Online Income You Can Count On

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It’s hard to live off a shaky income stream.  There’s a big difference between earning a surprise or a random sale online to bringing in daily sales that are trustworthy.  Income you can count on that you know will be there each week to pay the house note and put good food on the table.  In fact, many people would prefer to earn $1,000 a week every week like clockwork over averaging $1,500 over a week over the year but it comes in undependable.  Maybe 0 one week and it could be $3,000 another.  You can’t plan, save and invest around unsteady, right?

What’s the fix?  Think of it this way.  If you’re building a home, we all start from ground zero.  There’s fresh levelled dirt beneath our feet.  What you do from that step forward is critical.  You’d want to build from a firm foundation.  When you start building, you’d want to ensure you’re following the best blueprint, right?  One custom fit to build your dream home.  You could try to do it yourself but that may end up in project delays, lots of hard work, you could fail inspection after inspection if you aren’t an expert in home building.  You could hire shoddy contractors at a discount followed by many headaches and building mishaps or you could get stuck to the solid blueprint.  You can use architects and builders that have been heavily vetted and proven to do good work getting you the results your after.

See how all this applies online?  In short, if you’re wanting steady, dependable paydays online that you can count on, don’t risk how you build your foundation.  It’s best not to go it alone.  It’s best not to hire cheaper or shoddy goo-roos.  You could end up with a broke down mobile home on your land that isn’t getting you the results you wanted.  That can be frustrating.  Choose the best blueprint and people you’ll be closely working with.  It’s best to go straight to the top, right?  Check out the results they’re getting.

Start building sticking closely to the proven blueprint to building you up a rock solid online business.  Something the big bad wolf can’t stroll up down to and easily blow down.  When dependable income up to $100 – $500 plus a day is coming in?  That’s what gives you the freedom to live life on your terms.  To plan for travelling, building, doing all the things you enjoy on a day to day basis.  I’m rooting for you.  If you’re looking for a dependable, proven blueprint to follow, check out this asap:

Yes, I’m ready to follow a proven blueprint to build up a dependable online income I can count on.

Before you start building with this plan, make sure you check out the “Contractor’s trial” and the support you’ll be getting today.

KISS Formula To $10K Months

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Keep It Simple Stupid.  Sometimes, the opportunity and simplicity of this business can get lost in the clutter and noise out there.  Ever get, too much coming at your inbox and brain, yeah?  The beauty?  It can be found by stripping things back and looking at the basics.  Then you can see the true power of online leverage and automation.  Imagine this scenario.  You’re selling a product out in the real world.  You’ve got solid scripts to follow, people to call and so you get at it.  Pretty soon, you’re getting sales left and right but you’re overworked and your income is capped.  You just can’t handle any more work load.  You’re already missing dinners and time with the family as is.

So, what options do you have?  Well, you decide to hire commission based salesmen.  You give them all the same tools and scripts you have.  They go out, make their routes and generate new business.  You get a percentage of the sales.  After you’ve got 100, 200, 500 salesmen working for you that could mean a pretty nice income stream for you, right?  Of course, not every salesman will do the same.  Some will be lazy, others won’t stick to the script and so forth.

Would be nice if you could clone your top salesman, wouldn’t it?  Enter internet business and automation.  Imagine you’ve got a product that you’re selling.  It’s hands off meaning once you generate a sale, you don’t have to do anything else.  Nice, better yet once you decide to automate and increase your sales potential just like the offline business?  You’ll need salesmen but this time you set a highly valuable offer you can give away for free.  It demonstrates your value right up front.

You give this away to folks right when they enter their email address so they can get it.  You have ads that are sending steady leads to this page when they can go get the free value offer.  Some call this a welcome mat into your business and world.  Others call it a lead magnet.

Pretty soon?  You may have 500, 1,000, 10,000 plus people on this email list you’ve built.  What’s this mean?  It means you can write a quick email out, make a valuable offer and then you’ll hit the send button in your auto responder account.  It’s like having 500, 1,000, 10,000+ salesmen going out and working on your behalf at the push of a button.  The sales start coming in and in and in.  The only difference is they’ll be doing this 24/7/365.  They don’t stop and rest.  They don’t need to eat and they all will say the right thing.  I call them little digital salesmen.  That’s the true, simple beauty of running a smart online business.  You can automate nearly the entire process.  Then you just manage things and keep the engine running full steam ahead.

Is this making sense?  This frees up your time, gives you leverage and allows you to have the lifestyle you want while giving you the opportunity to be providing real value to many people.  It’s a great model, right?  As I mentioned at the outset, there’s a lot of noise out there.  It makes it easy for things to seem way more complicated than they really should be.  It can make you feel overwhelmed.  So, choosing the right model is key.

This is why I personally choose and recommend this option as the #1 path to take.

I’m not sure where you’re at right now but this is where my focus and heart is at the present moment.  I just don’t see the need to make things any harder or more complicated than this.  I hope this helps you too.  If you’re tired of complicated, why wait any longer?  You can start right now on something simple and that may work out extremely well for you.

