Feeling Your Way To Fulfilment And Income

Views: 4

It’s not about the what, it’s something much deeper and more primal than that.  It can add significant fulfilment and income as soon as you figure this out.  People most often buy a product for how it makes them feel.  You can invest or sell a product and it makes you feel joyful, liberated and confident.  People stand in line through the night to buy a new iPhone because of the self expression it allows them.  How it makes them feel.

Is this making sense?  You can search online for the Brand Archetype Wheel for some super valuable 411 on this.  For e.g. Apple mainly makes people feel like a Creator as does Lego.  It’s a critical piece to discover what you stand for and to pinpoint the type of tribe you want to build.  You can position any business or opportunity around an Archetype that resonates with  you and your market.  I’d say a lot of businesses like the one I’m knee deep and having fun in right now, we’re a bit in the Rebel and Ruler category.

Take this System for example.

It’s definitely a ruler category.  It’s not for folks that want to dabble online and only make a couple hundred bucks a month.  You’re offering premium, high end offers as well as mid and low end that can result in premium commissions heading your way.  That speaks out to some people.  To others, it doesn’t.  That’s totally ok, right?  Just like Apple isn’t going to appeal to a person that wants a practical phone to just make calls.  Your business can’t speak to everybody.  It’s a fool’s errand to think or try otherwise.  Have a great day.

A Stretch To Think You Could Be At 6-7 Figures?

Views: 2

Escaping the rat race requires this.  It can be hard for many to accept some realities in other realms of business like their potential to earn up to $4k to $10k or more a month in their online business.  It’s a step out of their norm.  Where are you at on this?  It’s very true, it can require you to think outside of the box.

Steve Jobs had this issue a while back.  He was worried his company Pixar was losing it’s edge.  They’d created hits in the past like Toy Story and A Bug’s Life.  How did they scale their success and get one hit after another?  Well, they  didn’t filter their minds or hiring process.  They wanted the “Black Sheep” on the team.  In fact, the director they hired to turn things around said this: “Give me your unfiltered artists.  I know they sound like crazy and that’s exactly what I need.”

To succeed in this business, you have to 100% unfilter your mind of what’s possible.  You have to turn off the barriers blocking your success.  Is this making sense?  I hope this helps.  Proof of potential success that can be headed your way is all around you,

This can be the key to taking things to the next level.  You’re getting full support.

Don’t let liming beliefs hold you back.

Try This If You’re Tired Of Learning But Not Earning Enough ROI

Views: 1

You can take this income tip and run with it.  I truly hope you will.  There’s a quote from Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.: “A moment of clarity without any action is just a thought that passes in the wind.  But a moment of clarity followed by an action is a pivotal moment in our life.”  Have you ever experienced this quote to be true?  There is so much power in that thought.  Clarity, followed by an immediate action every time will be transformational.

If you let the idea pass on by without action, it’s just a thought.  You’ll have forgotten it by next week.  Never is this so true in building your own online based business:

  • Making investments in trainings
  • Learning incredible new information
  • Becoming so clear and wise on what to do to the point of saying: “I know this already” even though they haven’t actually done it and experienced it themselves

You truly don’t know what you don’t do, right?  So, nothing will happen for these folks.  Opportunities will keep passing by.  Many are unknowingly treating this business as if it’s a hobby and it pays them like a hobby.  Hobbies can be expensive and time draining, right?  If you’re open to rolling up your sleeves a few inches allowing action to follow clarity?

Then this may be for you today.

There’s no doubt it works as you’ll see in all the success stories.  Skill isn’t required, just a desire.  An ability to apply today’s opening quote to your life and your soon to come success.  Have a great day.

It’s Not Seksy But It Makes Cash

Views: 1

One thing to consider in getting your business off the ground which doesn’t sound so seksy or anything is this: Feasibility and profitability.  So, let me explain for a sec.  Is your product or idea feasible to get off the ground in the next few months?  Or will it take years to get it rolling?  If so, I’d drop it like a hot potato.  What’s the investment required for you to successfully bring your idea or project to fruition?  What will you have to learn, do and accomplish to reach your end goal?  Do you truly have all the time and resources plus the willingness to sacrifice whatever it takes to pull it off?

Here’s the definition of feasibility: Feea-si-bil-i-ty/fēzəˈbilədē.  Noun: Feasibility.  The state or degree of being easily or conveniently done: “The feasibility of a mannered flight to Mars.”  So, can your project easily be done?  Or is it going to be as difficult as getting a man on Mars?  Not to dissuade you from your goals but I personally choose the easier path.  This goes hand in hand with profitability.

How quickly can you get to job replacing revenues, decent incomes you can live from and then scale it up to 6 figures plus?  A year?  Two or three?  You aren’t sure?  If you worked around the corner at a part time job, you’d want a paycheck pretty soon, correct?  Maybe after a little training at least every two weeks?

So, just my thoughts.  If you can’t make a decent income in 30-90 days?  I’d at the very minimum park that idea in the garage and maybe get back to it another time.  I hope this helps you out.  I’m not sure if this is a good fit for you but many students have found this to be a very feasible and profitable choice for them and their families.

Yes, I’m ready to see if this can be feasible and profitable for me too.

You’ll see how this has worked amazingly well for other members from all walks of life and from all ages, young and old alike.  How long are you willing to wait to become the next online success story?  Remember, it doesn’t have to be as hard as flying to Mars.  You can take the easier path right now.

Click here if you’re ready to start.

What Will The Extra Income Truly Mean To You And Your Family?

Views: 4

Embrace the suck and you’ll be well on your way to $4,000 months and beyond.  I’m not sure if you’re a runner or not but a marathon is 26.2 miles.  It’s a constant on many people’s bucket lists.  I’d venture to say that not a single soul is enjoying mile #20 out of a race.  There’s likely a lot of moments leading up to the race they didn’t enjoy so much either, right?  The early morning long runs and the sore legs and feet.  Also sacrificing family time.  Then rinse and repeat.

So, why do so many want it?  It’s the achievement and the accomplishment crossing the finish line and getting the medal at the end.  Building a business can be very, very similar.  Expect there to be ups and downs.  Moments of pain and moments of pleasure.  Knowing it’s a part of the journey for everyone should help.  It’s not just you.  Embrace the suck and push the mile twenties.

What will make it worth all the effort?  Make sure the end goal is worth it to you.  It may be the extra income but what will that income mean to you?  What will it allow you to do more fully?  What stresses will it help eliminate?  With that vision emblazoned across your mind, write it down.  Look at it every day.  Let it push through the training, through the race and straight through the finish line.  You’ve got this.  I’ve got your back.  If you’re looking for a solid plan to follow along and succeed with:

I think this may help.

Each day you’re not in the race running is another day of missed income.  When will you be ready to lace up your shoes and start jogging with me?  Right now, you’re even getting a free trial.

Ok, on that basis, I’m in.