Heart Nudging You To Try Something Different And New?

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If your life is filled with too many ifs, ands and buts, imagine blue ocean water, just beyond a sandy, pristine beach, fit for the opening scene of Baywatch.  Out on the ocean is a boat gliding over the water effortlessly.  If you look behind the boat, it’s not David Hasslehoff.  No, you see it’s wake.  The waves caused by what all the boat has done.  The wake doesn’t care what the boat or the driver of the boat has done.  It just shows the results of all the twists and turns and decisions the boat and driver have been making.

In life, there’s two wakes we leave behind.  One is the results we’ve been generating.  It can show sales or struggle.  Action or procrastination.  Success or losses.  Broke or well off.  Promoted or fired.  Admired or loathed.  It doesn’t care about excuses.  Results are results.  The wake will show it all to us and others.  The other side of the wake is the people we love and care about and come into contact with on a daily basis.  Are they behind the boat surfing and tubing and laughing?  Are they enriched by having us in their lives?  Or are they bait?  Chum?  Out behind the boat bleeding and crying and hurting as a result of how we’re living day by day?  Again, the wake doesn’t care about excuses, circumstances or anything else.  The wake doesn’t care if we couldn’t toss the ball in the backyard with our son for a few minutes because of work deadlines.  The wake doesn’t care if we missed another dance recital of our daughter, niece or granddaughter.  The wake doesn’t care if date nights with our spouse remain a plan yet rarely are a reality.

It simply is showing us what it is.  Not sure if you relate at all.  I don’t know.  I find this incredibly powerful to think about.  Some of this comes down to how we decide to live our day to day life no doubt about it.  Other parts of it come down to us living life in full integrity and alignment with our true selves.

Is this making sense?  What wakes are we leaving behind?  Truly a great question to ponder over for a minute or three.  Not sure if you’re open to it.  Yet, I’ve discovered when you have more time and more income that it gives you more breathing room to making more of the right daily decisions in alignment with who you are.  It gives you more time and freedom to be spending quality time with those who you love and care about dearly leaving behind a wake that you’re proud of.  Are you open to hearing more?

Yes, get going here right now. 

Right now, there’s a few new students being accepted to going through the system and getting support to helping start down this path sooner rather than later.  Coming straight from my heart.

HR Says It’s A Cure All To Happiness And Profits

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If you’re waking up out of bed every day with any other feeling than excitement for what lies ahead, check out this quote from popular author and lifestyle design guru, Timothy Ferris: “Excitement is the more practical synonym for happiness and it is precisely what you should strive to chase.  It is the cure-all.”  Incredible advice from the 4 hour workweek advocate that’s changed the lives of countless thousands and thousands around the globe.

If you’re trying to make money in a way that is not incredibly exciting for you?  That keeps you on cloud nine?  Then aim to step up the excitement factor.  As Ferris says: That’s where all the happiness comes from.  Something that lights your soul on fire and makes you want to pop out of bed every day with a giant smile plastered across your pretty face.

Step up the excitement factor.  Watch the effect it has on your income.  I found that getting $27 commission checks didn’t really light my soul on fire and motivate me to do more.

This did though.

Desperately Seeking The Motivation Before You Begin

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Waiting to be picked?  To win?  Is whatever your life sends your way, good or bad, ok?  We live in a culture that gets us to buy into our inner doubts.  A culture of waiting to be picked to be won.  What’s the difference then from those that remain a cog in the wheel and those that break free and succeed?

Check out this quote from the Wizard of Oz movie: “And yes, of course, it’s true Dorothy, you’ve had the slippers on your feet all along, haven’t you?”  The difference?  It’s in our actions.  Dorothy decided that the mission was more important than the noise chattering around in her head 24/7/365.  She stands up making bold choices despite her fears and thoughts.  Sometimes because of them, her action seems magical, yet it’s in all of us.  It’s in you.  Embracing freedom means we don’t wait.  We stand up and make choices every day because it’s our life to run and not others.  I hope this makes sense and it helps you.

If you’re on a mission to gain more freedom, time and wealth in your life, I don’t know of a better thing to focus on than this which is an online business which brings you large commissions and monstrous leverage from day one.  You can search around and ponder on this or just take massive action on what I use and what’s proven to work.  Check it out if you’re ready.  We’d be honoured to have you.

Show me the details to more time, freedom and wealth without waiting for one more day to turn things around. 

It’s our daily actions and choices.  We can watch Netflix or build up a profitable business that frees us to do whatever we want with our lives.  The choice is ours to make.

Take me to the steps to start.

Secret Necessary Failure Of Millionaires

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What will it take to start?  $0 bank balance?  Hurt relationships?  Learning from others?  I’ve read a lot of stories where a now millionaire or billionaire first hit rock bottom before they finally started seeing the major breakthroughs in their lives.  Have you noticed this too?  Did their circumstances for wealth get better?  No, they got much worse.  What changed was them as they got fed up.  They decided once and for all that they would find something and stick to it.

This tells us:

  • You don’t have to hit rock bottom
  • You don’t have to wait till your back is against the wall

You simply have to align yourself with what you want and do what works.  Change happens in an instant with action.  I hope this helps.  If automated income part time is your thing?  This is what’s working for me right now.  I would be honoured for you to check it out.

Show me how I can also get automated pay checks coming my way part time.

Don’t wait till the day you may hit rock bottom.  Maybe that day will never come and you just settle or it comes and you’re riddled with stress.  Just align yourself with this and make it happen today.  I’m in your corner.

Which Vehicle To $10K Months Will You Place Your Trust In?

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Promised push button profits but only left you disappointed yet again, here’s the thing.  There’s no shortage of vehicles that can drive you towards the income goals you have set for yourself.  What’s your golden number you’d love to see coming your way like clockwork every single month:

  • $5k?
  • $10k?
  • $50k?

Have you got that number in your head?  What vehicle would you like to rely on to take you there?  Just like buying a car, there’s lot of choices.  You just have to determine the best option for you.

Is this making sense?  You have to consider how much time you want to invest each day in your business.  You have to consider you current skill set.  You have to have belief that you can successfully drive that vehicle.  For e.g. You may only want to work this business a max of 2 hours a day and you want to get to $10k months.  You want time freedom.  You want to keep it simple.  If you want to pick up a PDF or just about any course out there?  That’s like using a rusty ’73 Volkswagen Bug as your vehicle to place your trust in when a Hummer would’ve been much, much better suited for your plans.  Get this right and you’re off to the races.  I hope this helps you.

Myself, I like to leverage and place my personal trust in the “Hummer Funnel” online.  You are getting trained on how to mostly focus on just one step.  Yet, that can be bringing you in consistent $10k and up months, month after month.  Are you open to seeing if this may be a vehicle you can place your trust in too?  Plus, check out the generous trial.

Yes, show me the vehicle to getting up to $10k plus months by just focusing on one thing that’ll take around 1-2 hours a day. 

Choosing the right vehicle to use is critical.  If you want to do it all yourself?  Choose the bicycle route and get prepared to do lots of pedalling, falling over and learning how to balance yourself with likely little support.  I know I would choose this leveraged vehicle to $10k months.