Make Sure You Do This If You’re Leads Are Not Buying

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If leads aren’t buying, could you be making this critical, common mistake?  Want to avoid years of frustration and needlessly banging your head against the wall as you get to a solid income?  Crazy yet, I see this far too often.  Are you ready?  Don’t market to broke people!  How are they going to pay you?  With the lint in their pockets?  It makes things way, way, harder for you than it should be.  Think of it this way, a realtor specialises in luxury homes that carries an investment of at least one million on average.  Is she going to waltz up to the unemployment office?  Posting up flyers and passing out her business cards to people waiting in line?

No, she’s going to go where her market is and market to people that have the means to start and the ability to move in.  It could be people that already own a $1 million house or have a high end income on the market.  It could be based on their job title and annual income.  There’s lots of criteria you could look at, right?  This is no harder.  It just means talking to the right people who can afford what you’ve got.  Sounds silly that they’d market to those in the unemployment lines right?  Well, remember that because far too often people don’t see how this applies in their online business.  Then they wonder why they’re struggling.

I hope this helps.  Are you not sure where you’re at right now but I’m focusing on high ticket commissions when it’s a fit for folks and you can get started and up to speed on things starting out with a trial right now.

Go here to get started. 

A bonus tip for you is how you talk to your market dictates who you attract as well.  If you compare your business with some $7 affiliate program, think who you will attract.  The business I run is a franchise like business.  One with out all the headaches.  You don’t have to buy property and hire employees.  When you compare it with your typical franchise and lifestyle this one can give you?  Now, it’s seen an the absolute bargain many feel and experience it being.

How Doing Things Right Can Make You Money?

Views: 2

There’s not a more popular writer than George R.R. Martin right now.  He has a huge fan base that is loyal to a fault.  His books are gobbled up in the millions every time they are published.  His books are so well written that he is compared to Tolkien but he had all that before his books were adapted into the most popular T.V. show on earth which is Game of Thrones.

Then popularity of his book skyrocketed.  Now Martin’s fan base is made up of not only readers but also a wider range of viewers.  There is rarely an episode of Game of Thrones that doesn’t flood the Internet with stories about who died or what happened after it airs.

It takes Martin awhile to write his books though so long that some of his fans criticize him for making them wait.  That’s why when he announced that his newest book was going to be released behind schedule, it was expected that people would be angry but they weren’t.

Martin’s fans told him to take his time and make sure that he did his best work instead of worrying about deadlines.  He is such a talented writer in a day and age when people can’t sit still for two seconds without pulling out there phones, his fans told him to take his time.  They don’t mind waiting as long as what he puts out to the standards of his last books.  It’s because Martin has a style that works.  It works so well that people don’t care about waiting to read it.  They just want to read it.

Now, unless you are a fan then you may be thinking this blog post just wasted your time but it didn’t.  It’s your key to a system that works just as well as Martin’s at making you money.  It’s called Click Funnels and it has made people just like you millions in commissions by simply working from their own computer.

Click here to learn more about Click Funnels.

Why You Are Missing Out?

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If you have ever doubted the power of the Internet, just ask Justin Rittgers.  Rittgers was out for a drive one day.  He was also drinking out of a partially covered bottle while also driving with one finger.  Obviously Rittgers isn’t the brightest crayon in the box, next he did something unbelievable.

He took a video of himself and posted it on Facebook.  Of course, it was stupid to put a video online that proved he was doing something illegal.  Especially since when something is on the Internet it is never really gone but something else happened that Rittgers didn’t expect.  He was arrested for driving under the influence.

Someone saw the video and tipped off the local sheriff who came and arrested Rittgers.  Imagine telling someone 10 years ago that social media would be so wide spread that it helped the police make arrests.  They would either say no way, ask what social media was or say that it sounds like 1984.  Here we are today and Rittgers is looking at some serious charges.

