Do You Want To Earn Side Income Outside Of Your Day Job Or To Replace It?

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Would you like to get extra part time income or replace a full time job you don’t love?  Would you like to get up to $10,000 months and beyond?  It’s doesn’t have to be hard even if you’re doing this part time.  The key is in how you go about it and how quickly you can get to your first few sales.  Think of it this way, when most people, young and old alike learn to play an instrument like a guitar or piano, they take lessons.

Learning a new instrument can be challenging.  Have you ever experienced this yourself?  The benefits of having an instructor goes far deeper than just what they can teach you.  Every week, the student has to practice and improve.  They’re held accountable and step by step.  They get better and better and better over time, right? 

What this causes are miniature successes.  They learn a few chords.  Then they’re strumming a simple tune smiling every strum and beat.  Before you know it, they’re sounding like a professional that was born with the natural gift of having musical talent.  On the flipside, where the frustration in this business often is, is trying to play the same chord over and over again, month after month, year after year, being stuck at step one.  Not experiencing those miniature successes that can quickly move them up to the big leagues in a snap.  Keep moving forward and keep progressing.  Step by step.

If you’re willing to take a few small daily actions, it doesn’t have to take long at all to get up to $5k to $10k months online.  Only if you’re applying leverage at the right points that allow that type of income potential to be headed your way, nearly all hands free.  Are you open to that?

This presentation will explain the details and shows you how to get started asap. 

This may be a great fit for you.  Today, you’re also getting 3 free funnels to help you start making money online.  Just a heads up, I’m not sure how long they’ll keep offering this for you.

They’ll Leave You And Buy From Your Competitor If You Don’t Have This

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Consider this your GPS to bigger paydays.  Could you be holding your customers back?  Could you be greatly limiting your income in the process?  Imagine a bus driver that only offers trips around the block.  It only costs a couple bucks.  Great value?  Sure, many people only need to go down the corner, right?  However, what about the good people that want to experience travelling to another part of the country?  Now, you’re holding them back.  You’re limiting their experience.

Is this making sense?  So, here’s where many people are stabbing themselves in the foot when it comes to the potential income they could be making.  They’re doing many of their customers a disservice in the process.  They’re only offering drive around the block services to their customers.

Now, this is usually in the form of an ebook or some other lower priced offer and for some, that’s all they need.  Yet, just as you would chart out your journey if you were planning to drive across the country.  You will want to chart out your ideal customers journey as well.  What obstacles will they face?  How can you help them along the way?  For e.g. a course could show you how to get up to $10,000 per month in automated income.  However, there’s a lot of steps to get that all set up.  Some will be willing to put in 2-3 years to get themselves there.  They’ll be willing to hire the teams, learn the tech and marketing skills that will allow them to reach their goal.Others will want a shortcut on their journey.  They’d prefer to work less, use leverage, done for you offers and strap themselves to an already successful brand and business.  They’ll want a certain experience along their trip.  Some are fine driving in an ’83 Honda Accord with rusted metal and torn cloth seats.  It’ll get them where they want to go just fine.  Then there are others who prefer leather seats.  An engine that purrs with great company and support along the way.  Believe me, if you don’t offer this service, they’ll leave you and all the hard work you put in to attract them to your business model and they’ll go find and invest in someone that does.

What’s your ideal journey to creating the income and life you deserve?  What do you think it would be for your customers?  I hope this helps.  If you’re interested in hopping aboard our bus:

Yes, I’m ready to join you and start the journey to getting up to $10,000 or more a month. 

You’ll be getting the first step to creating up to $10,000 and more.  Maybe a lot more?  How long you decide to stay on the journey with us or not is totally up to you.

The system I recommend to help take you there, step by step.

Free Book On How To Build An Online Empire From Scratch

Views: 3

I just hooked you up.  Russel Brunson just launched his new book called: “Expert Secrets: The Underground Playbook For Creating A Mass Movement Of people Who Will Pay For Your Advice.”  I got you a free copy.  All you need to cover is shipping.

Go this page now and let him know where to ship it.

In case you’re one of those people like me who just skip to the end, here’s the deal.  Russel is mailing you a physical copy of his new book.  The book is free and all you pay is for shipping.  There’s no catch or gimmicks.  You don’t need to sign up for any trial to some monthly program or anything like that.

So click here to claim your free coy now.  You won’t regret it.

Are You Letting Rules Kill Your Results?

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Boundaries or no boundaries?  If you want to build a successful business, should you make lots of rules and regulations?  Should you put constraints on your employees?  Should you give them more freedom?  Should you let them work on their own time or in their own way?

Here’s the problem: Boundaries kill creativity.  When you make rules, it limits what people can do.  As the rules pile up, it creates the thick, inefficient layers of bureaucracy which people have to wade through to get anything done.  Employees lose motivation.  Real results become secondary, procedural correctness and submission to rigid corporate policies becomes king.

That’s never good for the employee or for the business when you don’t have boundaries, chaos ensues.  You need deadlines, principles and accountability or you won’t get anything done.  Rules kill productivity and they’re also necessary for productivity.  Success in any area whether it’s building a business, living your personal life, acquiring a skill depends on how well you can navigate this tricky issue.  You need to balance freedom and constraint.

Click Funnels offers you the best of both worlds.  It gives you a great system, so that you’re not thrown into the middle of the ocean and left to your own devices.  You’re given all the information you need to start generating traffic online, driving that traffic into high conversion sales funnels and making commissions.

You get to implement the system in your own way on your own time from the place of your own choosing.  No one’s sitting over your shoulder making sure it gets done on their time frame or in their way according to their stupid rules.  You don’t have to prove to someone else that you’re being productive according to their shallow idea of what productivity looks like.

You can just focus on results.  Of course, those are only benefits for people who actively work through the system.  Click Funnels won’t do you any good if you just read about it.  It only rewards those who act.

Go here if you’re ready to act.

Have You Had The Coffee Shop Conversation Yet?

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All he wanted was a little love and respect.  Then this happened 12 months later.  Have you had the coffee shop conversation yet?  It can be quite profound.  Imagine it’s one year from today.  You’re sitting in a coffee shop and you’re looking back at the past year of activity.  As you’re looking back, what made this year different than all others?  What will have happened in your life both personally and professionally for you to be sitting there over the top with your past year and with your future still yet ahead?

Some have sat in the chair before you.  Many have felt it worthwhile that they were able to finally prove they can be a good provider for their family.  That they can be a good spouse, mom, dad or grandparent.  That they could now send their kids to best schools in town being able to give to their favourite charities.  The feeling they got as their mother or father placed their hands on their shoulders with a look of pride in their eyes as they watched and amazed at the type of business they run and the results they’ve been getting.

Now, much more importantly.  What would your coffee shop conversation look like?  What’s holding you back?  Can I help?  If you need a good system and help along the way:

Then this may help today.