How Hot Dogs Can Make You A Fortune?

Views: 3

A township in Northern Michigan just figured out how to involve people in local politics.  Don’t think it matters to you?  It should because their method is is the key to you leaving your desk job behind and making thousands every month from your computer.

It’s no secret that local politics isn’t very exciting.  As a result, it turns out for events like Victoria Township’s board meeting was low.  Only 3 people showed up.  Then the town board made a genius decision.  They started offering free food before the meetings.  Although it’s a simple solution, it’s effective.  Food is one of our natural needs so people couldn’t help but show up.  Over 20 people attended the first meeting where food was offered.  It’s not bad for a few hotdogs and potato salad.

Russel Brunson created a system that is just as simple and way more effective at making you money.  Here’s the deal.  You place ads that Russel will send you and get the sales commissions.  That’s it.

You will never make long phone calls with customers or deal with any customer service.  The Click Funnels system is so effective that Russel used it to earn himself over $50,000,000 over 5 years.  His company has paid out over $25 million in commissions to people just like you.

People just like you are making thousands every month.

Click here if you’re ready to join.

What Trump Tells Me About Your Online Success?

Views: 6

Just before we get started, I just want to assure you that this blog post isn’t about politics.  It’s your opinion what you think about Donald Trump as a US presidential candidate.  You might think he’s a: “straight shooter from outside the beltway who will be just the thing America needs.”  You might think he’s a: “raging egomaniac who will lead his country into the toilet.”

The people are paying attention to him.  The other republican candidates are paying attention to him.  The Republican voters are paying attention to him.  Whether you believe that he knows anything at all about how to lead a government or whether you believe he knows anything at all about business, you have to admit one thing: “The Donald” knows how to get attention.

That’s why the other Republican candidates secretly or not secretly hate him.  It’s because he can get people to pay attention to him.  They can’t get people to pay attention to them.  The Donald knows how to get people to look at him, talk about him, report on him and put him on TV.

Meanwhile the other candidates are thinking: “Trump is not what’s important here, the issues are important, the economy is important, China and Syria are important and let’s talk about them.”  “I’m not even sure he’s serious about being president.”  “He’s just a distraction.”  Trump doesn’t care what they think.  As long as people are paying attention to him, he’s winning.

So, what on earth does Trump have to do with your online success?  I don’t know what you’re paying attention to in your financial life but if it’s:

  • Anything other than your online business, well that’s your Donald Trump.
  • Whatever big distraction is keeping you from starting and running your online business, that’s your Donald Trump.
  • Whatever crazy-haired, obnoxious diversion is keeping you from fixing the most important financial issue in your life, that’s your Donald Trump.

Admit it.  Sometimes it’s not easy to know what you really should pay attention to in order to make money online.  There’s a lot of Donald Trumps trying to distract you, a lot of shiny objects and a lot of internet marketing gurus who point you in the wrong direction.

This is why Russel Brunson created Click Funnels.  In bite size steps, Russel shows you exactly what you should and should not pay attention to if you want to make big money online.

He’s the part Trump would hate, it’s free to get started.

Click here to clear out the “Trumps” and focus on what really makes money online.

Do You Believe This Online Myth?

Views: 4

When you sign up for Click Funnels and follow the system, your income goes up.  One thing leads directly to the other  and one thing causes the other.  That’s not always true when one thing follows the other.

Did you know that scientists used to believe that wounds caused maggots?  They believed that because maggots showed up after someone got wounded.  So, wounds must cause maggots.  It seems silly to us today but we still make the same kind of mistakes those scientists made 200 years ago.

Many of us thing that going outside without a coat on a cold day will cause us to become sick or we believe that a talented baseball player is “due” to get a hit because he has been in a slump.  We believe that his past failure will cause his success.  Both are completely false.  Just because one thing happens after another doesn’t mean the first thing caused the second.

There is one case when it does.  When people sign up for Click Funnels and follow the steps, their income goes up fast.  Period.  If you want to take an action that will cause your income to top, this is it.

This means one way or anther, Click Funnels will cause your income to go up.

Get started for free right here.

Why You Badly Need A Good Education?

Views: 3

Today I have some wise words from Dallas Willard, a late professor who used to teach at USC: “Everyone gets an education.  The only question is whether it’s a good one or a bad one.”  It’s very insightful.

Here’s what Dallas was getting at: Everyone is always learning.  It’s never a question of whether we’re learning.  It’s always a question of what we’re learning.

Just because we’re learning doesn’t mean that we’re learning good things and just because we’re getting an education doesn’t mean we’re getting a good education.  In fact, if we’re not intentional about it, we’re probably getting a bad education.

It also applies to internet marketing.  Even if no one is officially teaching you, even if you’re “just doing it” or figuring it out on your own then you’re still getting an education.

The difference between winners and losers in the industry is that the winners try to get a good education.  They look in the right places for their information.

So, who are you learning from?  Discussion forums, scattered articles on the internet, some self-proclaimed guru who knows all those ninja secrets about internet marketing?  Remember you’re getting an education but it might not be a good one.

Click Funnels makes sure you get a good education.  Here’s how:

  • You can get an experienced coach.  Someone making at least 6 figures in the industry.  Needless to say, your coach is qualified to teach.
  • You go through a learning system.  Russel Brunson who is the creator of Click Funnels and head of one of the fastest growing companies in the home business niche teaches you how to start a home-business in the industry.  Also a qualified teacher.

It’s free to sign up.  Maybe you’re happy with all those gurus and articles and e-books full of amazing secrets.  If you’re happy with all that stuff, don’t bother with Click Funnels.

Click Funnels is for people who want a good education.

If that’s you, get started here.

7 Habits You Must Kill To Get Wealthy

Views: 2

If you’re unhappy with your financial well-being, the fastest way to fix it is by running your own business or you could read the following: “7 Habits Of People Unhappy With Their Financial Situation” below:

  1. They complain about it but never do anything about it.
  2. They do “retail therapy” (shopping) which makes their financial problems worse.
  3. They worry about their future but never do anything about it.
  4. They wait for the future but never do anything about it.
  5. They don’t follow through.
  6. They magnify the problem.  They say: “It’s too big to fix, so I won’t do anything about it.”
  7. They minimize the problem.  They say: “It’s not that important, so I won’t do anything about it.”

Isn’t it fascinating that so many of the habits that can make you unhappy in life also make you unhappy with your financial situation?  Even more fascinating is how many of those habits really just boil down to procrastination and laziness.  They:

  • Complain
  • Worry
  • Wait
  • Magnify
  • Minimize
  • Don’t follow through

They are all just ways to avoid the one sure way to be happier in life with your finances which is action.  Nothing gets better unless you take action.  That’s the bad news.

Here’s some really good news.  All you have to do is take the first action and you don’t have to take all the action.  It’s because if you take the first action and start with Click Funnels, Russel and his team will take care of most of the other actions for you including:

  • They have the high-ticket, high quality products
  • They have the high converting sales funnel
  • They do the customer service, web development and shipping
  • They have the experience
  • Their system does most of the work

With just 1 click, you’ll overcome all 7 habits of people unhappy with their financial situation as long as you don’t go shopping.

You do have to do one thing which is to click here, take the first action and get started.