How To Get Ahead Before 2017 Gets Away

Views: 2

Congratulations!  You just accomplished something that many of our well loved celebrities failed to do which is survive 2016.  It was too soon for them to pass away.  If you can survive 2016, you’re back on a level playing field with everyone else who survived 2016 whether it’s a man or woman, rich or poor and black or white.  2017 is wide open and it’s your move.  Everyone else is starting to make theirs but it’s still a tight race.

I heartily recommend bursting out of the gates by joining Click Funnels.  Don’t take a big risk.  Invest your energy in a time tested, plenty proven, step by step, no shortcuts, money making model.  You give yourself this little boost and I really like your chances for 2017.

Click here.

How 176 Years Of Losing Can Make You Rich

Views: 3

If you haven’t heard yet, the Cubs and the Indians are playing each other in the World Series.  If either of these teams reached the World Series, that would be incredible by itself but for both of these teams to meet each other is out of this world insane.  Here’s a little perspective, the combined championship drought between the Cubs and the Indians is 176 years.  This is more than half the existence of the United States.

It’s easy to see that losing is a habit for the Cubs and the Indians. It is for most people too.  Now you might tell yourself that you’re not a loser but the real losers are the ones that can’t tell they’re losing in life.  So, honestly ask yourself these questions: “Are you happy with what you earn at work?”, “Is your time well spent at work?” and “Can you see yourself doing what your boss does”?

Anyone who knows losing the way the Cubs and Indians do will tell you that to start winning, you must ask yourself some tough questions.  If you honestly ask yourself those three, you’re on the way to winning big even if it means you must leave your 9-5 job behind.  How can you do this?

Click here to find out.

The Death Of Banner Ads?

Views: 4

Do you want to advertise on Facebook?  You better not want to use the same tried and true ads that everyone else does because ads that look like all the other ads online won’t cut it any more.  Soon Facebook won’t be the only site where ads that used to be standard will look ancient compared to new ads.

Just this week, The New York Times began to phase out the classic banners ads that show up on most websites.  They did this because they look like what everyone expects an ad looks like.  We’ve all seen banner ads so many times that we don’t even pay attention to them.  This is why the biggest sites in the world are changing their ads to look like content rather than advertising.  This is good and bad for online advertisers.

The good news is that online ads will look different to consumers and that means a greater chance of making a sale.  The bad news is that advertisers won’t be able to rely on the traditional and standardised format that they’ve come to know and love.  This doesn’t mean that you’ll have to be more creative if you want to earn any money online, you’ll have to figure out how to handle the new formats.

You could worry about it or you could join Click Funnels.  Click Funnels is an online business system where affiliates don’t have to create ads.  All they do is place ads and get paid.  Click Funnel’s affiliates don’t even have to close any deals but they still earn commissions worth thousands of dollars.

Click here to learn more about Click Funnels if this sounds like a good deal to you.

Pop Up Ads Are Trashing Your Income Right Now

Views: 4

During the summer there were reports that IPhone sales were dropping so the new IPhone 7 needed to be something special that would recharge IPhone sales.  What did Apple come up with then?  They improved their storage and battery life, made the phone waterproof, upgraded the camera and gave it a new look.

However, none of that matters to most people because Apple made one change that’s grabbing all the attention.  The IPhone 7 doesn’t have an audio jack.  Instead Apple is selling wireless headphones and adapters that allow regular ear buds to work through the charging port.  It doesn’t sound like a big deal but people are up in arms over this change and are forgetting about all the good things that Apple did.

So, what does this have to do with you and online marketing?  It only takes one wrong step to ruin your reputation.  The IPhone 7 really is an improved phone and Apple is making the headphone jack change as painless as possible but most people see the IPhone 7 as an Unnecessarily complicated product.

When you’re advertising online it doesn’t matter how professional your ads look, your potential customers are already sceptical of your ads because of how many online ads there are.  We’ve all been annoyed by pop up or scrolling ads.  Your ads are guilty by association just like how all the improvements on the IPhone 7 are overlooked because of one unpopular feature.

This is why your best bet to earn a living through online marketing is joining Click Funnels.  Click Funnels is a proven online business system that allows affiliates to place already prepared ads on the most popular sites online.  Click Funnels knows how to make money online despite the negative perception online ads battle.  In just two years, Click Funnels has sent out over $15 million to affiliates.

Click here to take advantage of Click Funnel’s experience and earn your online fortune.

Why You Must Get This Right To Make It Online

Views: 5

If you’re thinking about how to make money online, you should check out a recent article from Adweek.  In it, leading ad buyers from across the industry say which traffic platforms work and which ones don’t.  Here are the quick hits:

  • Pinterest’s app marketing is falling behind
  • Facebook and Google are going to make you fight tooth and claw to get to their data
  • AOL has a good platform but a poor public image
  • YouTube advertising is difficult because the platform doesn’t allow people to find and share with their friends the way social media does
  • Spotify has a lot of room to grow but is pricing out some advertisers
  • Twitter returns are not what they should be and their dashboard is not as user friendly as others

Traffic can be hard as it changes all the time.  Traffic requires attention and study.  This means you better have the rest of your sales funnel working like a well-oiled Ferrari.  It better be proven, predictable and flexible.  That’s what you get with Click Funnels.

Listen, you can’t control the whims of the traffic Gods.  They are wildly unpredictable but you can control your sales funnel.  You can have a funnel that cranks out customers predictably and profitably month after month after month.

Get it here.