The Problem With Visionaries

Views: 5

Winston Churchill said: “It is a mistake to look too far ahead.  Only one link of the chain of destiny can be handled at a time.”  Now, there’s something about that quote that grates against something inside me.

These days everyone wants to be a visionary.  Everyone wants to see a mile ahead and have grand visions about how things could be.  Though, I’m not going to say that it’s bad to be a visionary, there comes a point where it pays to be short-sighted.

It’s because when we’re always looking so far ahead, it’s easy to forget about the present.  When we forget about the present, we forget to live, to do things and to engage the world.  Of course, you can’t totally ignore the future.  We need something in the distance to work towards.

There will never be anything more important than now.  Click Funnels gives you something in the future to work towards:

  • Financial freedom
  • Running a successful home business
  • Helping other people achieve their goals

Most importantly, it frees you to focus on the present.  Since, it’s a system, you only have to take things one step at a time.  You complete one step and move to the next, again and again so that you never have to think about anything but now.  The map is made, so just follow the path.  In other words, the future can only be good.  It can be great if you focus on the present.

It’s free to sign up which might not be worth it if you’re one of those visionaries.  Maybe you don’t need to focus on the present.

Click Funnels can help.

Get started here.

How To Quit Clinging And Start Earning?

Views: 6

This what the founder of Pixar, Ed Catmull said on trying new things: “No one, not Walt Disney, not Steve Jobs and not the people of Pixar ever achieved success by simply clinging to what used to work.”

In his book, creativity Inc, Catmull talks about how important trying new things, even if it is uncomfortable, is.  He might be onto something.  Pixar’s most recent film, Inside Out, has made over $330 million and counting.  What he is saying is that if you want to:

  • Leave behind your desk job
  • Make thousands of dollars every month
  • Quit living paycheck to paycheck

Then you have to be willing to try something new.

Russel Brunson has a system that will let you do all that and more.  It’s called Click Funnels.  Russel’s system is simple.  Russel shows you how you drive traffic with ads you place on websites.  Then Russel’s system takes over and does the rest and you receive the sales commissions.  That’s all there is to it.

You can forget about:

  1. Dealing with cranky customers or spending hours on the phone.
  2. Closing sales
  3. Forget about waiting for payment processing.

As a member of Click Funnels, you will never spend hours on the phone with customers or closing the sales.  You also don’t need to do the payment processing.

Russel can even set you up with a mentor who will teach you the Click Funnels system until you master it.  A process that takes only 30 minutes a day.

Once you master the system, you will be set to make serious money.  If you’re still clinging to what used to work, your old job because you’re afraid to lose money, it’s ok.

There’s never been a better opportunity to make money in a new way.  You can’t lose money.  You have the opportunity to make a fortune.

Click here if you’re ready.

How To Never Get Caught With Your Pants Down?

Views: 3

Recently, the website Ashley Madison was hacked and the names and information of the subscribers was released to the public.  What does this have to do with you?  If you keep reading, not only will you find out what this has to do with you but you will also find a way to make thousands of dollars every month using a simple system.

Ashley Madison was a site intended to connect people who were searching for a partner to have an affair with.  Talk about being caught with your pants down.  When the names of those who made an account were exposed people were blindsided.  Lives were changed and families were never the same.

The exact same thing happens when you are living paycheck to paycheck and you have a car accident, you fall down the stairs or you lose your job.  Your world is changed and you have to pick up the pieces.  There is a way to avoid this.  You can prepare for the future in a way that will guarantee you will be ready when the unthinkable happens.  You can unlock yourself from the J.O.B. world and start your own thing.

The easiest way to do that is with Click Funnels.  The system is simple.  You will never have to make any phone calls or deal with customers.  All you need to do is follow the system.

If you’re not convinced yet, don’t worry, there’s more.  Having money won’t make an affair ok but it will make the most unexpected emergencies much easier to handle.  Don’t get caught with your pants down.

Click here to learn more about Click Funnels.

Why We Never Learn From Our Mistakes?

Views: 4

Recently, I was sitting by a window working on my laptop.  Something “thudded” on the window.  It did it again and again.  I looked up and it was a really big beetle trying to fly through the glass over and over again.  Each time I tried, it got knocked back and then it tried again and again.  This happened about 30 times before it flew away.  I mean smart people learn from their mistakes.  They bump into a window once, maybe twice and then try a different way.

I started thinking, why do people make the same mistakes over and over again?  Sometimes it takes us 20 or 30 times to learn our lesson.  Sometimes we never learn it.  So, why don’t we learn after our first mistake?  Usually, It’s just too much work to find a better way.

It’s a lot easier to do just what we already know even if we know it won’t work.  It’s why we stick around jobs that we hate.  We hate the job but we don’t have the energy to think up and hunt down a better alternative.

If someone handed us a step-by-step system that we didn’t have to think about an alternative, something that was guaranteed to work, we might actually try something new.  Needless to say, those are hard to come by but not impossible.

Click Funnels is a system that teaches you to make commissions online.  You don’t have to craft some brilliant plan from scratch.  It’s already there.  Just follow the steps.

So, want a thought out for you alternative that’s guaranteed to work?

Get started here.

Punching The Clock Vs. Money While You Sleep

Views: 7

All savvy marketers know that you have to have a “back end.”  If you don’t have a back end then customers just go in one end of your sales funnel and back out the other end.  Every time you need more sales, you have to get more customers.  It’s a very expensive way to do business.  With a great back end, suddenly things can become a lot more profitable.

So, what is a back end?  A back end is a system for selling higher priced products to customers after they buy a low priced product.  Marketers with a great back end are willing and able to pay a lot more to get customers because they know they are worth a lot more over their lifetime.  Let’s say, you sell a $49 product with no back end like most internet marketers, how much would you be willing to pay to get a customer?  It depends on your margins but probably not much more than $30.  What if you had in addition to your $49 product, a back end that offered and consistently sold high priced products costing $500 or $2000?  How much would you pay for that customer?

Russel Brunson’s system Click Funnels, offers that kind of back end.  A backend that consistently sells big ticket items for you.  All you need to do is drive traffic to his system.

You don’t need to do any more than that because:

  • They have the high-ticket, high-quality products
  • They have the converting sales funnel
  • They do the customer service, web development and shipping
  • They have the experience
  • Their system does most of the work

It’s the back end you need to succeed.

You can get started for free right here.