3 Steps To A Great Online Income

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If zero up to ten grand months sound good, there’s 3 steps you’ll want to try and stick to, if you’re after a solid and stable income online:

  1. Find a starving crowd
  2. Get yourself in front of that crowd
  3. Keep yourself planted in front of them

These big 3 areas online are health, wealth and relationships.  However, those are far too wide.  We have to narrow in our focus quite a bit more.  Today’s note is all about one of the best ways to pull this off.  It’s by focusing on what has a person’s greatest mindshare and talking to that part of the market.  What’s constantly on a person’s mind?  What problems are they facing?  So bad, they go to sleep and wake up thinking about them?

What’s the fire’s blazing in their life right now?  For e.g. if you were in the relationship market, you don’t want to sell to happy couples, likely but what if they were happy but now they’re going through a break up or a divorce that they don’t want?  What if they just had the conversation?

What if they just received a text: “It’s over.”  See?  Mindshare?  There’s a lot of topics you can talk about that around this mindshare problem.  In the wealth space, maybe a person just got laid off, maybe they just hopped on a plane for another work trip away from their family e.g. Bob was tired of eating plane peanuts instead of tossing the ball in the backyard.  Eating the ice cream after.  Maybe there’s no fulfilment or adventure in their work anymore and they hit the pillow every night wondering how they got where they are.

They though they’d be an astronaut when they grew up after all.  Maybe they’re pension is running dry and see the writing on the wall that they’ll have to rely on family and government to take care of them in their older years.  Again, mindshare, right?  Start going down this path and you’ll be onto something good.  A plus is you’re truly helping people in need.  Pick a market and give them the world.  Income will be a natural side effect if you do this right and focus on helping others solve their big hairy problems.  I hope this helps.  I’m rooting for you.

This system may help.

How To 5-9 Your 9-5

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Read on if you can work at least 4 hour days.  I firmly believe if you can work 9-5 with a 9-5 mentality, you can easily get up to $10k months with your own online side business.  Maybe even less than that but what’s cool about even getting there at 4 hours a day, is you can start at 5 am and be done for the day by 9am or you can sleep in till 9am and be done by 1.  Still 4 hours shorter than most of the folks grinding cubicles and j-o-b-s around the globe.  If you’re a night person, you can play all day and start working your biz at 9pm etc.  It’s 100% up to you.  Nice perk, right?

Of course to get there, you may only be able to do this 1-2 hours a day and that’s okay.  Do whatever you can do.  Either way, the challenge is doing it daily.  Not letting up when the income starts coming in.  Not that you can’t have any free days.  During your work time nothing else enters that space.  That’s your precious time where you’re not to be bothered by anything or anyone.  Otherwise, you’ll likely struggle.  People may not respect your time.  You’ll end up working at all hours of the day instead of just a few like so, so many.

Some call this their Sacred Time.  Author, Cal Newport, call it Deep Work.  Great book with the same title, by the way.  The best writers on Earth, NYT bestsellers, they do something similar.  They all plant themselves in their seats and write with the same time and ritual every day no matter what.  If you can do that:

You can stick with this plan. 

Then there’s no way on Earth you shouldn’t be able to get to 6 figures soon, maybe very soon.  Yes, part time because lifestyle, right?  I’m in your corner.

How To Tap In A Lot Of Revenue Into The Hole

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Which choice will you decide on?  There’s a lot of ways to play the game of Internet Business and reach up to a 6-7 figure income.  There’s not necessarily a right or wrong way to play the game if you end with the trophy you were after.  It just depends on playing the type of game you want to play.

Here’s what I mean.  You can slide into your Polo, grab your bags and zip off to play 18 holes of Golf.  Yet, you’ll need clubs and experience to be any good.  It’ll take time to get good and to play a full game of Golf.  Some love this.  Others, they may just want to play a round of putt-putt with the family.  Not a lot of skills needed.  Just tap-tap-tap it into the hole.  There’s no wrong way here, right?

However, there’s a distinction to make in how you want to build your online business and how much time and energy you have or want to put into it.  Maybe you don’t want to work so much so you can actually go play golf or pursue other passions.  The 18 holes method involves you doing almost everything yourself acquiring the needed skills.  It’s commitment to playing the long game.  Putt-putt is coming in with not a lot of skill required and leveraging someone else’s course.  You just need to get pretty good at the putter.  No wrong way.  Just do it your way, okay?

The putt-putt method to paydays with this system, you’ll learn how to get good at simple putts tapping daily leads into the system. 

After that, they take care of the rest for you.

