If You’re Reading Your Email More Than 4X A Day

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Could this be holding you back from $4k/months?  If you’d like to fill up your bank accounts with more cash up to $4k per month with about 30 to 60 minutes per day of solid focus.  If you’re willing to do that, then this may help.  We would likely all do well these days to peek back at a few of Stephen Covey’s principles he taught in his “7 Habits” book.

A recent stat that showed that most folks spend 17 hours or more per week inside their inbox.  This makes them as Covey says: “Reactive” to their days.  They feel like they’re on other people’s agendas and to-dos, rather than their own.  That’s how an entire day disappears and nothing we intended to gets done but here’s the tip, when we flip the script here and focus on first things first as Covey goes on tell us.  Then we can stop putting out fires and reacting all day every day.

We can start getting the results we want with out sacrificing our families or our health.  Not sure if you’d like more time for what’s most important in our lives, too?  In Covey’s four quadrants, he calls this focus area, Important and not urgent.  That’s the magic area to circle in with your yellow highlighter to make a top priority.  For e.g. It may not be urgent that you spend 30 to 60 minutes per day to build up your side biz:

With a proven plan to $4k/months like this.

Maybe that’s something very important for yourself and your family.  To set up a nice lifestyle friendly business for yourselves.  When making more important on the side becomes a flaming fire then usually that means it’s too late.  The best time is in that important and not urgent window.  With that small window of reactive time, spending 30 to 60 minutes per day on you and your business, well, it makes all the difference in the world.

This may help you.

Think You Can’t Get Big Commissions Too?

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$1k+ sales don’t require special skills.  I know it can be hard for some to think they can start getting big commissions in their side business: “$1,000 to $4,000 commissions? Who me?  I don’t have the skills for that.”  I get it.  If you had to do it all by yourself, it would be hard.  Very hard but it’s important to think of this is the way of a big movie production and how things actually happen behind the scenes.  For e.g. In the classic film, Flashdance, there’s a well known dance scene during the film where she simply dazzles the judges.  There’s 80’s music and she’s jumping and twirling and dancing to perfection.

Over the years, countless girls have looked up to this scene.  They want to dance and twirl just like her but they may say: “There’s no way I could dance as good as her.  I can’t do it.”  Yet, not to burst the movie bubble here but this film isn’t reality, right?  It’s a production.  It’s been said, she in reality, had 5 different stunt doubles.  Some of them professional dancers.  Some of them were men even,  There were stunt doubles, directors and editors, all behind the scenes and that is what made it work. 

Now, here’s my point.  Getting big ticket commissions in your side business does not require a ton of skill and effort on your part.  There’s a production going on behind the scenes.  You’ve now got a team in your corner.  So, where it may look like others have a special skill to get the big results they’re getting, realise that it’s not just like Flashdance.  There’s a team behind the scenes making it all happen for them.  If you’d be open to getting help:

I’ve got a system for you to try.

All the heavy lifting is done for you.  So, you can twirl your way up to your first big commission in as little as the next 30 days or sooner.

Here’s where you can start today.

I hope this helps.  Getting to $4k plus months won’t be hard as long as you are getting all the help and support you need.

Start Here First If You Are Open To Low Hanging $10k Paydays

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Start at easy then grow from there.  If you are hungry for a major financial/lifestyle shift in your life?  You’d like it sooner rather than later.  The low hanging fruit in the tree may be your best 1st bet.  After you’re full up with food and your necessities are covered then you may want to shimmy on up the trunk to grab the rest of the ideal fruits you want too.  That’s perfect because Russel’s company allows us to reach out and grab the low hanging opportunities first.

Check it out here, asap.

You can follow their step by step plan and then it could result in lucrative big commissions on the back end up to $10k commissions like clockwork.  Then after you’re putting enough of these low hanging fruits in your bag?  You can climb up the trunk to snatch the other things you want in biz and life if you’d like.  Start simple.  Start at the low hanging fruits.

Start here.

Feel free to check out all the case studies and great results so far.

$10k Months If You’re Willing To Do This

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Is work just a stress and obligation now?  This is from Kahil Gibran: “Work is love made visible.”  Do you love what you do?  Stats show over half of employees don’t.  Many hate their work.  Others use to like it but now they are unfulfilled.  Oftentimes, the problem isn’t what we do but it’s that we’re time starved.  I’m not sure if you’d like some breathing room to help figure out a more fulfilling path for yourself which you can start on at any age.

May I kindly suggest you check this out.

Like many of the case studies you’ll see, you’ll be able to do fulfilling work and will provide a valuable service to help other good folks out just like yourself.  A nice side effect is that you can build a full time income that won’t gobble up all your free time which can allow you the space to create other things and pursue other hobbies and passions that you’ve always wanted to but have never had the time up till now.

Get all the 411 here.

$10k Months If You’re Willing To Do This

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Are you willing to just start?  Even if you’re a bit clumsy at first, sales can still be rolling in.  In Daniel Coyle’s popular book, The Talent Code, he gives us this powerful message: “To get good, it’s helpful to be willing or even enthusiastic about being bad.”  Along with that, here’s an interesting thought, we can be bad at most things in life and still be rather successful at it, right because doing something not so well?  Can bring in 100x the results of sitting there, perfectly doing nothing.  This is so true in business especially in this one:

Check this step by step biz out, their marketing, sales and entire business model is already up and running. 

It’s already paid out commissions to folks from all walks of life.  All you do is send them leads and they’ll show you how.  It takes zero skills to start.  You don’t have to be a master in order to start getting sales over the upcoming days and weeks.  That’s the power of using done for you systems and the ability to generate commissions up to $10k.  $1k in 30 days is a realistic first goal if you’re willing to follow their A-B-C plan to get leads online.  Are you ready to join us?

Yes, I’m in.