The Key To Being Your Own Boss

Views: 2

You don’t want to replace a job with just another job.  Transitioning from a j-o-b into doing your own thing can be very exciting.  You can save lots of hours in your days without a work commute.  No more alarm clocks.  No more dealing with boss-holes and working around employees you don’t like.  There’s no more unfulfilling work and you can make more income.  The list goes on and on.

However, you don’t want to pigeon hole yourself into another job.  Some go into doing their own thing while holding on to the employee mindset.  You must free yourself from that.  The key thing is just having a simple daily routine and sticking to it religiously.  Remember this: Structure equals freedom.  That’s the #1 thing I can tell you.
Many who have zero structure in their days end up goofing off or getting their 2-3 hours worth of work done all day long.  Maybe they need to send an email out or put an ad up.  Yet, they waited till the last minute when they could have had it all done before noon.  Now, it’s after dinner time, instead of spending time with friends, you are stressing over getting your work done.

Is this making sense?  Having a business like this is exciting, lucrative and very freeing.  Yet, it requires a bit of smarts and good planning to be your own boss.  To be free, you have to structure your days.  Get what you need done at a specific time and you can spend the rest of the day with your family, pursuing hobbies, reading, travelling or whatever you want.  I hope this helps.  Not only does this structure help, so does having a step by step plan like this to implement.  By building an hour or two a day to focus on this, you may have a 6 figure business on your hands, relatively fast.

Yes, I’m ready to spend a focused few hours a day on this to build up to a 6 figure business. 

Also don’t forget to check out the trial.

Put Cash Back In Your Cards

Views: 3

Whether you’re still in school or you have been out for years or never even went, there is one thing everyone can agree on and it’s that during those first years of being on your own getting an envelope with money for a present was a breath of fresh air.  Remember you didn’t want to straight up ask for money instead of a gift but if someone slid you some bills instead of a wrapped box then you leapt inside.  Everyone think of the broke college kid or graduate who is struggling to handle all their new responsibilities as a symbol for being young and broke but really anyone who leaves the nest for the first time is going to struggle with money.

That’s why young people look forward to their birthdays and Christmas because they know there is a chance they will get some extra dough but as everyone learns that doesn’t last forever.  Sure, you might get a Christmas bonus but that’s it.  Other than that, there is no financial help coming out of the blue.  No cards to not read as you look for money inside.  No hope that your aunts and uncles who don’t know what to get you, will take the easy route and throw you some cash.

It sucks to grow up because as you get older and further away from the age when people expect you to be broke more and more is expected of you.  When that guy you went to school with buys a house and you are still renting a one bedroom or your best girlfriend is sending her kids to a private school while you couldn’t fathom bring responsible for another human being, you will feel the pressure.

All those cards with money disappearing is the first step towards it.  Here’s the good news though.  This blog post is your way to ease some of that pressure because at the end of this blog post is a link that can teach you more about a system called Click Funnels.  Click Funnels is a system that makes it’s affiliates money when people get on the Internet’s most popular websites.

Now you can start seeing some of that money every week not just in small potatoes but thousands of dollars.

Click here to learn more about how you can earn thousands while working from your computer.

Tip From The 4 Hour Work Week

Views: 2

Just remember these 4 letters in Tim Ferris’s’ wildly famous book, The 4 Hour Workweek, he uses an acronym.  An acronym that if followed can help increase your income, work less and do more of the things you love.  The acronym is: D.E.A.L.

D is for definition.  Define your goals.  Break down your reason why you want to achieve them.  How much will you need to earn monthly?  E.g. I’d like to be earning at least $10,000 per month.  I can quit m y J.O.B. at $5,000 per month.  I want this so I can spend more time with my family, travel to Costa Rica, Italy and so I can afford to surprise my parents with a luxury vacation to Switzerland, somewhere they’ve always wanted to go but couldn’t afford.  These goals may mean nothing to you.  So, you’ll have to write out the definition of what you need and want personally.  Try to be specific.  Next up:

E is for elimination.  What can you eliminate in your job or life right now that may be holding you back?  Stressing and working you to the bones needlessly?  On an episode of Tim’s show he runs on iTunes, he was helping a woman that was aiming to earn more with her Yoga studio.  A big why for her was she wanted to be able to afford to send her parents to their home country.  She needed somewhere around $5,000 per month to do that and have the lifestyle that was ideal for her.  In her marketing, they looked at what was bringing her sales in like FB, Sending messages, Email, things like this were barely bringing any new folks in her class.  Yet, by far, people she called on the phone, they happily paid and showed up for the class.  So, guess what, eliminate all the other work.  Just focus on making the phone calls which brings us to the next point:

A is for automation.  This is likely one reason you’re drawn to an Internet based type of business.  The automation possibilities are endless.  It’s truly amazing.  For the Yoga woman, she could hire others to make these phone calls.  That would be the first step to automating her business.  Later, she could have others run the yoga classes.  She could develop her business into a franchise, the sky’s the limit.  This takes us to number 4:

L is for Liberation.  The end goal.  Your ideal income is coming in.  The non essentials are eliminated.  Everything you can is automated.  You’re doing the things you want, whether that be travel, more time with the family, treating the people you love and not having income worries any more.

