Reasons You Must Sell High-Priced Products

Views: 3

There’s many obvious reasons that selling high-priced products makes more sense than selling low-priced products including:

  • You need to make fewer sales to make more money
  • You benefit from higher margins and therefore higher profit
  • You process fewer transactions which means lower processing fees
  • You ship fewer products which means lower shipping and labor fees

There’s also a couple of bizarre reasons you may not have considered.

The first bizarre reason is that people who purchase high-priced products are far more likely to actually use those products and benefit from them.  As strange as it may seem, people who pay for a $1,000 coaching sessions are much more likely to implement that advice than they are to implement the very same advice if it comes from a $19 e-book.  People just don’t value or implement cheap advice regardless of how good it is.  The higher implementation rate of high priced products means more success stories which means more glowing testimonials and more sales for you.  It’s a profit machine.

The second bizarre reason is that people who purchase high-priced products complain less than people who purchase low priced products.  I know it sounds strange.  You’d think the more money you spend on a product, the more discerning and picky you’d be but that’s not the case.  As Tim Ferris points out in his bestseller: The 4-Hour Workweek: “Higher pricing attracts lower-maintenance customers with better credit, fewer complaints/questions, fewer returns etc.  It’s less headache.  This is HUGE.”  Price shoppers and penny pinchers are usually a pain in the backside on so many levels.

If you’re not selling high-ticket, high-profit, low-maintenance products in your business then:

Find out how you can make $1,000 – $4,000 commissions here.

Are Hedgehogs Or Rhinos More Successful Online?

Views: 6

Are you a hedgehog or a rhino?  Relationship experts often talk about two personality types.  If you’re a hedgehog, you keep your feelings bottled up.  You dislike comfort.  On the other hand, if you’re a rhino, you wear your heart on your sleeve ad you charge into arguments head down, horn first.

This blog post isn’t about improving your personal relationships.  It’s about online marketing success.  Online marketers come in “hedgehog” and “rhino personalities” too.  They both allow their personalities to get in the way of their success.

Hedgehogs seldom, if ever, take action.  They struggle with procrastination.  They’re students who never graduate.  They’re the ones that spend all their time learning and reading and watching and attending but rarely, if ever, get started.  The Rhinos, on the other hand, charge forward and implement, implement and implement.  They end up losing money and wasting time because they implement the wrong things.

If I had to choose out of these two personalities, I’d choose the rhino because they at least give it a try.  Honestly, neither personality is right.  They both have significant shortcomings.  They need the right system to help overcome these shortcomings.

So, which one are you?  If you’re a hedgehog, you need a low-risk, low-cost, proven system.  One that, with little effort, can help you build up the positive momentum that will keep you going.  You also need a system that won’t overwhelm you and cause you to fall back into the hedgehog hesitation.
Click Funnels offers a low start up fee.  This is why Click Funnels is great for hedgehogs.  If you’re a rhino, you need to be absolutely sure you’re charging in the right direction and implementing the right things.
Click Funnels’s founder, Russel Brunson, says that beginner entrepreneurs need to focus on one thing and just one thing only: getting a proven, converting offer in front of paid traffic.  That’s all Click Funnels asks you to focus on.  Click Funnel’s team focuses on everything else:
  • Creating offers for you
  • Building landing pages for you
  • Building sales pages for you
  • And everything else

That’s why Click Funnels is great for rhinos.

So, whether you’re a hedgehog or a rhino, Click Funnels will allows you to overcome these shortcomings and use your natural personality to succeed.

Do You Know The 3 Paths To Financial Freedom?

Views: 2

Traditionally, there’s only been three ways to make enough to money to be financially free.  So you can:

  • Have the freedom to travel
  • Have the freedom to make your own decisions
  • Have the freedom to provide for your children
  • Have the freedom to live life on your terms

The first way is to inherit millions of dollars.  Unless you have a rich uncle that’s not happening.

The second way is through real estate investing.  I can’t get into much detail here but I’m sure it’s still possible to make lots of money in real estate if you’re willing to work through the long learning curve.  After the disaster of 2008, you would be prudent to consider real estate more than a little bit risky.

The third and most common way is to run your own business.

Traditionally, those were the only ways individuals have been able to achieve financial independence.

