Without This Your Online Business Goals Are Meaningless

Views: 19

In 1957, The Soviet Union shocked the world and embarrassed the US by launching the first satellite Sputnik into space.  Then on April 12th of 1961, Soviet Yuri Gagarin became the first human to orbit the earth again leaving Americans shame-faced.

If that wasn’t enough, in mid-April of 1961, The Cuban Missile Crisis and the Bay of Pigs fiasco caught the US off guard, embarrassed John F. Kennedy and left the nation trembling at the very real prospect of nuclear destruction.  Rather than wallow in fear and shame, Kennedy stepped boldly forward and set an aggressive and what some even thought was an unachievable goal.

On May 25th of 1961, he addressed The US Congress and declared this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal before this decade is out of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth.  With his anxious, afraid and embarrassed by a massive, aggressive and technologically superior enemy, Kennedy stepped up and gave the country an inspiring goal to strive for.  This gave them a deadline which was before the decade was out.  Kennedy knew that no matter how inspiring the goal is, it means nothing at all without a deadline.

Then we know the rest of the story.  On July 20 1969, with just over 5 months left before the deadline, Neil Armstrong stepped out of Apollo 11’s lunar module and touched down on the moon.  This was one small step for a man and a giant leap for mankind.  The main point here is that goals don’t produce results, goals with deadlines do.

Now, your financial situation might not be as embarrassing and fearful as Sputnik and the missile crisis were to the US back in those day but most people do feel shame and fear about starting their own business.  This is fine as long as you don’t wallow in it.  Then set a goal and deadline to get it going.

Here’s the thing.  You have to be President Kennedy with your business success.  Nobody is going to set the deadline for you.  Without a deadline goals are meaningless.

So, what’s your online business goal and what’s your deadline?  Write it down and deliver your speech to Congress to make it real.

Once you’ve set a deadline, there’s just 2 more crucial steps:

  1. Get started as soon as possible.  The sooner you get started, the sooner you’ll get to the moon.
  2. Select a proven, simple, step by step program to help you achieve your goal by your deadline.  NASA didn’t just wing it.  They used a serious, scientific system.

Click Funnels has paid out over $20,000,000 to partners all over the world in just a few short years with a simple system.  So, if you’re looking to get your online business to the moon, then set your goal, deadline and:

Click here to get started.

Another Kind Of Goal You Can Control

Views: 8

In a recent blog post, I told you about how most people set only results goals.  Results goals like:

  • I will lose 10 pounds
  • I will earn $100,000 in sales commissions
  • I will have a better relationship with my spouse

Most people who only set results goals fail.  The second type of goals are productivity goals.  Productivity goals sound like this:

  • I will eat only 2000 calories per day
  • I will make 30 sales calls per day
  • I will have a “date night” with my spouse every week

Productivity goals put “feet on the street”.  The increase the probability of achieving your results goals.  Plus they are goals you can control.

There’s also a third often overlooked goal.  This is your motivation goals.  They say your attitude determines your altitude and you can if you think you can.  Although, they may sound like clichés but the power of positive thinking is real.  If you’re ignoring the “health” of your motivation, you’re setting yourself up for failure.
When it comes to your online business, here are some motivational goals you can set that will improve your altitude:
  • I will attend a mastermind group where like-minded, motivated entrepreneurs get together to share secrets and celebrate successes.
  • I will not discuss my online business with people who are “toxic” and do not share my ambitions for achieving financial freedom.
  • I will read books, listen to CDs and watch DVDs that increase my knowledge, skills level and desire for achieving financial success.

Are you checking all three success boxes?  At Click Funnels, we value all three goal types:

  • Results – Click Funnels pay regular commissions when you work the system.
  • Productivity – Click Funnels works if you work the steps.
  • Motivation – Click Funnels holds “celebration” mastermind meetings in exotic and luxurious get-away destinations around the world.

If you want an online opportunity that can help you achieve all your goals:

Check it out here.