Wouldn’t that feel nice?  I hope this helps.  It’s a great little acronym to remember isn’t it?  If you’re open to checking an online business that’s really built around this entire D.E.A.L formula, I’d love for you to check this out.

Click here when you’re ready to define, eliminate, automate and liberate by leveraging this simple system.

Getting Your First Sale Feels Great, Right?

Views: 1

Economies messes nearly everyone up.  Getting your first sale online is great.  There’s nothing like it.  It lets you know the potential that’s ahead of you, right?  Getting your first scale is even better.  Here’s what I mean.  Imagine there’s a boutqiue Etsy store owner that’s making wonderful organic soaps.  She’s got her first few sales in and she’s getting excited.  However, it’s not enough for her to quit her job and get out from under her debts.  She cries nearly every time she has to drop her kid off at pre-K for someone else to care after them.  Her kid usually is bravely tearing up too as her Mum drives off.  She needs to sell more soap.

In comes the beauty of the economy of a business.  If she starts running advertising, targeting health conscious mothers who hate chemicals and non organic goods, she’s off to a good start.  However, it’s costing her $20 to get one customer spending just $10 on one bar of her soap.  She’s getting nowhere fast.  If she can keep getting new first time buyers for $20, what else can she do?  What if she only sold 3 packs?  At a discount, $25 instead of $30 for three?  Then she offered something like an all natural wonderfully scented laundry detergent for $20?

Maybe she added in a unique ingredient to her soap, smoothes the skin like none other even reduces the fine lines and makes you look 10 years younger within weeks?  Sells for $75 like hotcakes.  Now, she’s making $10-$50+ per sale.  If she has a big enough audience, she’s got her first scale.  She can invest a $1,000 into her cards and may get up to $2k to $3k back in ROI.  Cool, right?

That’s the power of figuring out the economy of your business.  Looking at it and how you can scale up your business and daily profits.  Usually, offering a higher priced, higher valued offers and services is what does the trick.  What’ll you offer?  That’s up to you.

Yet, you could offer this, can you get up to over $1,000 per customer on the backend.  That is how you can properly scale without a lot of extra effort, if you’re open to it.  Plus, you’re offering amazing value and services to others.  One more tip.  People are searching for the best, the premium offers that can increase the results they’re after in their lives.  They don’t want the Honda.  They want the Benz.  They’ll either get that from you and I or if we don’t offer that, they’ll run off and go get it from someone else.

Click here if you’re ready to be able to scale up your profits and help others out in the process. 

Just a quick heads up.  There’s nothing like getting support and help to more quickly help you in reaching your goals.  I’m not sure how much longer they’ll have this offer up.

This Replaces Salaries Fast

Views: 2

If you’re not reaching your goals quickly enough, how do we speed up our results for wealth, lifestyle and true happiness?  Peter Thiel is an investor, author and cofounder of PayPal.  Simply asking yourself the right questions is one of his strategies for success.  Most people never ask themselves questions like these.  They just drift on through life.  Here’s a couple questions to ask.  Just be prepared to stretch your thinking a bit: “How can you achieve your 10 year plan in the next 6 months?”  The second question is: “Look at your goals, how can you 10* them.”

Many will say impossible but it’s not.  They’re just not trained to think about things this way.  If you’re used to getting a salary of $50k a year, it’s hard to believe you could earn that in a month or two.  Here’s some questions that can get you there: “Can you narrow your focus or get creative?”  What about approaching things differently?  Think of it like this.  There’s a story of a fly that was trying to get out of the window.  Banging and banging his head against the glass, all day everyday.  That’s all he knew.  That was his job and he’d die there struggling working hard but not getting through no matter how hard he tried.

The thing is if he’d thought unconventionally, if he’d tried an entirely different path, he’d realised that there was a door wide open just 3″ to it’s left with 10* results and less effort.  Are you not sure of your goals?  There is a way you can get creative and bold as Peter says.  A way to avoid being the fly.  One great mind shifting book is called You2 i.e. you squared written by Price Pritchett P.H.D.  It’s a quick read too.  I hope you enjoy it and today’s blog post.  If you’re open to 10*ing your results and are ready to commit to change, check this out:

Yes, I’m ready to 10* my results, increasing my income, freeing up my time and living life on my terms.  My idea of the good life.