Bumps Up Your Affiliate Commissions Fast

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Makes sales and creates lasting impact.  It’s estimated that around 44,000 people go to Disneyland everyday.  As a result of a packed park, folks are stuck waiting in lines under the hot sun.  So long, their ice cream melts in their now sticky hands.  It’s expensive.  They deal with big crowds and bumper to bumper traffic.

Yet, this amazing thing happens.  They get onto a certain ride with their kids.  At that moment when they’re all smiling and laughing as they zip along on the ride.  It makes it all 100% worth it.  Recent studies show we don’t remember all the mess on our vacations and things we are forced to deal with in life.  We remember these sweet moments.  A brief experience that creates a lasting memory. 

Now, here’s the thing.  We can craft these moments.  In this business, many people are overcrowded with info and big empty promises.  Their hands are sticky from one bad experience after another.  For others, they’re just entering the park which is this industry and they don’t know quite what to expect next.  They’re just ready for a real, lasting change in their finances and lifestyle.  How can we create a moment for them too?  It could be a personal email or message we send them.  A letter or card in the physical mail, maybe we send them a book that impacted our life or maybe we say what we have is not a good fit for them.

Whatever it is, think to create moments for folks.  Impact them for the better.  Give them a positive memory and experience with you.  You can watch your commissions, profits and happiness bump up a notch or three.  If you need a proven plan to stick to that can impact your life and others for the better:

Check this one out asap.

How Soon Before You’d like An Extra $1k Plus?

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Bigger commissions and more consistently.  The military have a way of boiling everything down to it’s most eloquent and basic foundation.  There’s something they teach newcomers which they call: Embrace the suck.  See, if you expect something to not be too easy for a period of time, you embrace it.  You can handle it.  If you expect things to always go incredibly smooth?  The challenges will chew you up and spit you out without any signs of remorse.  Now, this business I recommend is a simple business model to follow and profit from.

The simple biz I recommend.

Yet, launching anything worthwhile can be challenging at first at least until you’re up to speed.  We still have to sit our bottoms down each day and do the fun work even if it’s just 30 to 60 minutes.  So, I say not only to embrace the suck but also bookend the suck.  Things are so much easier in this business when you set a specific time on your calendar each day to focus on your work and you treat that time as sacred.

You show up and do the work without question.  Just as you’d show up for a scheduled and necessary surgery that will change your life for the better following a proven plan with day in and day out consistency.  Well, it will be hard for you to not succeed especially with a proven and simple enough plan to follow.

Here’s the plan I recommend.

How soon before you’d like to get your first commission online?

Try This Out If You’re Afraid Of Sales

Views: 3

Fix this and your results may soar because of a few sleazy car salesmen and the such, the word sales often carries a negative or bad tone to many folks.  This is holding them back badly.  Often, all we need to do is flip how we think about this because the reality is if you’re truly believe in what you’re selling, if you know in your heart it’s a superior solution in your marketplace, if you think it will make people better off in ways they desire and if you feel it can bring your fellow human beings to a much better place they may not get to.

Then there isn’t our moral obligation to get our message out there to as many people as we possibly can.  Yet, we don’t have to be salesy to do that as we educate, we inspire and help.

That’s why I often recommend this.

I believe in it.  I feel it’s my obligation and for the right person, I know it can be life changing for them.  Starting with the first commission.

Fear Of Failure Is Real

Views: 1

Is this holding you back too?  Many of us are afraid to put own voice out there to start up a business to put our full heart into something.  Why?  One word.  Rejection.  Hearing a no.  Getting an unsubscribe.  Someone hitting spam from an email we just put our best effort into.

Here’s the thing.  Most of the time, they’re not rejecting you.  They’re often not even rejecting your business opportunity or offer either.  Here’s what could be and is most often the case.  Their circumstances don’t allow them to do it.  The can’t afford it.  They’re not interested anymore.  They inherited a million bucks.

The point is?  We don’t know their why and we shouldn’t care.  What we should care about is speaking to the few that are interested, right?  How can we help them solve their big problems and get what they want?  How can we help those that are ready?  We speak to that crowd because we believe that what we have can 100% change and impact their lives for the better.

Everything else, we let slide off our backs and we don’t worry about it.  Don’t let fear hold you back.  You’re awesome and if you’re open for a business you can put your full heart into even on a very part time basis.

Check out this proven system.

I’m not saying you’ll never hear: “Thank but no thanks.”  Yet, it’s a business model that allows you to help people just like us on a higher level helping them build their own lifestyle businesses for themselves and their families.  Businesses and lifestyles they’ll be proud of.

Get more details here.

The Difference Between An Amateur And Pro And The Broke Or Rich

Views: 4

I have a healthy dose of truth serum here.  Many people want to do this business yet they never actually do it.  The same thing happens often in writer’s circles.  People often say they are a writer yet they never write.  They never publish and so they struggle.  Stephen King says it well: “Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration.  The rest of us just get up and go to work.”

The same line of thought applies to this business pretty well too, doesn’t it?  The best writers and business people have rituals.  They sit down for e.g. from 9am till noon and they work or they work from 9pm till midnight.  Results and money doesn’t care if we’re inspired or not.  Just like a treadmill doesn’t care if we’re inspired to hop on it and walk to lose weight.  If we just walk inspired or not, we get results.  The money and results and amazing life comes if we’ll only sit down and do the work day by day.  I hope this helps.

Here’s a proven plan to stick to.

It simply works if you’ll work it.