The True Cost Of Staying In The 9-5

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Which decision can bring more free time, income and lifestyle?  Most miss this.  In business and in life, we all have expenses to consider.  Some are necessities to us including:

  • Transportation
  • Heat and air
  • Electricity
  • Home

In online business, it could be web hosting, an auto responder account, a domain name and so forth.  Grey line areas can come into play into something like investing in a program or tool that could:

  1. Increase your income
  2. Make our workload lighter
  3. Allow us to earn more/work less

We ask ourselves, “Is this worth it?”  You know what?  In my experience with this, it’s never the cost of something that is the most important, not by a long shot.  The true cost is what we are missing out on by not having this on our lives, right now.  If it’s a program that can bring you up to 6 figures over the next year, then the true cost is $10k per month you’re missing out on every month.  If you can do it part time from home, the true cost could be not doing that and staying stuck in a 9-5 cubicle for the next 10-20 years.  In a job you hate, around employees you don’t like and working for a boss-hole that doesn’t appreciate you could mean missing date nights, family vacations, pursuing hobbies and living life on your terms.  I hope this makes sense.  Crazy but most never really consider this.  If it’s helpful:

Check this out to start living life on your terms without the 9-5 grind.

With the system from above, you can bring up to $4k months or more, all b/c of the regular commissions you can be getting.  Not to rush but right now, they’re providing the training and support for your success.  I’m not sure how long these openings will stay available.

Discipline Equals Freedom

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A little bit of focus can result in up to $5k, $10k and up months.  John D. Rockefeller started from humble beginnings.  He grew up in a clapboard house and helped work with the family farm as a boy.

In school, he was known as very average.  Not a stand out or star student.  Yet, by the time of his passing, he’s become the wealthiest man on the planet.  What was his secret?  Notice they key principle he accredits to his success: “I would rather be my own tyrant than have someone else tyrannize me.”

Why would he call himself tyrant?  It’s because he knew, to achieve great success with anything, it will require a good deal of self control.  He’d need to be a tyrant over his time.  Where he’d focus.  Doing what he needed to do day after day.  However, to him, this was a much better option than being a victim to the tyrants of life:

  • Bosses
  • Jobs
  • Economies

There’s no control over his future and destiny.  He paints a picture of the truth.  Easy as success can be, you have to be a tyrant over yourself at times.  That’s what makes the difference between someone still in a bad lot in life.  Someone making things happen.  For e.g. Being a tyrant about never missing a weekly date night or play date with the kids but you have to use self control.  To avoid TV, email and any other distractions.

Most are just too busy to catch on this little secret to suucess but not us.  I’m not sure.  Are you open to a plan that shows you how to spend as little as 30 minutes a day and get up to $4k months?

Yes, show me the plan.

This can send you well on your way to over the next 30 days with just a bit of focus and tyrannical behaviour sprinkled into your life.

Do You Feel Too Young Or Old To Change Now?

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Are you retiring?  Not web savvy enough?  Have you ever heard any of this:

  • I’m too old
  • I’m too young
  • I’m too busy

Here’s the thing, the time is never just right.  These are really just excuses most often.  Excuses framed as circumstances which end up greatly stubbing our own toes towards success.  For e.g. let’s tackle that first one, I’m too old.  Suzanne Collins wrote the Hunger Games books at the age of 73.  Colonel Sanders didn’t start KFC till he was over 65, retired and had just received his first SS check for $105.00.  We could go on and on.

The voice chattering around in your head.  It’s the only thing that can truly hold you back.  Quoting from Shaw Shank Redemption, we can: “Get busy living” or “Get busy dying'”.  The choice is yours but I say no matter your age or current position in life, chase your goals and dreams with full vigour and passion.

This system works for people at any age, young or old.

Nice right?  Students and retirees alike are getting high ticket commissions by following this step by step plan.  A good plan simply works.  It doesn’t care how old you are.

Check out the trial they’re offering right now and I hope you will give it a solid go.

Do Less And Earn More With This Formula

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The last thing you need is another 362 page PDF.  I don’t know about you but the term overachiever sounds like one who works way harder than all the rest of us but really?  Someone who typically escapes the average life and grind?  They work less yet, earn more.

Folks like Tim Ferris who before the 4 Hour Workweek had automated his supplement business so he could work less than well, four hours a week.  He was pulling in $80k a month.

So, how do they do it?  From what I know, the focus needs to be on transformation and not information.  They know that info alone won’t ever help them reach their goals.  It’s all about doing the actions that will result in transformation they want in their life.

Here’s the thing, these overachievers are just like us.  They put their pants on one leg at a time, right?  See, you can experience results just like they have if you have what psychologists call, A Trusting Mindset.  They’re out of their heads and into the game.  They trust if they do the daily things required, the results and transformation will come.  That’s how results happen.  You don’t learn how to ride a bike from a book.  You have to hop on and pedal your little heart out and maybe even bear through a scrape or three.

Now, I’m not sure, would an extra $4k over the next 60 to 90 days maybe much sooner be transformative for you?  Or at least would be a good start?  Are you willing to pedal with me?

Here’s the plan that may help.

The Family Man’s Or Woman’s Plan To Wealth

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If you’re not all about the fancy, bling lifestyle, you’ll love this custom plan.  For this business to work and get you to a nice lifestyle and a great income?  Your desires need to match what you truly want.  To be 100% comfortable with what your needs and plans for the future are.

It’s your life, nobody’s else’s, right?  For e.g. You may not want a fancy Lambo.  A loaded 2016 Honda Odyssey for the family may be your dream ride.  You may not really want a big mansion with a butler and pool.  You may not want a home at all because your dream is to travel the world and not to be tied down to one spot.

Is this making sense?  Whatever your goals are, make sure what your chasin’ is what you really, truly want to be chasin’.  If you need help:

Go here and check this out.

This can be a vehicle to help anyone get to where they want because it’s part-time and allows you to leverage high ticket commissions.

Yes, show me the system to get my first commission up to $1,000 or more.