How A Tyrannical Bathroom Can Make You Rich?

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It’s no crime to try and save your business some money but one Philadelphia business is learning the hard way that when you go too far, the consequences can be a death sentence. The company produces business letters and to say that they were strict is the understatement of a lifetime because they made their employees clock out for short breaks.

Ok, that’s crazy but not the worst thing they could have done but wait, it gets worse because they made their employees clock out to go to the bathroom. Even Ebenezer would report these people to the labour department. That’s exactly what happened. Now the company is paying out $1.75 million to 6,000 employees that it made decide whether they should go to the bathroom or make money. They learned the hard way that being stingy can have dire consequences.

No one wants to be stingy. If you are like most people then either now or in the past, you have had to be. Sometimes you have to split the check. Sometimes you have to turn the heat off and bundle up because if you can just make it through one month without running your gas, you might be ok. Sometimes you have to buy fast food even though you know how bad it is for you.Now, you have the opportunity to never be that way again and take your whole family out for a meal. You can make sure everyone around you is living comfortably. All you have to do is place already prepared ads online. That’s it. You can make thousands every month by doing it.

Click here to learn more about a life changing system called Click Funnels.

The Death Sentence To Incomes And Lifestyles

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What separates those from doing it from those wishing they were doing it?  Many can’t find the right time to start their side business up.  It could be to lose weight or to attack any of their goals.  Yet, finding the right time is never the issue.  Take this for example.  Many find the right time is the New Year but very few stick to their New Year’s Resolutions.

Most utter one of the most destructive words in human existence: “Tomorrow.”  A few tomorrow’s later and their big goals and plans are nothing but distinct memories.  Here’s the honest to goodness truth.  Tomorrow is a death sentence to your goals:

  • To bigger incomes
  • To more freedom and fun
  • To living The Good Life on your terms

The difference between the movers and shakers and those watching on the sidelines?  They realise that the time is now and that it’s never going to be the right time.  The pros.  They’re doing the small daily things they need to focus on each day to win.  When it’s raining, pouring, snowing, hot and cold, they’re still moving forward towards their dreams, hopes and life’s aspirations.  They’ve got the results to show for it.  It’s not hard but people don’t understand  how they have done it.

Yet, the tomorrowers are like road workers.  If it’s raining and nasty outside, they say they’ll get back to work tomorrow.  If it’s pretty and sunny out then it’s too pretty to be working.  They’ll hit the golf course and the fishing holes and get to it tomorrow.

Do you see the difference?  It’s a big one.  Daily singles and not big homeruns.  That’s what’ll get you to anything you want in life:

  • More time
  • More income
  • More freedom

I’d say it’s worth it.  If you’d like help:

Try this System today.

You’ll be working smarter as you will leverage an entire business, their sales team and everything which can result in you earning up to an extra $1k to $4k per month or more.  Simply depends on your Income Goals.

Follow The Instructions For A Proven Recipe For Income

Views: 2

The best path for full time income working with a part time schedule.  There are two different ways to earn a great living online and to living your life to the fullest.  I’ll give you my recommendation.

One way is to be the chef.  A chef is willing to get his hands dirty and to experiment with ingredients.  A chef comes up with new recipes and recipes that work.  They fail, fail and fail until something tasty emerges.  Then you have the cook.  A cook follows some else’s recipe.  It takes what has already been created and proven to work and simply uses that.

You’ve probably got a few cook books in the kitchen, right?  Now, I’m not saying there’s any right or wrong path to go here but in my experience, when it comes to making a great income, part time, you need to be a cook.  Being a chef takes loads of effort, grit and time.  You’ll have to go through a lot of flour and milk before you create something that works.  So, I recommend being the cook in this case.

You can just follow a proven recipe like this one if you’d like.

With that recipe, set up, then I’d recommend you become a chef in your life.  With all the free time and income this recipe brings you, you’ll be able to experiment with different ingredients as the chef of your own life, giving you the best of both worlds living each day exactly as you want to be living it.  What type of lifestyle will you be cooking up for you and your family?

The Ugly Truth Of Affiliate Marketing

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Don’t allow yourself to be duped.  You know, I hate this but it happens every day.  Good hard-working people step into make money online and are quickly hit with the truth that it’s not so easy or simple as advertised.  You ever seen or felt this too?  Complexity and trying to piece together a business that’ll bring you the type of income and lifestyle you want?

That complexity can kill your chances and odds of doing well in this business.  That’s why many stay stuck, I think.  If folks knew they’d have to build the whole car that would drive them to their results.  I’d suspect that many would stick to pedalling their bikes and staying in the 9-5 grind.

You didn’t sign up for confusion and overwhelm, right?  You signed up for easier and simpler, working less and earning more.  They can work smart and use leverage.  So, your first criteria to look at in my opinion, ensure the car or system has already been built for you.  Now, that’s why so many get into their affiliate marketing game.  All the hard work has already been built for you to leverage.

So, you’re not wasting years of your life away for something that may or may not work for you.  The only problem with a lot of these other systems and affiliate networks is that there’s not enough profit in your commissions to make it worth your while.  Sure, they may pay you a 70% of a $97 dollar sale or even 100% sometimes but they’ll go ahead and sell another $5k of services to that buyer you brought their way.

How much can you expect to see of that?  Nada, zero and zilch.  That’s why they’d happily pay you 70% to 100% on the front end so they can take a $5k plus buyer off your hands.  That’s why I wholeheartedly use and recommend Russel’s systems and programs.  He gives you a generous cut of the entire piece of the sales pie including the high ticket back end sales.

If you don’t know, that’s where all the profits lay.  Might as well go straight there and this can result in higher commissions coming your way on a regular basis.

Here’s where you can learn all of the how to and how to get started today.

New people are flocking into this business every day that need real, solid systems and help.  They’ll be investing in someone to help show them the way to earning more on the side and enjoying life more while working less.  I’d love for you as one of the few ethical ambassadors of this little business to be the one to help them out.  How soon would you like to start and see your first big commission as a result.

2018 Critical Updates To Join The New Rich

Views: 4

Some will profit while others will perish.  It’s amazing, over ten years after the book’s original release.  The 4 Hour Workweek is still a bestseller and was the most highlighted Kindle book of the year.  More than ever before, people want to escape the 9-5 grind, live anywhere and join the New Rich.  The New Rich or NR not only have plenty of disposable income to live as they want, they’re also time rich.  Many today are income rich but time poor giving them very little happiness, quality of life or fulfilment.  Others are time rich but income poor.

The NR gives you the best of both worlds.  Yet, as great as the book is, some of it’s strategies need to be adapted to the times.  You can’t throw penny clicks or cheap traffic to ads anymore and expect to test and build a profitable muse business on the side.  It doesn’t work like that nowadays.  Rising ad costs and rising competition doesn’t make it possible.  This could mean the death of the lifestyle business for many.

However, it doesn’t have to be that way for those who are willing to embrace change.  See, things aren’t harder now, they’re just different now.  These days, it’s not about taking a $1 ad and turning it into $10 which is low profit margins.  It’s about taking $250 of ad spend and turning that into $1,000 which is a large profit margin.  To me, those numbers are much better.  You can still start with a small $5 to $10 per day ad budget and scale from your first few large commissions that can be rolling in.

Are you open to that?  While others are sinking to these new changes, a few savvy souls are riding these new waves of opportunity.  There’s no reason to fight these waves when we can ride and profit with them for the next few years.

Yes, I’m open to riding the waves of change, joining the NR and earning my first $1,000 commission asap.