2 Tips To Overwhelm And Increase Profits

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Keep running out of time to build your business?  How long should this take to start earning consistent income?  A phrase you may often hear people say in business when they’re spending too much, too fast with out the positive ROI is that they are bleeding money.  Certainly not a good problem to have.

Yet, when you’re starting out?  You’re likely to be faced with a much bigger and pressing problem which is bleeding time.  Your time is precious especially if you’re working a job or desire to run a lifestyle business.  One that doesn’t take up all your time.  We call this being time rich.

Here’s a couple quick things that may help: If you’re starting a new business on the side and may have invested in a training to teach you the how to, view the starting phrase, going through the product just as you would a new hire and training if you were starting an actual new job.

You know there will be a learning curve and a few challenges until you get the hang of things.  You’ll need to complete the training but after the initial phase?  You should be in gear and earning money and actually doing the job.  Same thing here.  If you’re stuck in orientation for years?  Something is wrong, very wrong.  Paychecks should be coming in within 4-8 weeks, max.  Online, you’ll have the tools and leverage and training to help you do that but you may not have a boss telling you that you better figure things out in a few weeks or you’re done for.  Getting this part though can save you from bleeding time for years and years.

The next tip is find the shortest path to steady paydays as possible.  Overwhelm happens when you try to do everything yourself, right from day 1.  Better to get good at just a few simple things and outsource or leverage out the rest.

Is this making sense?  There’s several different options out there.  Just look for ways to shorten your path to success and lighten the workload you have on yourself.  I hope this helps.  This is why I work with Russel’s business and team.  He has the products, the staff, the support, the coaches, the shopping carts and the whole enchilada.

I can simply plug in and leverage a fully fledged top of the line business.  Yes, this even means high ticket sales can be coming my way up to $4k months and basically hands off on my part.  Are you open to joining me today?

Yes show me how to stop bleeding time and start leveraging my way to high ticket and consistent online paydays.

Would An Extra $10k Help Before The Holidays?

Views: 3

For most, this season and 2018 will be no different that their last five.  The Steve Miller Band had it right: “Time keeps on slippin’, slippin’ into the future…”  This year has zoomed by hasn’t it?  Before we know it, it’s going to be the holiday season and that will be quickly followed by the New Year 2018.  How will you arrive?

Feels pretty good to be ahead of the game, right:

  • Paying bills weeks before they’re due.
  • Having a vacation planned and paid for months in advance.
  • Being in decent shape before summer time hits etc

Most will hit the holiday season and instead of it being a time of joy, it will be filled with stress even depression for many, sad to say.  Then they’ll rush off and write down a page full of New Year’s Resolutions and will be feeling even worse as they’ve abandoned most of them within the first week or two.

Again, how will you and I arrive?  How will we be different?  How would it feel to already be hitting your #1 resolutions?  The ones that could change your life dramatically for the better?  How would it feel to have your online side business already rolling a few checks up to $10k your way before the new year?  It would give you a great start to 2018, right?

Money would help with presents and what not between now and December.  Maybe even help relieve some of the season’s anxieties and stresses.  The time to start is today.  Tomorrow may only equal more and more stress because “Tomorrow” can turn into November, December and it’s already the new year.

I hope this helps.

Click here if you’re ready to start now.

Critics And Naysayers Bringing you Down?

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Cutting remarks?  Statements of doubt over what you’re doing?  Here’s what to do next.  Ever tried to break out of the mould and are met by a few naysayers and critics?  You’re not alone.  You’re definitely not alone.  We’re different you and I but I said that’s a good thing.

You agree?  Don’t let them get to you.  Here’s two things that can help:

  1. Learn to ignore them.  Like fans rooting for the other team, you don’t mind them no big importance.  Their criticisms, doubts, critiques, that’s their problem and not yours.  A reflection of their life and doubts and not yours.
  2. Get support from others doing what you’re doing.  There are plenty of folks that do believe in what you are doing.  Surround yourself with these fine people.  Listen to what they have to say.

