What Your Past Can Tell You About Your Online Business?

Views: 6

Most TV advertisements are mindless brand reinforcement.  There’s not much online entrepreneurs can learn from studying them.  However, although it’s rare, there’s a life lesson that really does hit the bullseye.

You might have seen this one by a major insurance company.  They wrote life events on magnetic tiles and asked a group of people to select events that had happened to them in the past.  Things like getting a promotion or getting married were yellow for positive.  Things like getting fired or father died were blue for negative.

Then they put all those tiles on a big magnetic board called past.  Then they had the same people select events that they thought would happen to them in the future,  Blue was for negative and yellow for positive.  They put those tiles on a different board called future.

The results was that the past board was a lot bluer (negative) than the future board.  What the insurance company was trying to prove is that our belief about the future is far too optimistic based on the facts of the past.  So, you should have more insurance than you probably have.  More bad things are going to happen than you think.  I think we are overly optimistic and overly naive which can get us into serious trouble.

So, what does have to do with your online business dreams?  Well, the point is to get started.  The future, if we’re to believe our own experiences will not be as bright as we think unless we take bold, decisive and massive action to insure that it is.  If you keep doing the same things and expecting different results then you’re insane and underinsured.

Click here to take action today.

What Jobs Will Make You Rich?

Views: 5

Did you know that there’s only 8 careers that pay a median salary of over $100,000 per year in the united states?  It’s true.  Three of those eight require advanced degrees and that is for a doctor, dentist or a lawyer.  One of those require a special degree which is a pharmacist.  IT managers, marketing managers and financial managers require specific university degrees and a very advanced knowledge base.

That leaves only one career that pays a median salary of over $100k per year which doesn’t require advanced education.  That is a sales manager.  Sales has always been one of the highest paying professions.  The best sales people make far more than the average doctor or lawyer.  Sales is also been the only career option that does not require years of expensive schooling.

So, if you want financial freedom, either go back to school or start selling.

Click here to check out Click Funnels as this is the only way to go.

How To “Dig” To Your Online Goals Faster?

Views: 6

Fortune 500 management consultants often advise their CEO clients to ask the following three questions:

  • Are you digging the hole in the right place?
  • Are you using the right shovel?
  • Should you be the one doing the digging?

Great questions to ask if you’re still wavering about starting your own business.  First, will you ever achieve your financial goals with the job you have now?  If not, you need to start digging somewhere else.  Somewhere that offers the income potential to enable you to achieve those dreams otherwise you’re just shovelling dirt.

Second, do you have the right skills to achieve your goals?  If not, find someone who has already put together a proven “toolkit” that you can use.  Don’t reinvent the shovel.  Use one that’s proven to dig deep and fast.

Third, what tasks can you delegate, outsource or eliminate?  Don’t perform any tasks that do not lead directly and swiftly to your goals.  Your time is too precious.  The older you are, the more important this last piece is.  If you shouldn’t be digging, find someone who can dig for you.

Click Funnels satisfies all 3 of the “Hole Digging” questions.  It’s in the right place, it gives you the sharpest shovel and it does almost everything for you.

What Great Copywriters Know About Getting Heard?

Views: 4

One of the most common pieces of feedback that good copywriters get from clients is that: “We can’t talk that way in your industry, you need to tone this down a bit”.  “Nobody in our industry talks that way.”

Why do good copywriters get this feedback.  It’s because they know something that mediocre marketers do not.  What they know is that: If you speak exactly the same way that everyone else in the industry speaks, you’ll never get heard.  If all you do is speak like everyone else, you have no message and your message does not exist.

Here’s a good quote: “If the value you are espousing is one that could never get anyone, anywhere, sent to prison, then strictly democratically speaking you are useless.”  It’s from M. Slouka.

If your sales copy could never get anyone, anywhere excited, pissed off, turned on, riled up, blissed out, psyched up or seeing things with new eyes then from a sales standpoint it’s useless.

Does your copy get people excited? Turned on? Riled up? Blissed out?

If not, click here to check out Click Funnels.

How Your Driving Can Kill Your Online Business?

Views: 4

Are you an above average driver?  If you live in the United States,  you most likely answered: “yes.”  If you live anywhere else, you still probably answered: “yes.”  In a study from 1981, 161 students were asked the same question.  93% of the Americans answered yes.  This is known as the “Illusory superiority” phenomenon.

You might be wondering, why this is so important?  Firstly, it’s impossible for 93% of drivers to be “above average”.  By definition only 50% can be average.  So people, especially Americans have an inflated opinion about their driving ability.  Secondly, it might explain most traffic accidents.  If everyone thinks they are a great driver, they’re probably not as concerned about driving defensively as they should be.  “I don’t have to be careful and obey the rules, those are for bad drivers.”  Then there’s a crash.

This illusion is not confined to driving.  It has been proven to apply to memory, IQ, health, susceptibility to bias, relationships, happiness, popularity, academic ability, job performance and cognitive tasks.  We think we’re better at just about anything than we really are at just about anything.

Russel has been studying what works online for years and years to see what really makes money.  Russel doesn’t take any chances with know-it-alls who think they can skip past the crucial steps to success.

They think they’re better than they really are and they fail.

Click here when you’re ready to admit that an expert who has made over $52,000,000 in a short 5 years probably knows better than you how to succeed.