Narrow Your Niche To Increase Your Profits

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Help others just like you and earn more.  I have a quick but valuable tip for you today.  Oftentimes, we fall in love with someone because we feel like they “Get” us.  They understand us and all our quirky ways.  The same principle applies online and to running a fun, lucrative business that positively impacts your life and others too.  You want people to say: “Wow, they get me!  They know what I’m going through.  What I want and desire.”

This is why it’s often recommended you niche down in your business.  It’s hard to relate and bond with a huge crowd like with anyone who desires to build an online business.  It’s hard to speak all their languages in your ads and marketing but if you’re focused on helping retirees or under 30 somethings then that 100% changes the game here e.g. Bill’s worked hard his entire life.  He’s raised great kids and now has a couple of wonderful grand kids though he isn’t able to spend as much time with them as he’d like.

It’s hard to SPEAK all their languages in your ads and marketing.  Now, his aches and pains are getting worse.  Shuffling to the kitchen to get a glass of water seems like a chore these days.  With out being able to work a job like he once had the energy and health to do, he’s biting his nails, worrying he will have to rely on the government and his kids to take care of him in his golden years.  He doesn’t want that.  He wants to take care of himself and he’s still got a few items on his bucket list he’d like to tick off.  That’s when he started searching the internet and came across…  Again that’s just an example here and was quickly written.  That can definitely be improved.

Do you see the point?  That message wouldn’t relate to a 25 year old that has different problems like being stuck in a career for the next 25 years that he hates.  So, just a thought if you haven’t considered it yet.  Narrow sown your audience.  See through their eyes.  What are their problems, pains and worries?  What keeps them up at night?

A good place to start is if you’re a retiree, consider helping retirees.  If you’re a work at home mom, how about helping other work at home moms?  Then you’ll know you can relate and this business will be a matter of you taking action and sharing your journey with folks just like you.

Silent Clues Circumstance May Be Holding You Back

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We can only start from where we are at, all the good, bad and ugly.  It’s funny.  Moms, dads and retirees and people from all walks of life have built great lifestyles and incomes with the Dot Com Lifestyle system.  Yet, I can’t promise results and many don’t get any results.  I get it.  We’re all busy.  We’ve got kids, grandkids, mates, jobs, chores and lots of other things that may be on our plates right now including serious things like health issues.  So, sometimes it takes some serious energy to push through and get things going. 

After we start and things are moving along then it becomes much easier.  Yet, a common success trait these folks all have is stated well by author and business owner, Derek Sivers: “If more information was the answer then we’d all be billionaires with perfect abs.”

Do you see?  It’s not what you know but it’s what you do consistently.  It’s not where you’re at or what your circumstances are always.  It’s what you do, in spite.  Sometimes, our world is tough but usually we can still take a look at where we’re at and find a solid way to get what we want.  If you’d like more time, income and location freedom:

Then check out the Dot Com Lifestyle.

If you can make it work, it’s a step by step system that’s working well for many people right now.  Just check out a few of the case studies while you’re there.  One reason whhy many young and old alike with non ideal circumstances are doing so well with this business model is that you get support to help you along the way.  Would having someone in your corner help you too?

Click here to get started.

Perfectionism Was His Procrastination Running The Show

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This is a lethal trap we must avoid.  As you likely know, Russel Brunson is one of my top mentors.  I wanted to share one of his tips with you in today’s note.  It can make this business go much easier for you and may even bum up your income.  So, Russel puts on quite a few training webinars in his business.  They’re never perfect yet he’s made many millions as a result of putting them on.  He’s very open about them being imperfect.  Almost like it’s a stamp of pride because the goal is not to get it perfect, it’s to get it done.  85% perfect is better than 100% because perfect never happens.  Trying to get something perfect is a huge trap many fall into in this business.  Just one more book.  Just one more course.  I’ll launch my business after I do this.  Don’t let yourself get stuck here too okay?

The main point here is life, income, fulfilment and lifestyle, those are the rewards of taking massive imperfect action.  It’s never the result of something being perfect.  Never.  I hope this helps.  If it’s a fit for you:

Follow this system today.

As you go through the training, the key is to just get through the steps and take action, no matter what.  Don’t worry about it being perfect.  Imperfect action with this system can put up to $4k commissions in your account.

No One Is Coming And See Why This Is Good

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Life changing note today.  This tidbit sounds sobering but it’s one of the best things most really successful people eventually realise.  It’s this: No One Is Coming.  Do you want to escape a job or circumstance you hate?  Then make it happen because no one is coming to do it for you.  Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck?  No one is coming.  Do you want to start spending less and making more?  Do you want to make 6-7 figures a year while working part time?  So, you can travel, play and spend the time with loved one?  No one is coming.

It’s up to you to take life by the horns and make it happen.  If you wait for someone to come give you something, what you will usually get is life’s scraps.  You’ll feed into the plan of what someone else wants for themselves.  Again, sounds like tough love?  Yet, realising this gives you a total responsibility and power to create whatever type of life you want.  Most are waiting for opportunities and changes to fall in their laps or for others to make things happen for them.  In fact, many are in a career because their parents were in that career or because someone else came and offered it to them but it may not be what they wanted for themselves.  No one is coming.  That gives you the power.

Once you start taking action and getting what you want, you’ll see how powerful this statement actually is.  I say, embrace life’s truths such as these.  Don’t avoid them or push them under the rug.  Get what you want.  You don’t need any permission.

Have you seen this yet?

Now, you still have to do the 30 minutes or so each day of work.  Nobody is coming to do that for you.  Yet, you’ll get a proven step by step and personal support to help you along the way.

The Person Or Affiliate Chasing Two Rabbits Gets None

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Are there too many opportunities?  Do you know what to decide?  It’s wasn’t too long ago that most of us didn’t have a lot of choices as to our careers and futures.  There was school, college or getting into a family business.  It wasn’t just a ton of more options than that.  Today, we’re bombarded with info and opportunity.  It can be hard to choose.  We want a handful of everything.  We don’t want to miss out.

I’m reminded of a few fables.  The man who chases two rabbits catches neither one.  There’s a lot of truth to that.  There’s another story of a donkey that’s standing halfway between a pile of hay and a bucket of water.  He keeps looking left to the hay and then right to the water trying to decide.  Hay or water and hay or water?  He’s unable to decide and eventually falls over dead of hunger and thirst.  With just a little bit of insight, he would have realised he could clearly go drink the water.  Then walk over and eat the hay but you can’t do both at once, right?

So, in short, we can do anything in life we want to do but we can only pick one thing at a time.  We can’t chase two rabbits at once.  They’ll just get us tired and hungry.  There’s lots of ways we can apply this in our lives, isn’t there?  This is one reason why the business model I use works extremely well.  Building an online business has lots of moving parts to it usually.  Product development, fulfilment, support, sales, marketing and on and on it goes.

This system allows you to focus on one thing to create a great income.

After you login, you’ll just have one focus that can get you to your first milestone of up to $4k in a month.  You’ll discover this simple daily process to generate qualified leads online and almost everything else is handled for you.  It can result in you getting high ticket commissions of up to $4k when the system sells these valuable offers for you.  Nice right?  Just focus on one rabbit and may we not be like the donkey.