Most Forget This Simpler Path To More Income

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Simple A-B-C systems to wealth is nice but many will fail because of this one thing, systems are the doors to getting the results you want in life.  To experience the financial and lifestyle freedoms you desire.  Yet, the system doesn’t have to be so complicated either, right?  Often, it’s the simpler the better.  The often overlooked element is this: Consistently following the system.  Near militantly.  Consistency is the key that unlocks the door to all the results you want to achieve right now.

In the movie Shawshank Redemption, Andy had a system to escape his literal prison.  It was a simple system but not easy.  Every day, he would chip away a little bit of rock from his cell and shake the rocks out from his leg in the prison yard.  Rinse and repeat.  Rinse and repeat.  He did this when things were going well and when his life was a living nightmare.  It didn’t matter.  Every day, through every season in his life, he kept chipping away to reach his freedom.  Consistency was the key that made it all work.

If you’re wanting to escape from a situation that isn’t ideal to what you want right now and if you’re ready to experience the financial and life freedoms you 100% deserve, then use a simple system.  Let consistency be your key to unlock all you’ve ever wanted.  Through the good days and the bad.  Through the ideal times and the not so ideal times.  Find a way to do the things you need to do no matter what so you can get the results you’re after.  You’ve got this.  It’ll be worth it.  If you need a simple system to build an incredibly lucrative lifestyle business on the side?

Try this simple lucrative system.

It works for those that will allow it to work for them consistently.  Have a great day.

One Is A Lonely Number And A Broke One

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Never again feel you’re lacking the support or systems you’ll need to build a nice side business.  “Don’t be misled.  Bad associations spoil useful habits.”  -1 Corinthians.  “Friends are like your backbone.  They are always there when you need support.”  Environment matters big time in predicting your chances of success and increasing your happiness along your journey.  Who you’re around most of the time, we don’t always have full control of this.  Yet, read on.  Where you work, events you attend or don’t.

Want to greatly increase your odds of breaking through?  Improve your environment the best you can.  Get around more people and systems that believe in you and will fully support you.  You deserve that.  Here’s a fast way you can start.  People offline, our friends and family, they don’t always understand what we do.  They don’t always get our entrepreneurial drive.  They’d assume we just give up and be normal just like them but don’t do it.

Online, you can have a group of good souls that’ll have your back.  Also, changing your environment from time to time and going to an event.  Working from a swanky hotel for a day or two, whatever inspires you.  That can work wonders.  However, just know, whatever your day to day is right now, working from a coffee shop or in the corner of a spare bedroom, you can 100% do this.  You just need to apply the system by taking daily imperfect action.  Perfection doesn’t exist.  It’s just another form of procrastination.  Just start and go.  Your brain will figure it all out on the way but it won’t know all the answers before you begin.

What’s cool is that Russel, who’s system I work with, started in the tiny corner of his spare bedroom.  He was able to start from nothing and built a multi million dollar business.  He’s passionate about growing his biz and supporting his partners and friends.  That’s why as soon as you’ve signed up, you’re getting access to our online support group on Facebook.

After you’ve logged in and have started, you’ll have the opportunity to get plenty of support.  The big ole’ takeaway today?  Environment matters.  Let it serve you and not hold you down.  Believe in yourself, I sure do.

Try This If You’re Seeing Razor Thin Affiliate Commissions

Views: 3

This turns small paydays into “Oh my!” income.  If you’re busy as a bee, yet your daily paycheck isn’t where you want it to be, then I wanted to make sure this wasn’t a problem for you too.  It will continue to be for many.  Online business can be attractive for the amazing leverage it gives you.  The automation.  The push a button watch a sales roll in.  Yet, if your automation isn’t getting you the cash flow you’re after then you need to ensure that, you’re applying leverage correctly.

Here’s what I mean.  A tractor can probably pull a couple tons of weight.  It gives you a lot more leverage over hauling buckets in your hands, right?  However, if a guy has a goal to haul a lot of dirt and he’s only loading up his tractor with 3 lbs. at a time?  Then he’s not using his “Leverage” well.  He’s wasting a lot of time.  He could be getting a lot more with the same or less effort.