So, which one will you choose.

If you’re considering starting your own business or have already tried and found it difficult, I invite you to explore Click Funnels.  Click Funnels makes starting and running your own business easy and fun:

  • $1000 – $4000 and up monthly commissions
  • No selling
  • No picking up the phone
  • Personal, one-on-one coaching
  • No products to warehouse
  • No packages to ship

It’s the fastest path to financial freedom I’ve ever seen.

Unless you’re waiting for that wealthy aunt to materialize or considering a deep dive into the shark-infested waters of real estate investing, I can’t think of a better way to take advantage of the third method for achieving financial freedom.

Click here to check it out.

4 Steps To Upgrading Your Business And Your Life

Views: 3

January 2021 is over and February is here.  So:

  • How are you getting on with your goals? 
  • Where were you this time last year?
  • Where are you now?
  • Are you where you would like to be?

I’m sure that in some areas of your life you’ve achieved your goals or resolutions and in some you fell a bit short.  That’s normal and it means you’re human.  As you’re reading this blog post, I’m guessing you may not have achieved your financial or business resolutions.

If you haven’t, I can’t think of no greater authority on achieving your dreams than Tony Robbins.  Tony recently shared his personal 4 step-prescription for the right way to do New Year’s resolutions.

Step one: Get focused.  You need to get clear and specific about what you want to achieve.  “Losing weight” and “making more money” aren’t resolutions.  They’re just vague, wishy-washy hopes.  “In less than 3 months I will lose 3 inches around my belly” is a resolution.  “I will make $200,000 through my online business by December 31st of 2021” is a resolution.

Step two: Work a proven plan.  Resolutions without systems for achieving them are not a resolution.  They’re just words.  The key word in this is “proven”.  So, no fad diets or get rich quick schemes.  The system has to be proven time and time again to work for those who really work it.  The plan doesn’t have to be “easy”.  In fact, plans that are too easy are probably not “proven” at all.  Whatever your resolution is, if it’s important enough, it will take work.  Don’t be seduced by “easy”.  Stick with “proven” because in the end, proven will be easier than easy.

Step three: Get the right partner.  Not a partner in the same situation as you.  If you want to work out more, don’t get a partner who also needs to work out more.  Get one who is already working out and has been for years and has achieved success.  Get a partner who is already an expert and has achieved what you want to achieve.

Step four: Use the power of momentum.  If you want to start working out, leave the house right now and walk around the block.  Yes, right now.  The biggest mistake people make is “getting ready to start”.  Don’t waste time just “getting ready”.  Start now.  Go walk around the block right now.  Then tomorrow walk two blocks.  The next day three.  There is no greater power in the universe than momentum.  There’s no power that will hold you back more than inertia (sitting still and “getting ready”).  The key is to move now.

Here’s to achieving your dreams in 2021.

Make sure you don’t wait until 2022 to get started.

Click here to get started right now with your business goals.

The Number One Reason Why Most Online Ventures Fail

Views: 2

I said in the blog title that this would be about why most online businesses fail.  Well, that’s partially true.  Most online businesses never actually become businesses at all.  Most people only think and dream and wonder and research and procrastinate.  They never do anything to get started.

If you’re someone who fits that description you probably have not registered for The Click Funnels live events.  So, this blog post isn’t really for you.

If you have registered and are planning on coming, then this message is for you.  I want to encourage you to follow through and actually show up for the event.  This might sound strange to you: “of course I’m going to show up, I registered, didn’t I?”  The problem is that nearly 60% of the people who register for these free, live events, don’t show up.

This brings me to the number one reason why online businesses fail.  Failure to show up and failure to follow through.  Most people simply don’t have the persistence, drive and follow-through to make it all the way to their goals.  Minor setbacks shut them down completely.  Silly distractions derail them.  The “tyranny of the trivial” knocks them off course.  “Oh, I meant to do that but then…something…came up.”It’s the reason most people work at a job they hate for less money than they could be making because they don’t have what it takes to follow through and carve out a better way.  The Click Funnels team will be showing you a better way.  In fact, they’ll be showing you the only formula for making money online that actually works.  So, I highly encourage you to follow through, register and be there.

Here’s the link to register for one of them.