If Income Without The Stress Sounds Lovely

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Use this “Magic ratio” to make wise decisions.  It’s easy to get caught up in the “Amazingness” of a new opportunity, right?  Right now, getting into eCommerce or Amazon business is hotter than a stack of mamma’s buttermilk pancakes.  However, there are a lot of horror stories out there right now.  They aren’t always advertised out there in the how to space.  Folks that have $30k, $100k and even over $300k in one product.  All gathering dust in a warehouse or their own garages.  They’ve got the product, all the legal stuff handled that they know of.

Now they just have to move product.  A skill that many are stuck on because they hop on Amazon or Shopify and they see another 100+ people selling the same exact product.  How will they stand out from the other 1000 people selling organic turmeric or yoga mats?  Think that can cause a smidgen of anxiety?  When you’ve got up to $50k plus in product and not even one sale or any real idea of what to do next, savings you invested that your significant other may not have been as thrilled or hopeful about?  Sweating a bit?

The same thing applies to many mom and pop businesses.  There’s a massive overhead, no guarantee in profits in return.  On the flipside know what it costs to deliver a digital product.  Well, not much of anything really.  Just a few small costs like hosting and so forth but the opportunity for growth and income can be massive.

So, here’s a scale of sorts I’d love for you to think about in today’s blog post.  Most never entertain this critical piece of data for themselves.  Whenever you’re examining an opportunity, ask yourself:

  • What’s the risk to reward ratio? – It’s not always about the investment.
  • Is it high reward/high aggravation?
  • Is it low reward/high aggravation?
  • Is it high reward/low aggravation?

Is it going to keep you up at night?  Is it going to tie up every penny you own?  Is it going to require 60-70 hours of your week?  I’ll straight up tell you, the aggravation and stress isn’t worth any high reward.  Getting the ratio right ends in much less stress, much more happiness and usually it’ll result in more fulfilment and income as a handsome side result.  That’s personally why I love more digital styled types of businesses with a high ROI especially when it’s more done for you and hands off like this one:

Big paydays coming your way, high reward, low aggravation and lots of fun.

Whatever you decide, please put the ratio to good use.  Trust your wise gut. Stay in tune with that guy or gal.  They’re pretty smart.
Great incomes have been created with eCommerce and putting products on Amazon.  Yet, using the ratio still majorly applies here.  No matter what you decide to do.  I just personally choose the route in today’s link.

Paid Ads Not Paying Off Right Out Of The Gate?

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Don’t spend another dime on ads till you read this.  This may help you get your first $4,000 months with out all the headaches and with out needing to spend one more cent on advertising.  Investing in paid advertising is incredible.  Essential even.  Yet, with this big caveat: Usually is this the case only when you’re ready to scale.  Of course, there is a variety of thoughts on this but think about it this way.  Imagine you were searching for your ideal perfect mate.  A ten.  Your perfect compliment amidst this crazy world we live in.

Now what would be the perfect start?  Talking to 4-5 prospects?  Prospective mates you could see spending the rest of your life with?  Learning their likes, dislikes, where you could improve and what’s attracting them to you?  Or just guessing people love seeing you in your holiday sweater and then blasting a pic out for 10,000 men or women to see?

Usually what you would have when you advertise yourself and try to scale to the world, on day one?  Is a lot of wasted opportunity on an otherwise very interested people in you or your business. Is this making sense?  It’s better to talk to just a select few people organically.  No ad spend.  No blasting it out to the world.  Yet, you’ll discover the shirts, the right look, the pain points and the desires they’re looking for.  Then when you’re dialled in, you can more safely scale from there but this time you’re more confident.  You’re scaling and investing in your ads from a foundation of knowing exactly what people want.  Start small and get feedback as you’re bringing in your first $1,000.  Then scale up and up from there.

I hope this helps.  Now what helps in tremendously here is how your business is structured.  If you’re only earning a few bucks a sale, this process is maybe doable but it’s likely to be much, much harder.  Yet, if you can go through an easy process with up to five people and that alone can lead up to a $2,000 sale.  Can we see how that can make things easier in every sense of the word?  Low traffic and high profits in my opinion is the way to go in 2018 and beyond.  I’m not sure if you’re already set up and running with something like this.  If not, head here and check this out asap:

Yes, I want to get up to $10,000 months without having to invest in a ton of advertising. 

You can earn a very lucrative income right now, part time.  I would love to get this info in your hands today.  Then we can scale up from there.  It shouldn’t take you long to get you there if you’re truly ready for this.

The system I recommend to help you there, step by step.

This will likely take you 1-2 hours a day to getting through the system and to get started.  You can do more if you like.  For some, they may not be able to make the time for this and that’s ok.  Yet, if you can carve out the time and commit to going through the steps, many have had up to an extra $1k to $10k plus headed their way on the side and have found this well worth their extra levels of effort and commitment.