you tried both at the same time and that didn’t work.  You need to get clear on what you’re doing before you start then just do it.  When you do that, you can blaze through work at lightning speed.  Make sense?

There’s a lot involved in starting a home business.  There’s lots of thinking and lots of doing involved.  There’s so many approaches you can take with pitfalls and dead ends.

Click Funnels breaks it all down and it separates the thinking and the doing.  It makes sure you get clear on what you’re doing so that you can just do it without getting stuck and frustrated.

10,000+ entrepreneurs and internet marketers have found this system helpful in starting a home business.

Click here to start.

How You Can Painlessly Knock Out Those Big, Scary Tasks?

Views: 8

It’s really hard to start big, scary tasks.  It’s easier to think about them and pretend like they don’t exist but when you do that, deadlines creep up on you.  Then they strike.  All of a sudden, you’re frantically trying to do 1,001 things in 2 hours.  It would have never happened if you had only started chipping away at the big, scary task a while ago.  Yet, it’s so hard to do that and to just start the thing.  Once you do start, the rest comes much more easily but it’s so hard to start and to get in the flow.

I bet there’s something in you’re life right now.  It could be a big scary task that you haven’t really started working on.  You know you need to start it but you don’t want to.

Do you want a tip?  Here’s a secret not widely known weapon against big, scary tasks.  The best way to start is to visualise yourself starting the task.  If it’s a long string of emails you have to write, visualise yourself writing the first one.  It’s a way ‘starting before you start’.  You can trick your brain into thinking you’re procrastinating while you’re actually starting.  It takes a lot of the sting out of the start.

Maybe you’ve told yourself that you’re going to start a business someday.  Starting a business is big and complicated.  It’s the kind of thing that may sound really cool but when you think about actually trying it, then it gets scary.

Click Funnels is a training system that can help you get over that fear of starting.  It breaks down the beast into achievable goals.  You complete one at a time until you’ve built a home business at the end.

Click Funnels is a system that can help you get over that fear. The fear of starting.  The best way to start Click Funnels is to visualise yourself doing the first step by watching the video and applying the instructions you get in the video.  You will get a feeling of gratification of taking your first step into entrepreneurialism.

Once you’ve done that, you can take the second step here.