Never Start Your Diet On This Day

Views: 7

Almost all people start dieting on the same day of the week.  Interesting, huh?  When I first heard this, I didn’t believe it but then as I thought about it, it turned out to be true.

This made me wonder, “what day is that?”  Here’s when people usually start their diets: Tomorrow.  They say: “Oh, I’ll start eating healthy, tomorrow after this bowl of ice cream.”  Some say: “Oh, I’ll just have this last cheeseburger, tomorrow I’m really getting serious.”

You can probably relate to this.  So, why is that?  What do we always start the diet “tomorrow”?  It’s because it’s a good, hard thing.  Yet, deep down inside, we all know that we’d be much happier if we did those good, hard things today because if we wait until tomorrow to do that good, hard thing like starting our business, it’ll never happen just like all those diets we were going to start.

So, if you want to start a home business, today is the day and not tomorrow.  Do the good, hard thing now.  Do you need a place to start?

Go here

Are You Trying To Sail Around The World Alone?

Views: 6

In the classic novel, Moby Dick, a crazy sea-captain is chasing after a giant, ferocious whale.  He’s mad at the whale because it bit off his leg years earlier.  Out of his anger, he sails around the whole world.  From America, through the Atlantic, under Africa and all the way to Japan trying to get revenge on the whale.

What’s interesting is that even though it’s a very personal grudge that the captain has, he needs other people to help him get his revenge.  He needs a crew to sail around the world.  He needs people to man the ropes, hoist the sales, swab the deck and do all those things that sailors do.

Imagine what would have happened if Ahab had tried to defeat the whale alone.  He would never have gotten anywhere near the whale, let alone be able to fight it.

So, the best way to achieving a goal is to get people to help you.  Whether that’s getting revenge, starting a business or learning a skill.  Yet, so many people make the mistake of chasing down the whales alone.  They have a personal goal and they do everything they can to achieve it except asking for help.

They learn this, do that, try a method over here, forgo sleep, make a phone call, buy a book, try to sail around the world alone and likely drown themselves trying.

You don’t have to make that mistake.  Find a crew of people who can help you achieve your goals.  So, that you’re not chasing the whales alone.

Half the greatness of Click Funnels is the crew you get:

  • Someone else does the customer service for you
  • Someone else makes the products for you
  • Someone else coaches you

These guys are good at what they do which frees you up to focus on one thing which is driving traffic into the highly converting sales funnel.  You do your job and they do theirs.  Next thing you know, you’re halfway around the world facing the whale you set out to find.  You’ll make a lot more progress that way.

Click here to start.

How You Can Escape The 87% Of Miserable People And Join The 13%?

Views: 3

According to research from Gallup, 87% of employees feel emotionally disconnected from their workplace.  So, when 87% of the world goes to work, they’re going into something they feel mostly indifferent about and it’s likely worse than that.

Many of the 87% probably dread going to work.  For them work really is just ‘the grind.’  They wait it out for a couple decades.  Then they survive until it’s time to retire if that time ever comes.  If you think about it, 87% is a lot of unhappy workers.

Isn’t it a shame that all those people are going to spend most of their lives slaving away at a job they could care less about?  That’s not a way to live.

There is a better way.  Start working for yourself, make a change and do your own thing.  You can have your say over the kind of work that you’re doing.  It won’t be easy but it will mean that you don’t have to stay apart of the miserable 87% which are all those people indifferent about their work.

If you need a place to start which is a way into the world of ‘doing your own thing’, try Click Funnels.  It’s tried and true.  With it, Russel Brunson has helped over thousands of entrepreneurs take steps towards realising their dreams of starting a home business.

Click here to leave the 100’s of millions (the unhappy 87%) and join the 10,000 happy people.

The Solution To Rising College Costs?

Views: 3

In the past 20 years, student debt has doubled and that’s factoring in inflation.  The average college student owes $27,000 when they graduate which is a pretty big chunk of money.  Also, there’s no guarantee that you’ll get a job when you graduate.  It takes 4 years, tens of thousands of dollars of debt and then you’re sent off into the great unknown.  Sink or swim.  There’s no guarantee that you’ll find a decent job.  Wouldn’t that be nice?  A refund policy for college?

Click Funnels Affiliate Bootcamp is free just now although it’s worth $2,000.  It’s essentially Internet Marketing School.  Through the steps, you’re shown how to start driving traffic into a highly converting sales funnel and you make big commissions.

In other words, you could spend $27,000 with no guarantee for a job or you could spend nothing with a much higher chance of making a lot of money than a job.  It’s not any job, it’s a home business where the coaching, customer service, selling and product creation is done for you.

Which sounds better to you?  If you think the home business sounds better:

Click here to get started.

How To Exploit Hollywood’s Formula For Success?

Views: 5

What if instead of remaking good movies like Star Wars or Jurassic Park, Hollywood took another shot at making movies that didn’t do so well?  Why is someone not taking a shot at remaking The Room?  If you’ve not seen it, YouTube it, you won’t be disappointed.

It makes sense when you think about it.  A remake of a classic has nowhere to go but down while a remake of a dud has nowhere to go but up.  One has set the bar so low that that people are guaranteed to like it more than the original and the other it is set so high that there is no way people will like it more.

There’s a reason why Hollywood studios can create production budgets in the hundreds of millions because they only make movies that they know will make money.  When Hollywood remakes a classic film they already have a guaranteed audience that they know will come to the cinema just to see their favourite film back up on the screen.  They couldn’t give it two flips if it’s good or not.  They just care about getting people in the cinema.  That’s exactly what a remake, a sequel or a prequel does.

Hollywood loves remaking classics because they are a guaranteed money maker.  While that’s great for Hollywood, you might be thinking: “What does this have to do with me?”

Click here to find out.