The One Missing Step That May Be Costing You All Your Profits

Views: 3

Leads and sales aren’t a huge issue for you but getting them profitable is a chore and a half?  Many folks look at the skin of their business before they’ve ensured the proper bones are in place first.  It’s a critical mistake.  Let me explain, you may have a beautiful looking offer but will it put food on your table, will it cover your mortgage?  Will it cover a nice car?  Date nights?  Hiring a baby sitter?  Vacations?

Beautiful looking (skin) doesn’t mean beautiful performing (the bones).  The key to a business that’ll make you a nice cushy income for many years to come.  The bones are:

  • Traffic
  • Conversions
  • Economics

Simple enough, right?  Yet most consider only the traffic and conversions part.  Not sexy sounding enough, right?  Who knows, I just care about not losing money and making sure I am making plenty to have a nice lifestyle.  You feel that way too?

Consider this, your traffic and conversions “bones” may look great on the surface.  You’re getting leads and sales.  Yet, if it’s costing you $150 bucks to make $100?  Not so good?

This system will help you a lot.

Struggling To Find What’s Working Now?

Views: 6

Doing all the right things won’t save you if you’re doing this wrong.  You business can be booming one second and crumbling down the next.  One of man’s biggest mistakes when things are going well is thinking things will stay that way forever until the calamity strikes, it always strikes.  Yet, you can equip yourself for change.  You can protect yourself.  For e.g. Running FB ads can be a great way for you to generate more leads and sales.  Yet, recently folks profitable ads and accounts are getting shut down with out any notice or warning.  Their ads are relevant and they’re getting positive feedback.  Yet, that does not matter one bit.

The ad and profit killer?  It’s from getting negative feedback.  When client’s click the link that they want to stop seeing your stuff?  Then you can be put in place of serious risk.  The solution is to put together ads people enjoy that add value.  Focus on user experience and put out more and more great content.  This can save you from getting a profitable ad or your account shutdown.

Now, without that 411?  This could cost you a lot of profit, a lot of frustration and confusion.  My point is that you need ongoing support and help so you always know what’s working now.  Not last month or last year.

Is this making sense?  Find a way to do that and your chances will be much higher.  I hope this helps.  This is one reason I love Clcik Funnels so much.  You’re getting training, support, access to private FB groups so you know how to get up to $10k months and beyond by using what’s working now:

  • Saving the struggle
  • Skipping straight to what’s working

Step 1 to start going is here.

Yes, I’m ready to discover what’s working now.  Getting the support and help I’ll need to do this with out a hitch.

Do you have the support you need to aid in your success?  Always let in on insider’s info as to what’s working now?

Want that?  Go here now.

How To Make More And Stress Less?

Views: 2

Ignore this tip at your own peril.  Are you using plans or rules to bring you more time, income and freedom?  Imagine a nice woman who is at a party and the host offers her wine.  She’s decided ahead of time that she doesn’t want to consume any alcohol.  Yet, they persist.  We’ve bought your favourite wine, they say.  They keep testing, pressuring and putting her on guilt trips.  Till either she’s miserable or caves in and has a cup or three.  Yet, she had planned not to drink, right?  Now imagine, this same woman was 3 months pregnant.  She has a cut and dry rule that she will in no circumstances consume any alcohol.  End of story.

See the difference in setting plans and having firm rules in your life?  Now, imagine you’re working on growing your side business up to $10k months.  You know this effort will eventually set you free from the shackles most are tied down to for life.  However, a friend does not have the same plans to escape as you do and he wants you to go out and have some fun times with him.  It could be dinner, a movie or whatever.

What will you do?  Now, imagine in this same scenario, he wants you to go out with him yet you had already booked a plane ticket to a vacation spot and you were on your way to the airport.  Would you have a problem saying no in this scenario?  Likely no because you have a destination and a clear purpose to what they’re doing.  Interesting right?  With a set of rules you’ll live by and a clear destination of where you want to go.  Coupled with a step by step roadmap to help guide you along the way.  The world is your oyster and your grand plans are just a matter of staying the course.  Cool?

Here’s the plan I use.

Want to join me?  Have to run.  There’s 2 great rules I recommend for you to set up right away is:

  1. Set a time to work your business
  2. Set a time you’ll look at distraction activities like checking email, social media etc.  You got this.

Overwhelmed By Opportunity

Views: 5

What’s going to be the only thing that you will be able to do?  Try this.  Used to, you could only get your coffee black.  Cowboys drank it so black they say you could stand a spoon up in it.  Nowadays, you’re bombarded with fifty eleven different options to choose from.  Shuffle into a Starbucks and there’s mocha, decaf, frap, capp, almond, coconut milk, soy, lattes, iced hot or steamed.  You can get confused in there just trying to get a simple cup of coffee, right?

Today, we’re not feigning for options.  We’re overwhelmed with too many good choices.  What helps to decide where to start?  It’s realising they may all be good choices you’re looking at.  It’s not a matter of, this will and that won’t.  It’s important to realise you probably won’t want to stick with just one thing as you’re growing your side income.  Most authors have more than one book in them.  Most musicians have more than one song or album in them.  Most actors start in more than just one flick.  You’re likely the same.  Right?

What I’d take a deeper look at is in choosing the best platform for you to start and build from.  That platform will be the stage you will perform all your other profitable performances off of.  Now, I’ve found nothing better than by having a platform that generates High Ticket commissions and sales for you.  Hard to do other things and experience freedom when you’re only getting $27 – $47 commission checks cut out to you.

However, when you’re getting commissions up to $4,000 per month regularly being added to your bank account, this is a platform you can build from.  I hope this makes sense.  I want the Dot Com Lifestyle, the freedom a business set up like this brings you.  You too?  Below is the platform I’m using.

Yes, show mw the Dot Com Lifestyle and how I can make this platform.

Cuts Through The Noise And Rolls More Sales Your Way

Views: 3

Are your customers bombarded by noise?  Is getting louder the best solution?  Try this instead, there’s a lot of noise online.  Noise than can prevent you from getting the daily sales and paydays to live nicely from.  How do you burn through the thicket of posts, tweets, shares and all the rest of the noise to get your message out there and seen?

Well, think about this, there’s a guy that is successful enough to travel by a private jet.  He’s just created his first major work in a long time recently.  He was looking to start promoting it and getting the word out.  Yet, he was a bit deluded.  He was looking to appear on a handful of influential podcasts.  After securing spots as he started to schedule in the interviews, he thought: “I’m busy, why can’t I just get them all on the line at once and record all of the interviews together.”

He was helped out to realise, these people aren’t here for whatever scraps he was willing to throw at them.  They’re busy too.  He may be important in his world but they are important in theirs.  He was helped to see that he needs to respect them just as he respects himself.

I hope this is making sense.  How do you cut through the clutter?  Getting more sales and fulfilment?  People are busy.  They have no idea why they should care about your thing.  They’re not likely eagerly awaiting your message to market.  As people that choose to be in this business as author Ryan Holiday says: “It’s our job to make people care.”  Whether we’re just starting out or are travelling the globe via jet, we deserve no entitlements, we are not blinded by grandeur illusions.  We replace that with hustle and humility.  We win our readers, our subscribers by caring about making people care about what we’ve got.  What helps make this work so well?  Having a great product, service and the ROI that gives you the time and means to care at this level.

This may help give you the extra time and income you’ll need.

Running a heart centred business where serving others comes to the forefront is one of the keys to enjoying this business and earning a fantastic income.  I hope today’s blog post and the resource helps you.