A Simple Way To Defeat Fear

Views: 14

There’s a saying from Seth Godin: “What’s the smallest, tiniest thing that I can master and what’s the scariest thing I can do in front of the smallest number of people that can teach me how to dance with the fear?  Once we get good at that, we just realise that it’s not fatal.  And that idea is what’s so key – because then you can do it a little bit more”.

Our fear usually tells us what we need to do most but many of us have gotten highly-skilled at avoiding and/or numbing that fear.  The only way you achieve success is by facing a fear and breaking through to the next level.  Otherwise you stay exactly where you are for the rest of your life.  You can be scared and numb or scared and dissatisfied.

I have a couple of questions for you:

  1. When was the last time you stared down a fear and broke through to another level in your life?
  2. What are you afraid of doing that you know you must do to achieve online success?

I want you to take Seth Godin’s advice and take the smallest tiniest step you can take in the direction of your fear.  Get started on something that scares you a little.  One very small step you can take is to get started with Click Funnels.  Then take one small step every day for 30 days.

I’m going to bet that what Seth says is true: you’ll find out it’s not fatal.  You’ll find out the first step wasn’t that hard.  Then you’ll find out the next step isn’t that hard.  Soon, you’ll be on to day 30 and making commissions regularly.  I’m talking about $1000 – $4000 monthly commissions.

Maybe even driving in a new Mercedes.  You can have all of this if you don’t let your fears win.

Click here to take a small step to victory today.

Take a small step to victory today.

You Working A Job Or Is The Job Working You?

Views: 6

When hiring for a position, traditional companies look at the job first.  They determine:

  • What is required?
  • What tasks need to be done?
  • What output is expected?

Then they write a job description.  After that they try to find individuals who fit the job.  When they find a suitable candidate, they train that person to fit the job.  As the months and years go on, they continuously evaluate, always asking: “Is the person still a good fit for the job?”

I think this is flawed thinking.  Individuals are more important than an abstract “position”.  I think the jobs should be changed to fit the person.  Especially if that person is creative, talented, motivated, conscientious and intelligent.

You’ll  get far more productivity out of someone when the job is forced to fit them rather than when they are forced to fit the job.  This is why I like Click Funnels so much.  Click Funnels allows you to shape the “job” around your:

  • Lifestyle
  • Hours
  • Location
  • Creativity
  • Talent
  • Motivation

It’s a “job” that  you can shape to fit you.  I’m convinced that opportunities like Click Funnels are the best way to get the most out of talented, motivated individuals.  It’s the “job” of the future.  Are you motivated?  Then you have what it takes to build Click Funnels around you.

Check it out here.

3 Ways To Get Unstuck

Views: 6

I was doing some reading up and found an interesting strategy that has been called the guru to the guru’s and is just an all round brilliant person.  It’s just three simple questions to ask yourself every day especially when you’re stuck:

  1. What’s working?
  2. What’s missing?
  3. What’s next?

I would highly recommend you write those three questions out on a post it and stick it somewhere you can see it each day.  Although the questions seem very simple, they take some real thinking and can yield you big results if you actually go through them each day.  You could take it a step further, when you find out what’s missing, you should rank yourself on how much you’ve improved on it from one day to the next on a scale of 1-10.  Then you simply try to get a little better on it each day.

I’ll give you an example.  What’s working for you may be a that you’re good at spotting quality product launches and ranking for an affiliate page.  What could be missing is that maybe you haven’t got any sales yet even though you’re getting traffic and working really hard.  What’s next is that you could start getting more quality traffic and learning how to create a bonus offer that people feel they must have more than the product itself.

Not surprisingly, those are the exact three things many people are having a challenge with right now.  If you’re doing affiliate marketing at all, there’s quite likely a lot of “what’s missing” elements.  I know I did before I started to figure things out.

The pieces quickly fit together for me after I watched this no cost Online Workshop that reveals why the old affiliate model is dead and how you can use the new rules to dominate whenever you like.

Click here to check it out, you’ll also get a bonus for watching this presentation. 

Make yourself some pop corn or your favourite treat and enjoy the show.