The same applies online.  You could be sending 500 people a week to check out your offer.  It could all be done nearly automated.  Yet, if you’ve only got $47 to $97 offers in your buckets?  Then you may not be applying the online leverage and the economics of this biz correctly because you could be sending the same 500 people yet this time you could be hauling $10,000 sales in your bucket.  Do you see the difference?  Now that’s applying leverage wisely and profitably.  There’s not a ton of ways to haul in more “Dirt” with out killing yourself to set it all up but I do know of a way.

If you don’t want to have to set it all up yourself but still want leverage for up to $10,000 months.

One Sure Way To Stay In A J-O-B Forever

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A little pleasure now vs. a lot of pressure later.  You may be wondering how much time it will take to earn up to $4,000 per month in your online business?  I’m sure getting paid $4,000 in one day sounds nice and all but lets face it, I’m sure you’re working hard as it is.  Maybe 40 hours per week.  You’ve likely got laundry and other chores to handle and kids you have to take care of.  You’re going to have to decide what you will do with that last 1-2 hours left in your day?  Will you invest in a business so you can have a lot more free time later on or are you going to take some free time out for yourself now?

I know that can be a tough decision to make.  Yet, think about it like this, to be kind, let’s say I know of a woman.  She’s always said she doesn’t have time to go to the gym.  Not even for the 30 minutes, 3-4 times a week that was recommended to her even though she binged for hours every night on Downtown Abbey and seeing what’s new on Netflix.  Years later, now she’s a diabetic.  She has serious heart issues.

She has to take the time every day now to give herself insulin shots.  She now barely gets around because she has to use a walker.  She’s a at the Doctor’s office every week for shots getting her blood checked and for embarrassing checkups.  I’m not here to pick on her but she didn’t consider how much time it would take her if she didn’t find the time to exercise.  A few curls and lunges could have set her for life in the opposite direction.

Now, I’m not sure of your circumstances.  Yet, with just around 30 minutes a day, you can get started towards your first $4,000 months:

With this system.

You’ll know more about getting regular commissions than 99% of people alive.  I’m not saying not to work hard but it’s all about balance and knowing what you are not willing to sacrifice.  I’d rather work/hustle/grind whatever you’d like to call it for a few focused hours and then be done for the day to do what I want.  If you carve out a little time to do this every day, this can work.

I’m getting there by using this system.

Still Can’t Make A Decent Living Online?

Views: 3

It’s urgent this is fixed fast.  The next step to $4k plus months even if you’re starting from zero.  A big part of doing this business right is leading yourself out of the woods of busyness and into doing what counts.  Tim Ferris puts it this way:

  • “Slow down and remember this:
  • Most things make no difference.
  • Being busy is a form of mental laziness.
  • Lazy thinking and indiscriminate action.”

Most people fill their days with unreal conversations and activities that aren’t truly helping move the needle forward in their lives.  The solution to snap ourselves out of this trap most are stuck knee deep in?  Ask yourself this powerful question that highly sought out coach and consultant, Dusan Djukich advises: “What’s the most powerful action that I can take right now?”

Here’s what he says as the next required step: “Once you’ve identified the next powerful action to take, don’t let what you don’t know or don’t feel stop you.”  You may not know exactly how to do something.  Just get busy doing it.  You’ll find out how to do it by what fails and what doesn’t.  You may not feel the right feelings like being psyched to do it but do it anyway.  There will be plenty of time for good feelings later.

It’s powerful stuff, right?  It’s all about doing the necessary actions required to get what you want no matter what.  Doing the next required action step by step.  Avoiding the “Busy” work that most find themselves caught up in just because they’re avoiding that necessary action in front of them to do.  At least the busy work makes them feel like they haven’t quit trying.

Are you open to earning up to $4k or more every month, working part time?  Time for enjoying life and family.  Living one fulfilled day after another.  You’ve got two choices.  I’ll try = “Don’t count on it.”  “I’m committed = Count on it.”

If you are committed.

You’ll be logged in and taking the first step towards your ideal lifestyle and income in just minutes.  If you’re wanting to just try things out, that’s ok.  It’s just this won’t be for you.