Most importantly, it’s what you’re saying to yourself.  I hope you believe in you.  You need to be your biggest fan and believer in this.  You can’t ride on someone else’s belief coattails.  See the amazing potential just within your reach.  Know that I’m in your corner too.

Now, there’s a lot of places to get the support you may need.  One thing I love about the team I work with is the support and encouragement and live feedback needed to grow our businesses.  Right when we need it because you’ll be added as a member of our private FB group as soon as you’re started with us.  It’s an invaluable resource and a place of amazing support.

Show me how to get the support I need to live my ideal lifestyle and quit my 9-5 for good. 

Nothing shuts up the naysayers more than seeing your lifestyle change and seeing your income exploding up right in front of their own two eyes.  Are you ready for that?

Is Your Traffic Not Generating Sales?

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Could you be giving up 3′ before the gold?  Depending on how far you can see with your “Conversion glasses” on will determine exactly how much you can earn for e.g. Let’s say you’re just getting started in business and you spend $200 your first month on online advertising.  After a week, none of your leads have turned into sales.  After a month, you get one sale for $47.  You could chalk it up to a bad batch of leads and get discouraged and look for the next opportunity out there.  This causes you to stop emailing, to stop following up and to stop adding value to these people.  It also causes you to stop investing in more.  Your conversion glasses were only allowing you to see very short sighted in the sales process because if you’d continued on without let up, what if one of these leads ended up investing over $2,000 from you?

It happens every single day.  Take the long road to sales.  Let your conversion glasses allow you to see past the first month or three.  You’ll thank me later if you do this.  It’s just like dieting.  You can’t expect to lose 50lbs. after a week of doing things right.  The results aren’t immediately visible.  Yet, if you keep at it?  Pretty soon, you’ll start to see tangible visible rewards for your continuous efforts.  True, it’s harder to make this work if the economics of your business is all screwed up.  Trying to make a 6 figure plus income online by only selling low ticket services?  That’s as hard as trying to lose a ton of weight by only cutting 1 calorie a day.

That’s why you need the ability to bring in a variety of sales, low to mid to high ticket commissions.  Not sure if you have that set up already?  Where you can earn up to $1,000 per sale?  If not, I’d love for you to check this out.

Yes, I’m ready for high ticket commissions by focusing on these simple daily steps. 

You’ll follow a simple lead gen process and as you just keep at it, you may see high ticket sales rolling your way very soon.  How soon from now would you like to see regular commissions?

Increase Sales With A Method Only A Few Use

Views: 1

If the sales and income isn’t where you want it to be, try this tip.  Today’s insight can only greatly increase your daily sales and constant revenue.  This tip will be worth well over $1,000 if you want to take it to heart.  If sales aren’t coming in easily, try this: Sell results and not the products.  People never buy a product.  They buy the results it’s going to be bringing them.  Seems simple enough, right?

Yet, folks get wrapped up in their product and that’s what they end up focusing on most times.  It’s a big mistake..  For e.g. Think of Apple.  What sounds more powerful?  “Buy our MP3 player” (Product) or “1,000 of your favourite songs in your pocket” (Result).  What if you’re selling Home Alarms?  You’re running a sale that’s about to expire.  What would make you more likely to buy if you were a target customer?  “Buy our Home Alarm before our deal ends” (Product) or “Don’t sleep another night not 100% confident your family is safe from burglars and break ins.  Deal ends tonight” (Result).

Is this making sense?  This is big stuff here.  Nobody cares about the vehicle which is the product.  They care what result it will bring them.  Speak to that.  The plus is this doesn’t require some great writing skill or some marketing prowess.  Just help people out.  Reach their hearts.  Speak to what they want.  Then your sales will go up.

That’s what I try my best to do.  I could tell you about the “Product” I leverage which is the vehicle.  It’s exciting and all but the reason why I do it, is what it provides me and my family which is the result.  This could be:

  • More time freedom
  • Work from wherever I want
  • Leverage
  • No boss
  • Great income

If that all aligns with your wants too, feel free to check it out.  You’re also getting lots of support right now helping to make sure you’re fully supported day by day to getting the results you’re after.

Click here if you’re ready to help others and make a great income while working less.