He Was Putting Off His Happiness To Be A Good Provider

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A better path for many.  Could you be putting off happiness and success like he discovered he was?  There was a recent news article of a man who was saving for the future and was working hard every day to build up a hefty nest egg to the point that he wasn’t spending much quality time with his family.  He wasn’t present with them.  He was putting it all off until a later time.  He was overworked and disconnected with the life he really wanted to be living until he made a decision and whisked his family off to Italy for the summer.

There, he slowed down.  He reconnected with his family and friends on a whole new level.  He realised, he didn’t need to put off success and happiness until a certain target was hit.  He realised he could create a living legacy enjoying life right now with those he loves and cares for because we shouldn’t put that off till a later date, should we?

Anyhow, I’m not sure what it is for you but one of the things he discovered?  It’s much better for our happiness and lifestyles today, to say, have $4k per month coming in like clockwork:

This plan can get you there in as little as the next 100 days or so.

Then it is to have 1 million sitting in the bank in our retirement years.  With a little planning and effort, we can start living an amazing lifestyle we want to, right now.  What could you do today to create a living legacy and amazing lifestyle for yourself and your family?  Don’t put that off until later.  You deserve it.  Your family deserves it.

Missing Skill That Ruins Side Businesses Everywhere

Views: 2

This is simple but not easy.  I’ve heard it said that everything we’ll ever want is on the other side of uncomfortable.  In health, wealth and in our relationships and everything in between.  Can you see this as being true too?  What’s great is we can train ourselves to get better at this.  For e.g. This guy recommends folks take a daily cold shower:

  • 1 minute warm and 1 minute ice cold
  • 1 minute warm and 1 minute ice cold

Repeat a 3rd time.  Subconsciously though, this helps us to begin to deal with uncomfortable situations and it starts to build up our resilience.  Now, I’m not saying to start taking cold showers.  Maybe you just got your arm cold but I am saying to get used to doing what’s uncomfortable.  It could be:

  • Writing your first email
  • Creating your first paid ad
  • Making your first offer online
  • Building your first automated sales funnel

Because it’s the small bold moves like this that will quickly add up to amazing results in your business and in life.

Here’s a great spot to start.

You’ll need to go through the steps and to be willing to roll up your sleeves with us.  We’ll have loads of fun too.  Are you in?

Ok, I’m in.

Why The 4 Hour Workweek Is Still A Best Seller

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This spells opportunity for the right person.  If you were to hop on over to Amazon, you’d see that now cult-classic book, The 4 Hour Workweek has over 5,00o reviews.  It’s remained one of the most highlighted Kindle Books for years.

Why so because more than ever, people want to live as the subtitle of the book states and this spells massive opportunity for us: “Escape the 9-5, live anywhere, Join the New Rich.”  Now that “What” you’ll want to do with your new freedom will differ from person to person.  Some don’t want to travel.  They want to work a few hours a day from home and have the rest of the day to spend with their kids or grandkids.  They want to be debt free and to pursue a hobby or other life mission of theirs.

Whatever it is, it’s about becoming: “Time Rich.”  The crazy thing is once we jot down our ideal day and see how much that truly will cost us.  Oftentimes, we discover it doesn’t often require a boatload of cash.  It just requires we’re able to apply leverage to our life and that we aren’t tied down to a 40 to 60+ per hour week job with a boss hole to answer to.

Would you like to fire that boss hole or at least set something quite lucrative up for yourself and your family on the side leveraging the internet, automation and marrying them with the right type of high ticket opportunities is one of the best way I know of to do it.  Are you open to hearing more?

Check this out asap.

Open Up To Leverage A Million Dollar Funnel

Views: 3

This is the magic sauce that automates things and provides time, income and freedom.  There are many funnels online which bring in 6 to 7 figures plus per month.  Having a funnel is great for automating the sales and marketing end of things.  Yes, it can earn you a nice chunk of change as well if it’s done right.

When it’s done right, a good funnel can churn you profits around the clock for years and years.  There’s even a business slogan going around that says: “You’re one funnel away from a million.”  Of course, creating a million dollar funnel isn’t ever easy.  It’s hard.  It takes a lot of work and a lot of testing every piece of the funnel.  There’s a lot of moving pieces involved. 

However, there are very few businesses that have a million dollar funnel and will let you leverage it as an affiliate allowing you to keep a healthy cut of the profits.

Yet, this program does.

This can put up to $10k commissions in your wallet if you follow the system and the daily steps they lay out for you.  You can certainly aim to build a funnel yourself and that may play out very well for you.  I simply choose the easier path and want to use what’s already proven and is working right now.  There’s no right or wrong here.

Could Relationships Be Holding You Back?

Views: 2

Is your environment supporting you?  If you want to increase your $$, one of the best things we can do is upgrade our environment.  Hard as it may be?  Often, we need to take a hard look at who we spend the most time with and for your eyes only, write down an N for nurturing or T for toxic beside each one.

What do you see staring back at you?  After this consider who do we allow in our lives?  What/who could be holding us back?  What would we do about it?  Here’s a bit of truth tea, change your environment which includes those we are around and you can change your life.  Here’s another thing for e.g. If we want to get fit and in shape?  Then if we’re around fit and healthy people all the time, we’ll likely get fit and fab quickly as well, right?  Of course, the reverse can happen if we’re around unhealthy negative people.  If you want to increase your income and build a lifestyle based business on the side, then being around a supportive group of folks just like us can be just as critical to your success.

That’s why I recommend this.

The level of online support are unparalleled.  I would love to see you inside our online FB support group today.

Start here asap.