How To Guarantee You’ll Get Big Ideas?

Views: 8

Internet marketing expert, Perry Marshall, once sent an April Fools message to his list offering access to his shower.  He said for a hefty price that entrepreneurs could come and use his shower and tap into his amazing idea-generating powers.

Since all his best ideas come when he’s in the shower, his shower must have magical qualities, right?  Like most jokes, it was half-farce, half-truth.

For some, their best ideas do come in the shower.  Maybe yours do as well.  It could be when you’re aimlessly walking around your neighbourhood.  Archimedes’ “Eureka!” moment came in the bathtub as they didn’t have showers back then.  Historians tell us that Archie’s observation of his own body displacing water in the tub gave him his great insight into how to measure the volume of irregular objects.

I think it was the act of bathing itself.  I think his great discovery was as much due to the fact that he was relaxing and taking a load off than it was due to his observation of the changing water level.

I have a hard truth for you.  Your best observations, your killer business insights or your life transforming “Eureka!” moments will not come while you’re working 60 hours a week in a 9-5 cubicle job.  They will not come while you’re pushing paper around a desk.  They will not come while you’re wasting time on Facebook.  They won’t come while you’re clearing out your email inbox.

They will flee from your inhospitable head.  They will land on other more receptive brains unless you carve out time to relax, work on the box instead of in it and give your mind something bigger and better.

Plug into Click Funnels when you’re ready give yourself that kind of freedom.

The Bridge Of Love Is Collapsing

Views: 7

If youve ever been to Paris and walked along the Seine near the L’ouvre, you’ve no doubt noticed the Pont De Arts Bridge.  It’s more than 700,000 padlocks.  Lovers have been writing their names on the locks, attaching them to the grill of the bridge and tossing the keys into the Seine for many years now.

It’s a simple beautiful gesture of romantic love but the added weight of all the locks has finally reached it’s dangerous limit.  The bridge is now unsafe.  This summer, they will begin cutting off all the locks off the bridge with bolt cutters.  It’s a sad indication that the love that locks symbolized did endure but the symbols are being cut down forever.

You might be wondering what on earth does this have to do with your online success?  While the lock symbols of love were a romantic notion, it takes more than a lovely gesture to maintain a relationship.  It takes work, planning, following the example of other successful couples.  Otherwise love will not endure just like the lock symbols.

It takes more than gestures and half starts and wishes to build an online business.  It takes work, planning and following the example of other successful entrepreneurs.  When the taxman and economy come to cut the locks from your “bridge”, will you have a sturdy money-making business in place?  Or just wishes and hopes and gestures?

Click Funnels has been proven time and time again to withstand the harsh winds of reality.

You don’t get that with love or with any other online system.

Get started here.

Your Next Step To Online Success

Views: 3

I have a short and simple message for you today.  If I haven’t answered all of your questions about how to start the best home-based business possible, I’m never going to.  I’ve given it all I can.

Here are the next steps:

  • Sign up by clicking here.
  • Grab your affiliate link from your affiliate back office.
  • Start placing ads to your links and start sharing them with your followers, customers and leads.
  • Get paid commissions for any sales that were generated from your links.

It’s really that simple.

It’s the closest thing to a “done-for-you” business as you can get.  You can:

  • Make money at home
  • Make money at the beach
  • Make money in your resort hotel room
  • Make money on your exotic vacations
  • Make money anywhere you like
  • Make money while you sleep

Click here to get started.

Why Internet Marketing Seems Like Black Magic?

Views: 4

Ever feel like internet marketing is like black magic?  The 3 witches of traffic, conversion and offer launch hunch over the boiling pot and mumble: “Double, double, toil and trouble.  Fire burn and caldron bubble”.  Then you wait and hope that you’ve given them the right ingredients.  You hope they’ll peer into the murky water and pull out a bunch of sales for you.

Sometimes it works quickly.  Sometimes it takes months.  You never really know what you’re going to get from that bubbling pot or when.  There’s no guarantees.

Unless you go with Click Funnels.  The Click Funnels method is not “wait and see”.  It’s not a murky, fishy pot of “maybe”.

Riding Roller Coasters And Making Money

Views: 4

Gary Coleman just did something extraordinary.  I’m not talking about the actor but Gary Coleman of Monfort Heights, Ohio.  Gary Rode the Diamondback Rollercoaster at King’s Island Amusement Part for the 12,000th time.  What’s even wilder is that the roller coaster has only been around since 2009.  Meaning Gary had made nearly 500 trips to the park since the roller coaster opened.

Travelling to, paying for, enjoying the same ride nearly 500 times over 6 years is not easy.  Gary was able to do it because of his childhood love of rollercoasters.  He loved them so much that he was able to put up with the ridiculous amount of time and money it took to ride a roller coaster 12,000 times.

What would you do if you had the same level of dedication that Gary had?  Would you be fishing every day for the next 60 years?  Travelling around the world once a year?  What about making a fortune?

Russel Brunson has a way for you to make a ridiculous amount of money that is much easier than riding a roller coaster 12,000 times.  It’s simple.  You place ads that Russel and his team prepare for you on popular sites like Craigslist and Facebook.  Then you receive the sales commissions.  That’s it.

You never deal with any customer service, phone calls or payment processing.  Russel will even put you in touch with a mentor who will train and guide you so you can make serious money now.

Click Funnels is much easier than riding a roller coaster 12,000 times.

Click here if you’re ready to make serious money.