Rockets Up Your Income

Views: 3

Stat: Starting is the hardest part.  Yet, if it’s a struggle to even get your business of the ground, I can feel your frustration.  Here’s why.  I hear most of the fuel needed to launch a rocket into outer space is used on lift-off.  After the 3-2-1 blast off has happened.  Once you’re in the stratosphere everything is easier and manageable from then on.  Of course, this means that if you first have to build the rocket before you can even think about launching then things will be that much harder for you.  You’ll be looking at needing skills as the technician and pilot.

Is this making sense?  First, I think just being aware of this phenomena helps a lot.  Just like remodelling a kitchen.  If you expect things to be a little messy at first, you can roll with it.  You can deal with a bit of chaos.  You know the end result will be worth it if you can see things through and can stick with, no matter what.  A remodelled kitchen or a remodelled life or a remodelled income.  Any early launch phase will be well worth the efforts to get you there.  Agree?  If not, you may not be my Huckleberry.

Next, it can help you better pinpoint how you can make this process as easy as humanly possible.  Like when it comes to building up a lucrative lifestyle business online, can you use a Rocket Ship that’s already been built?  That’s already blasted off as is proven to send people from all walks of life to the most profitable planets in the online space?  Would training and full on support when you need it all helping you get things off the ground, asap?  I say yes, yes and yes because you’re getting to the income, the lifestyle and the time freedom you want will feel like the equivalent of successfully sending man to the moon.

It’s all up to you.  I don’t think there’s ever a wrong choice if it’s a choice you make and are happy as a calm with.  I just want to help all I can to give you options and to make this path as easy as possible for you.  All the best.

Click here if you’re ready to use a proven launchpad to get you up to $10k months and beyond.  The sky’s the limit with this as you blast off point.

The Language To Lifestyle And Freedom

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Do you live by a High Performance Credo or language?  There’s a coach that’s worked with many high achievers and wanna be high achievers alike.  He’s got stacks of notebooks, folders bulging with discoveries and contrasts between the two.  The greatest distinction he found that’s made the difference between winners and losers?  Again, their language and their frame of mind.  Let’s look at some of his scribbles and notes.  High achievers he’d label owners.  Those struggling and frustrated with their results he’d label victims:

  • Owners used the words: “I can” a lot, while victims favoured “I can’t”.
  • Owners had goals, projects and challenges while victims had problems, hassles and nightmares.
  • Owners said they were busy and victims said they were swamped.
  • Owners were “Designing a life” while victims were trying to “Make a living”.
  • Owners looked to see what they could get from an experience while victims tried to get through it.
  • Owners would plan things and victims would wish things

Now, the link between people’s language and their success was insane.  His greatest discovery was that when those struggling, started practicing this new language, they started getting the results they wanted in life too.  A crime to humanity is thinking you have a permanent personality or identity.  A label for life.  Stuck thinking is like: “That’s just who I am.”  True, the process may not be natural from day one but it’s possible and worth it.  Just like a baseball player who can learn to bat at the plate from left and right.  A boxer can learn to throw a power punch from his weak hand.  A righty can become a lefty.  A person can learn a new language.

You may not be born that way but put the new patters and language in place then watch the world light on fire.  Same thing applies to building up to $10,000 per month with your own internet based lifestyle business.  It doesn’t have to be hard.  It’s just a different language and way of thinking and with a solid plan to follow and a willingness to begin and stick with it, you can totally make this work for you like countless others have.

Click here if you’re ready to begin this exciting journey.

Monopolise These Gaps For More Paydays

Views: 2

This increases sales right away.  I have a quick note for you today.  Yet, this could be a big tip for you especially if you’re a partner, affiliate marketer or in a competitive space.  You may be looking for a leg up to get more sales than the next guy.  Just try it and you won’t be let down.  So, lets say you’re selling a product.  You get a nice commission every time you get a sale.  However, lots of other people are selling this product too.  That’s not a bad thing.  You just need to stand out and be more of value than they are.  Do that and the sales may start flooding in.

So, here’s how you do it.  Find the gaps in the offer.  Then, position the plug to those gaps as bonuses.  Here’s what I mean.  Virtually, every product offering has a gap in it.  Something to make it better.  Your job is to think: “What’s missing?”, “What could make this better?” or “What could I do for my people?”

If you’re selling burgers for commissions, you could add the cheese, the fries on the side and all the extra condiments to make it better.  Right?  If you’re offering a course to teach people how to get traffic and leads, you can do the same thing.  It works with any offer.  You could work with them to help them get their first 100 leads.  You could even send them their first 100 leads on the house.  Maybe the course teaches how to get the leads but doesn’t show how to follow up and turn them into sales.

So, you could offer a bonus on that.  Could be the course is just that, a course but there’s no personal help, feedback or support they’re getting.  You could offer personal support for 8 weeks or you could put together a private FB Group for ongoing training and support etc.

Is this making sense?  Do you see the power here?  Where most people are offering use Private Label Rights (PLR) and other bonuses that do nothing, you’re offering something of true value.  Something that really helps.  You’re filling in the gaps, the potential reasons they may not make a purchase otherwise.  It’s why most people may choose you over everyone else.

It’s great stuff, right?  While you’re offering maximum value, you might as well play it smart one step further and make sure you’re getting paid handsomely in return too, right?

That’s where this comes into play.