Would An Extra $1k In 30 Days Help?

Views: 4

A warm cup of truth tea for you today because of popular books and movies like: “The Secret”.  Many fab folks think they can wish or think or vision board themselves to a 6 or 7 figure income.  However, much more is required than simply the power of positive thinking or helpful wishing.  We need to be able to take our big, shiny dream and ideal life and run it against reality.  There’s a powerful proven process you can go through that does work called WOOP:

  • W – Wish: What is it that you want to achieve?  It could be a $4k per month lifestyle.
  • O – Outcome – What’s the outcomes or result if you see that wish come to fruition?  It could be to work from your laptop an hour or so a day so you can travel or do whatever you want.
  • O – Obstacle – What obstacles may we face internally or externally?  How will we deal with it?  Adopt the if this then that mindset.  If I get distracted by an email and FB then I will turn off the internet and focus down.
  • P – Plan – What’s the step by step plan you will follow to do all of the above?

You can research the WOOP strategy online or check out the book, Rethinking Positive Thinking if you’d like but this sure beats the heck out of just wishing and hoping doesn’t it?  Sure, it’s harder work too but in the long run, it’s the extra focus of going through a process like this that can mean the difference between staying stuck and living the life of our dreams.  On top of this, science and recent studies show that we need to make our goals or our WOOP plan challenging, yet attainable.  That’s why I’d like to introduce you to this proven framework for success.

A proven step by step framework.

Go through the steps.  Then, our first milestone together with this proven plan will be your first commission up to $1k in the next 30 days.  That’s not a lot but even if that’s all we did, that would still be an extra $12k coming in you may not have in your pockets otherwise.  May help cover a mortgage payment, some medical expenses or car note every month.  I know we can do much better than that.  Many are at $4k months within the first 90 days or so because they took this plan and put it to good use.  If you’re willing to do this with us, you can start below:

Get all the 411 right here asap.

All the best.

The Truth Of The Real Lifestyle Biz

Views: 3

Fulfilling, lucrative and yes challenging.  Can you expect an easy breezy path to get an extra $1k to $4k plus monthly income online?  Not if we’re based in reality.  Things can still be fun but we must expect it to be challenging at times too.  Just knowing that can help.  It can let us know we’re on the right path.  A path everybody who succeeds will also likely go through.  If you hit a roadblock, you’re not failing.  Just don’t stop, many will and do.

Just as a battery has a positive, it also has a negative.  That’s how it works, right?  We simply can’t expect to remodel our lifestyle and financial kitchen without things getting a little messy at times too.  Yet, isn’t the end result so worth the effort?  Really, it makes the journey that much sweeter as well.  If it’s a fit and you’re willing:

This proven plan may help you.

If you’re willing to follow the steps and stick with it, you can start seeing big commissions from $1k up to $4k rolling your way.  Nice, right?  If you’re interested in joining us,

Get all the 411 here, asap.

$4k Per Month Lifestyle Biz

Views: 5

The only way to get what you want is thousands of people were recently in a big study, those successful and those who viewed themselves as unsuccessful.  The biggest differentiator by far between the successful and the not so successful:

  • It wasn’t skill
  • It wasn’t their connections
  • It wasn’t their circumstances

Although those things can help, the biggest difference was this one thing, execution.  That’s it?  Yep, think of it this way, in the study, there was a salesman who outperformed and out earned everyone else by at least ten times.  Often, people would waltz up and ask him how he was so much more successful than they were.

What was his secret?  He would lay out his exact success plan to them.  He did this nearly every week.  How many executed on his plan?  Zero, zilch or nada.  The proven path was there, they just weren’t willing to execute.  Many people know what they need to do to lose weight and get fit and healthy which is to eat a healthy balanced diet and exercise regularly.  How many people actually execute?  Not many, right?

Is this making sense?  Execution is everything.  It’s the holy grail to getting what you want in life.  Literally, anything you want.  That’s why this proven plan works so well for folks so well from all walks of life.

Get all the 411 here, asap.

Try This If You’re Afraid Of Missing Out

Views: 1

This is easy and it’s hard.  There’s a common phrase people have been throwing around the past few years.  FOMO or fear of missing out.  You ever heard of this too?  For successful folks?  FOMO takes on an entirely different twist.  A noteworthy twist we do well to pick up on.  It stands for Fear of mind overload.

For folks that are achieving all their goals, they know they will miss out on many, many opportunities.  Opportunities are everywhere the days, aren’t they?  That’s why we have to protect out minds.  Fear of mind overload because if we try to grab every new opportunity out there, we end up not grabbing any.  We just end up frustrated and overwhelmed.

Does this make sense?  Once you turn off the opportunity spigot and focus on one thing, you can open up a lifestyle and income for yourself that you desire and 100% deserve.  All you need is focus and a simple plan to follow along with consistently.  If you need a proven path to take:

Here’s a solid plan to stick to.

Are You Struggling With Getting Your Side Biz Rolling?

Views: 4

Are you trying to get things too ideal?  Do you ever feel like you have to have things: “Just right” before you start doing a big thing you want to do like building a biz?

For e.g. building a biz like this.

Here’s the thing, time, circumstance and skill will never be just right.  See, many billions have been made by the words of this quote: “Go to the edge of the cliff and jump off.  Build your wings on the way down.”  Ray Bradbury.  What counts is that we start.  We begin to do the work.  We take the needed leap of calculated faith.  Once we jump, then we have 100% momentum on our side.  We are making moves.  We’re kicking butt and taking names.  You can be very imperfect in taking action and build a nice 6 figure plus income.

Starting with your first $1,000.