30 Minutes A Day To Get $1k+ Commission Checks

Views: 77

Doing this doesn’t have to be hard, it just has to get done.  Focus here 1st.  There’s two principles I’d live to touch base with you about in today’s blog post.  For the right person that unites these two principles together, it could mean an extra $5k to $10k per month to their income over the next 12 months.

Especially with this plan in hand let’s dig in.

Have you ever heard of Pareto?  He’s well known for something called the 80/20 principle which means that 80 percent of your results will come from 20 percent of your efforts.  In business, this is often true which is great because if we apply it just right it means we can work way less and get 3 to 10x results.  Keep that thought in the back of your mind for a second and let’s move on to the next principle.  In the military, there’s a term called: “Embrace the suck.”  It means you’ve got to buck up and do whatever task is unavoidable.  Most aren’t willing.

So, here’s where I’m going with this.  If you can focus on the 20 percent only that will bring you 80 percent of your results and if you can “Embrace the suck” and knock out that 20 percent activity consistently then you can have a very lucrative side business on your hands.  Now, you may be able to instantly apply that to whatever you’re doing right now.  Yet, if you’re open/looking for a great biz to be in on the side right now:

Check out this proven plan to get up to $1k plus commissions like clockwork.

For folks that join us, their focus will be on generating leads.  They’ll learn how to do this, step by step.  That’s the 80/20 focus at play here.  Then if they can “Embrace the suck” and can focus at least 30 to 60 minutes a day on this to start.  It can result in large commission checks coming their way up to $1k to $10k+.

Get all the 411 here.

How To Remove The Lid From Your Online Business?

Views: 7

Do you know what happens to a flea when you put it in a jar with a lid on top?  As you may already know, fleas can jump over 150 times their body height.  That’s equivalent to a human jumping over the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri!  They are the king jumpers of the animal kingdom.

However, if you put a flea in a jar with a lid on top, it will eventually stop jumping as high as it can.  Even after you take the lid off, the flea will never jump higher than the top of the lid again.  It learns that there is a limit to how high it can jump.  It stays in that limit even after the limit has been removed.

Humans are the same way.  If we fail enough times, we eventually start to believe that our ability to succeed is limited.  So we stop trying and go back to the 9 to 5.  We settle for mediocre.  We start to believe we’re just like all the other fleas in the jar.  We settle for jumping a few hundred or a few thousand dollars more each year when we could be jumping for tens or even hundreds of thousands more.

Have you settled?  Are you a flea in a jar?

If not, if you still have your jumping legs and just need a proven system to plug into, it’s time to try Click Funnels.

Follow the steps and start earning commissions online working from home.

Click here to lift the lid and jump.

Try This If You Find It Tough Sticking To A Proven Plan

Views: 42

Getting to a full time, side income is simple but it isn’t always easy.  The holiday season is already upon us and it’s around this time of the year that many start setting New Years Resolutions.  Yet, very few people ever stick to them.  Isn’t that true from what you’ve seen too?  Yes, there’s always the early on motivation.  Even a good plan to reach the goal may be in their hands but because of what you’ve always done, it can be all too easy to slip right back into old routines and habits.  It can happen so fast, we don’t even realise how or when we got off track.

One thing that me help is setting a structure around your big goals that eliminates anything that can get you off track and add the things that will keep you on track making your chances of success near inevitable.  For e.g. If someone would like to drop some weight and add on some strength and muscle, they may have to invest in a gym membership.  Yet, find they only step into the gym once or twice before they’re back to their old routines.  Some don’t even step foot into the gym.

That’s because they didn’t go a step further and set up a structure around the specific goal.  For instance, removing any and all bad foods in their homes.  Getting the rest of their family on board to support them.  Taking a different route to work that avoids unhealthy spots they typically are drawn to.  Putting the gym clothes on before they go to sleep or sitting them by the bed so they can slip them on and go work out with out any early AM resistance.  Another thing you can do is instead of just having a gym membership, they could invest $1k for 6 months worth of personal training.  Now, they’re invested.  Someone is their to support and guide them.  There’s accountability, mentoring and a whole lot more in their corner now.

The same thing often happens in this business.  It’s easy to start but it’s even easier to slip back in to old routines which can cost us the income and lifestyle we want for our families.

That’s why I use this system.

You’re getting a step by step proven to work system to follow along with progressively each day.  It only takes 30 minutes or so per lesson on average.  You can get a personal coach to support you and help you along the way.  Wouldn’t that be helpful?

Now, you still have to show up.  You have to be willing to want this and to do the work.  Yet, you’re willingness, coupled with this proven system and the support, well, some day it’s almost hard to fail with this.

Click here to try it out today

The Difference Between a $27 and $1k Commission

Views: 5

To 10X your income, you won’t work harder.  Have you ever heard the term, OPA before?  It stands for: Other People’s Assets.  When you can leverage other people’s assets, that’s how you can have an amazing lifestyle and earn a great living with minimal time and effort required.  That’s how you can have up to $500 to $1k days and you won’t be tied to a j-o-b or a computer all day every day.

That’s why affiliate marketing is so incredibly powerful.  You send them traffic and they do all the rest.  Yet, there’s different levels between them is massive.  You have basic affiliates which generates low commissions upfront, super affiliates which have a super skill or a big audience already and there’s super smart affiliates.  Super smart affiliates are the rare breed that are able to get a huge chunk of the back end profits up to $10k plus per sale.  Sound nice?  How’d you like to leverage a simple system that allows you to earn up to $1k to $10k+ commissions like clockwork?

Yes, I’m ready for my first $1k plus commission.

Now, I understand that it can seem crazy to get over $1k commissions when most can’t eek out a $27 deal with any real consistency.  Yet, you’ll see how everything works inside the link above.  There’s case study after case study of folks doing well with this system day after day after day.  Still, we want to ensure you’re able to get success with this proven plan, asap.  That’s why you can get a coach to help you get rolling along.

Get all the 411 here.

Can You Succeed Online?

Views: 5

If you’ve been around online marketing, network marketing, MLM, Amway or even a corporate sales organization, you’re quite likely familiar with: “The power of positive thinking.”  Some of the hallowed mottos of this cult are:

  • “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.”
  • “I am nature’s greatest miracle.  I am the world’s greatest salesman.”
  • “Your attitude determines your altitude”.

Proponents of the school of positive thinking believe that you should always be telling yourself like the Little Engine that could, “I think I can, I think I can.”  Just pump yourself up with enough positive self talk and you can do anything.

It turns out there’s a better way to talk to yourself and that is by asking questions.  Don’t say: “I can do it!”  Instead say: “Can I do it?”  researchers Ibrahim Senay and Dolores Albarracin of the University of Illinois along with Kenji Noguchi of the University of Southern Mississippi discovered that interrogative self talk was far more powerful than regular old affirmative self talk.

This is because when you ask yourself: “Can I do it?” your brain starts trying to answer the question.  It starts providing you with answers.  When you just say: “I can do it”, your brain is not activated in trying to solve a problem.  It figures the problem is already solved and there’s no help needed.

Also, when you ask yourself questions, you discover your own motivations for wanting to achieve something and not the external motivation of others.  Internal motivations are far more powerful than external ones.

Asking  yourself questions helps you succeed far more than telling yourself that you can succeed.  So:

  • Can you succeed with your online business?
  • Can you make big commissions?
  • Can you achieve your financial dreams?
  • Can you achieve location freedom?  Money freedom?  Time freedom?

Those are the questions you should be asking yourself.

Click this link to see the best answer to all those questions.