The Internet is one hell of a beast today between allowing you to have anything on Earth delivered to your door and helping the police solve crimes, there isn’t anything you can’t do with Wi-fi and a smart phone.

That’s why it’s insane for you to be working from a cubicle or office building.  With the internet being as widespread and powerful as it is today, there is no reason for you to be working a desk job especially one that overworks you and underpays you.

If you were a member of Click Funnels, you could be working from home right now and making thousands by simply placing ads online.

If that sounds like your type of job, then now is your chance.

Click here to learn more about Click Funnels.

How To Follow Through With Your Resolutions?

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There might not be anything more cliché than new years resolutions.  Just like opinions, everyone has them.  Whether you just got a gym membership for 2 cents or you have 10 books on your way to your house from Amazon right now you are not alone.

Everyone wants to make 2018 the best year ever.  That may mean losing weight, finishing paying off student loans, taking the trip to Europe or falling in love.  You name it.  Someone out there is going to want to do it on 2018.  That’s why New Year’s resolutions are about cliché as it gets.

You know what’s not cliché though?  Actually following through with your resolutions.  Can you imagine what society would be like if people followed through with their resolutions?  Think of all the skinny, wealthy and intelligent people there would be today.  Gyms would be packed year round.  The economy would boost from the rise in spending power across the nation.  Society would be a happier, more forgiving and more present version of what it is today.

The problem is that everyone knows that’s not going to happen anytime soon and now you have the chance to do what so many people fail to do which is to follow up on their resolutions because as year goes on they get busier and they get more and more used to their resolutions, they devote less focus and time to them.

If one of your resolutions was to make more then this blog post is your answer but even if it was something else, you’re going to need time and money to follow through with it.  Click Funnels can give you exactly that.  As a member of Click Funnels, you can make thousands every month while working from your computer.  No more time wasted commuting and no more distracting co workers.

All you need to do is place ads online and get the sales commissions.

If you are ready to be one of the few people who actually follows through with your resolutions then:

Click here to learn more about Click Funnels.

Who Will Win The Sale Out Of A Guru Or A Newbie?

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Are you still wet behind the ears?  Don’t see how you can beat the competition and get sales?  Here’s a question that often pops up if you’re new to online business or are helping folks that are new to this fun little world of profits: “Why would someone buy from me?  I’m new.  There are other top earners and pros out there offering the same product/service.”

It’s a great question.  Think of the situation this way.  Imagine a well seasoned CEO of a big corporation.  He’s wealthy and confident.  Seems like he’s got it all.  However, he works over 80 hours a week which makes him short fused.  He’s a slave to his career.  He’s barely home and rarely enjoys any of his possessions.

Now imagine another guy.  He owns his business.  He’s not wealthy but he’s more time rich than the other guy.  He still makes enough coin to live nicely and save some each month.  He never works more than 8 hours a day usually 3 to 4 hours daily and he has plenty of time to do things with his friends, pursue hobbies, enjoys cooking and playing outdoors.

If you were a woman in the market to marry, who would you choose?  Who would you want as a friend?  A brother?  A dad?  Statistics show that it would be the man that is able to enjoy life, invest in experiences and who can spend plenty of precious moments with those he loves without being tied down to a desk all day.  Someone who is always there for you when you need them.  Which would you choose?

So, back to our discussion.  Here’s one thing you can do.  Position your supposed “Weakness” as a strength.  Here’s what I mean.  These big earners and experts have already made it.  They’ve got big businesses.  Lots of customers.  Like big Mr. CEO, they’re busy, busy, busy, busy with no time left for the little guy.  Does someone really want to be another cog in their giant marketing wheels?  They likely don’t have time to invest in you to share what’s working at your level of business.  There’s definitely no time for the one on one help you’ll no doubt need either, right?  So, you’re in a great position actually.  Do you see this clearly now?  If this has been an issue lingering in your mind, you can put it to rest and start moving into gear.  You’ve got this.

Check out the details here.